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Integration Service のアクティビティ
Last updated 2024年10月7日


What is Context grounding?

Context grounding is a new UiPath® feature, part of the AI Trust Layer. It provides a mechanism to search and retrieve relevant context from data to ground prompts and guide more precise generations from large language models (LLMs) through UiPath GenAI features and products.

Why is Context grounding important?

Context grounding provides evidence via user-provided data to LLMs to influence their generations. This makes predictions more tailored to your use cases and data, rather than based on the general data upon which LLMs are trained. This allows both attended and unattended automations which leverage GenAI to be more accurate and precise.

How does Context grounding work?

Context grounding provides two services:

  • サービスとしてのマネージドベクターDB: データを埋め込み表現に簡単に変換できます。
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) as a Service: Context grounding queries data from various automation products, retrieves the most relevant results, and augments prompts with those results to ensure generations are more specific.

How do I use Context grounding?

You can use Context grounding through UiPath GenAI Activities.

  1. インデックスと取り込み (パブリック プレビュー): マネージド ベクター データベースと関連する埋め込みにインデックスを確立します。 作成されたインデックスは、実行時に RAG を照会できます。 次のことを行う必要があります。
    1. 共有 Orchestrator フォルダー内の Orchestrator バケット エンティティにデータをアップロードします。
  2. インデックスの削除 (パブリック プレビュー): テナントで作成したインデックスを削除します。
  3. Content Generation: This activity includes a parameter for Context grounding, with two options:
    1. 既存のインデックス: [インデックスと取り込み (パブリック プレビュー)] アクティビティで作成されたインデックス内のドキュメントに対してクエリを実行できます。
    2. ファイル リソース: インデックスを作成せずに、単一のファイル リソース変数 (1 つのドキュメント) を取り込んでクエリを実行できます。

Does Context grounding eliminate hallucinations?

No, but it does significantly reduce the likelihood of hallucinations because generations are based on information queried from user-provided data. By default, Context grounding provides a citation, or proof of knowledge, from which the generation was based. This means you can verify and validate the source. When Context grounding isn't able to find a highly confident corresponding answer in the provided data, it does not try to make up answers. Instead, it generates a response such as: "An answer could not be found".

Do I have access to Context grounding?

Context grounding is now available in preview. It is accessible to all tenants and organizations. Context grounding is only hosted in the United States and European Union regions. Data leveraged by Context grounding is limited to these two regions. Other UiPath regions will be routed to these two regions.

Do I have to pay for Context grounding?

Context grounding is free while the feature is in preview.

Is Context grounding only in the cloud?

Yes, Context grounding is only available in UiPath Automation CloudTM.

Where is Context grounding hosted in the cloud?

Context grounding is available in the United States and European Union regions of UiPath Automation CloudTM.

What types of data can I use in Context grounding?

Context grounding currently works with PDF, JSON, and CSV objects. Future releases will bring additional support for structured and unstructured data formats.

Can I import additional business data into Context grounding?

To leverage Context grounding, you need to import data into UiPath Orchestrator storage buckets (via direct upload, Studio activity, or API). You can then use Context grounding activities to ingest and index, and manage the queried data to ensure highly relevant results.

Is there a limit on the amount of data I can include in Context grounding?

プロンプトのグラウンディングに使用できるデータの制限は、モデル コンテキスト ウィンドウのトークン サイズの制限に基づきます。 RAG の実行に使用しているモデル (GenAI アクティビティなど) を参照して、潜在的なトークン制限のしきい値を決定します。

  • インデックスの制限: テナントごとに 10 個のインデックスの制限があります。 フォルダー間でのデータ漏洩を防ぎ、目的ごとに異なるユーザーがクエリする必要のあるデータを論理的に分離するために、データの取り込み元である Orchestrator バケット間に 1 対 1 の関係を維持することをお勧めします。 コンテキスト グラウンディングは、フォルダー承認アクセス許可を利用して、この推奨事項を適用します。
  • ストレージ: これらのインデックス全体またはインデックス内のストレージに制限はありません。 ただし、取り込まれるデータ量が非常に高いお客様には、いくつかの制限が課されます。

Is Context grounding the same as RAG?

Context grounding does provide a RAG service at runtime for UiPath GenAI experiences. However, it also provides a managed vector database as a service to help manage the data used at runtime. This guarantees a high-quality search and generated results.

Which UiPath products and services support Context grounding?

Context grounding is currently available as part of the UiPath GenAI Activities activity package. You can use the service as standalone activities or as parameters in the activity.

How is my data stored or shared with Context grounding?

All data shared with UiPath is treated with standard enterprise compliance, encryption, and security standards. This includes features like Context grounding. Context grounding is also part of the AI Trust Layer, which means your data is never stored outside of UiPath, nor is it used to train third-party models.


Context grounding is tenant-scoped and takes advantage of existing RBAC, AuthZ policies in UiPath, in addition to encrypting data at rest and in transit.

これはテナント スコープであるため、同じテナント内のインデックス間またはテナント間でデータが共有されることはありません。

How is Context grounding permissioned?

Context grounding is tenant-scoped. We support folder-level authorization in Orchestrator buckets, and Context grounding leverages existing authentication and Automation Ops policies applied to the GenAI Activities.

使用する LLM を動的に選択できますか?

In the UiPath GenAI activities you can select which LLM to use for executing the RAG portion that Context grounding supports. You can select any LLM available in the LLM Gateway (part of the UiPath AI Trust Layer). UiPath then manages the ingestion and semantic search strategies to optimize the generation.


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