Importante :
A tradução automática foi aplicada parcialmente neste conteúdo. A tradução dos pacotes de Conetores disponíveis no Integration Service é efetuada automaticamente.
Atividades do Integration Service
Last updated 26 de set de 2024

Análise de opinião


Analyze a given text to determine its sentiment, providing a detailed breakdown of positive, negative, and neutral elements, along with an overall sentiment score and analysis of undertones.

Compatibilidade do projeto

Windows | Multiplataforma


  • ID da conexão — a conexão estabelecida no Integration Service. Acesse o menu suspenso para escolher, adicionar ou gerenciar conexões.

  • Text - The text to be analyzed for sentiment. This field supports String type input.
Gerenciar propriedades

Use o assistente Gerenciar Propriedades para configurar ou usar qualquer um dos campos padrão ou personalizados do objeto. Você pode selecionar campos para adicioná-los à tela da atividade. Os campos padrão ou personalizados adicionados ficam disponíveis no painel Propriedades (no Studio Desktop) ou em Mostrar propriedades adicionais (no Studio Web).

Propriedades adicionais
  • Overall Sentiment - Contains the sentiment score and label:
    • Very Negative: -99 to -67
    • Negative: -66 to -34
    • Slightly Negative: -33 to -1
    • Neutral: 0
    • Slightly Positive: 1 to 33
    • Positive: 34 to 66
    • Very Positive: 67 to 99
  • Sentiment Breakdown - Counts of positive, negative, neutral, and total statements.
  • Confidence Level - The overall confidence level of the analysis.
  • Key Phrases - A string of key phrases identified in the sentiment analysis.
  • Analysis - Detailed explanation of the sentiment analysis.
  • Undertones - Subtle undertones detected in the text with their impact.
  • Sentiment Analysis - Automatically generated output variable.

Output JSON format:

  "overallSentiment": {
    "score": 0,
    "label": ""
  "sentimentBreakdown": {
    "positiveStatements": 0,
    "negativeStatements": 0,
    "neutralStatements": 0,
    "totalStatements": 0
  "confidenceLevel": 0,
  "keyPhrases": [
      "phrase": "",
      "sentiment": "",
      "confidence": 0
  "analysis": "",
  "undertones": [
      "description": "",
      "impact": ""
  "overallSentiment": {
    "score": 0,
    "label": ""
  "sentimentBreakdown": {
    "positiveStatements": 0,
    "negativeStatements": 0,
    "neutralStatements": 0,
    "totalStatements": 0
  "confidenceLevel": 0,
  "keyPhrases": [
      "phrase": "",
      "sentiment": "",
      "confidence": 0
  "analysis": "",
  "undertones": [
      "description": "",
      "impact": ""

Limitations and other considerations

  • The complexity and length of the input text may affect the accuracy of the analysis.

  • The system may have difficulties with highly context-dependent or culturally specific expressions.

  • Sarcasm, irony, and other forms of figurative language may pose challenges for accurate sentiment detection.

  • The system's performance may vary across different languages or dialects.

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