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Atividades do Integration Service

Última atualização 4 de mar de 2025

Notas de Versão


Data de lançamento: 18 de fevereiro de 2025

Version compatibility notice

This release doesn't include any improvements or fixes. We updated the package description displayed in Studio, to include details on how to get the latest version of Integration Service activities.

Use this version of the activity package only if you are on Studio Desktop 2023.4 or lower. If you are using Studio Desktop 2023.10 or higher, there's no need to install this version. Starting with Studio 2023.10, all Integration Service activities are delivered through the unified UiPath.IntegrationService.Activities package, as explained in Working with Integration Service activities. Starting with Studio 2025.0.161, it is even easier to access the latest version of Integration Service activities, because connectors are listed directly in the Manage Packages window. For details, see Managing Connectors in the Studio user guide.

Previous versions of this package are no longer listed in the Studio official feed, but they remain under the UiPath standard support policy for activity packages. Workflows using activities from unlisted versions will continue to work.


Data de lançamento: 20 de dezembro de 2021

Novos recursos e melhorias

Este pacote de atividades foi desenvolvido para funcionar em conjunto com o novo Integration Service. As atividades permitem que você execute várias operações em seus objetos do Dropbox for Business. Saiba mais sobre o serviço UiPath Integration Service aqui.

  • v5.0.2
  • Version compatibility notice
  • V3.0.0
  • Novos recursos e melhorias

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