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Activités Integration Service
Last updated 9 sept. 2024

Activités (Activities)

Le tableau suivant répertorie les activités incluses dans ce package.

Créer un contactCreate a contact in Xero.
Lister tous les contactsList all contacts in Xero.
Add Attachment to ContactAdd attachment to a contact.
Get Aged Payables by Contact ReportGet aged payables by contact report.
Get Aged Receivables by Contact ReportGet aged receivables by contact report.
Get Attachments of a ContactGet all attachments of a contact.
Get Balance Sheet ReportGet a balance sheet report.
Get Bank Summary ReportGet bank summary report.
Get BAS ReportRetrieve a BAS report by ID.
Get Budget Summary ReportGet a budget summary report.
Get Executive Summary ReportRetrieve an executive summary report.
Get GST ReportRetrieve a GST report by ID.
Get Profit and Loss ReportRetrieve profit and loss report.
Get Trial Balance ReportRetrieve trial balance reports.
Lister des rapportsList all GST and BAS reports.
Obtenir l'enregistrementRetrieves a record in Xero.
Delete RecordDeletes a record in Xero.
Insert RecordInsert a new record in Xero.
Lister tous les enregistrementsList all records in Xero.
Remplacer l'enregistrementReplace a record in Xero.

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