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Activités Integration Service
Dernière mise à jour 23 avr. 2024

Récupérer une feuille


Retrieve a sheet in Smartsheet.

Compatibilité du projet

Windows | Multiplate-forme


  • ID de connexion ( Connection ID) - La connexion établie dans Integration Service. Accédez au menu déroulant pour choisir, ajouter ou gérer des connexions.

  • Sheet - The ID of the sheet to be retrieved . Click the docs image icon to browse your Smartsheet files. This field supports String type input.
Gérer les propriétés

Utilisez l’assistant Gérer les propriétés (Manage Properties) pour configurer ou utiliser l’un des champs standard ou personnalisés de l’objet. Vous pouvez sélectionner des champs et les ajouter à la zone de dessin de l’activité. Les champs standard ou personnalisés ajoutés sont disponibles dans le panneau Propriétés (Properties) (dans Studio Desktop) ou sous Afficher les options supplémentaires ( Show additional options ) (dans Studio Web).

Options supplémentaires
  • Exclude - Optional elements to exclude from the response. Select elements from the available drop-down list:
    • Filtered out rows - Excludes filtered out rows from response payload if a sheet filter is applied; includes total number of filtered rows.
    • Link in from cell details - Excludes the following attributes from the cell.linkInFromCell object: columnId, rowId, status.
    • Links out to cell details - Excludes the following attributes from the cell.linksOutToCells object: columnId, rowId, status.
    • Non existent cells - Excludes cells that have never contained any data.
  • Include - Optional elements to include in the response. Select elements from the available drop-down list:
    • Attachments - Includes the metadata for sheet-level and row-level attachments. To include discussion attachments, both attachments and discussions must be present in the include list.
    • Column type - Includes columnType attribute in the row's cells indicating the type of the column the cell resides in.
    • Cross sheet references
    • Discussions - Includes sheet-level and row-level discussions. To include discussion attachments, both attachments and discussions must be present in the include list.
    • Filters - Includes filteredOut attribute indicating if the row should be displayed or hidden according to the sheet's filters.
    • Filter definitions - Includes type of filter, operators used, and criteria.
    • Format - Includes column, row, cell, and summary fields formatting.
    • Gantt config - Includes Gantt chart details.
    • Object value - When used in combination with a level query parameter, includes the email addresses for multi-contact data.
    • Owner info - Includes the workspace and the owner's email address and user ID.
    • Row permalink - Includes permalink attribute that represents a direct link to the row in the Smartsheet application.
    • Source - adds the Source object indicating which report, sheet Sight (aka dashboard), or template the sheet was created from, if any.
    • Writer info - Includes createdBy and modifiedBy attributes on the row or summary fields, indicating the row or summary field's creator, and last modifier.
  • Rows modified since - Filter to return rows that have been modified since the date/time provided. Use the calendar widget to select a date. This field supports DateTimeOffset type input.
  • Sheets - Automatically generated output variable.
  • Description
  • Compatibilité du projet
  • Configuration

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