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Integration Service Activities
Last updated Apr 23, 2024

Send Reply



Sends a reply to a message in a channel.

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the drop-down menu to choose, add or manage connections. This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Channel - Type the name or ID of the public or private channel and select from the drop-down. If channel is not found in the drop-down, you can first scroll the drop-down till the bottom to get all the available channels and then type the channel or retrieve the channel name from Slack application -> Right click on that channel -> Click on "Copy" -> Click on "Copy name" -> Pass the copied channel name without "#"
  • Message Timestamp - The timestamp (message ID) of the message to reply to. The timestamp can be retrieved from the output of the Send Message to Channel activity or from the message/thread URL (More actions > Copy link) in the Slack. In case the URL doesn’t have thread_ts and let's say the URL retrieved is, then thread_ts it can be retrieved by adding . after the 10th digit of the trailing ID (starting after p). So, for the above example, the thread_ts would be 1667548719.250469.
  • Message - The formatted text of the message to be sent.
    Note: All the markdown formatting options are supported.
  • Send as - Specifies whether to send the message as the App bot by using a bot token or as yourself by using the user token.
  • Message fields - Enter field/values in the following format: field1:value;field2:value. These fields are displayed below the main section text in a 2-column format. You can also enter variables such as ID, name, event trigger output etc. This field supports String type input.
  • Buttons actions - Button action properties in comma-separated format: action ID (required), action name (required), style (primary/danger), confirmation title, confirm ok title, confirm deny title. A maximum of five button actions separated by ; can be provided. For example: action1,Approve,primary;action2,Reject,danger;Confirm,Sure?,Yes,No. All action properties (except style) are customer/user defined. Action names IDs must be unique among buttons. Confirmation title, text, ok title, deny title must be used together. This field supports String type input.
  • Image URL - The URL of the secondary image attachment can be shared as part of the message. The image will always be at the bottom of the entire message block. This field supports String type input.

Manage Properties Wizard

The Manage Properties Wizard can be used to configure or use any of the object’s standard or custom fields by selecting and adding them to the activity canvas. The added standard/custom fields are available in the Properties panel (in Studio Desktop) or under Additional options (in Studio Web).



  • Formatting options (parse) - Change how messages are treated. Pass “none” for removing hyperlinks and pass “full” to ignore slack’s default formatting.
  • Link names - Specifies whether to link and mention all the user groups automatically if the respective names are mentioned in the text message.
  • Unfurl links - Specifies whether to display the preview of the links mentioned in the text message.
  • Reply broadcast - Specifies whether the reply should be made visible to everyone in the channel or the conversation. By default, this field is set to false.
  • Bot name - Only supported with “Bot Token” connection. Customize the bot’s user name while sending messages. The bot name will be defaulted to “UiPath” if nothing is passed.
  • Bot icon - Only supported with “Bot Token” connection. Customize the bot’s icon with an emoji available in the workspace. For example, ":chart_with_upwards_trend:". If we provide an emoji that is not available in the workspace, it will be ignored.


  • Message Timestamp - The timestamp (message ID) of the sent message.
  • Conversation reply - The output send reply.


You can provide the following input for Buttons actions and Message fields:

The final Slack button message will look as follows:

When you click the Reject button, a confirmation dialog box is displayed:

You can configure the response to the above button clicks in a separate workflow using the Button Clicked event. To ensure the button is clicked only once, use Send Button Response in the workflow along with Button Clicked to replace or delete the button message after first click.

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