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Integration Service Activities
Last updated Apr 23, 2024

Create List



Uses the Creating a list - POST API to create a list in Campaign Monitor.

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • ConnectionId - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the drop-down menu to choose, add or manage connections. This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Client - The ID of the client for whom the list should be created. Typing at least 3 characters of the name enables you to select the client or custom client ID from a drop-down list. This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Name - The title or name of the list. This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Unsubscribe setting - The unsubscribe setting for the list. From the drop-down menu, choose one of two options: AllClientLists or OnlyThisList. When someone unsubscribes from this list, they're also unsubscribed from all the client's lists if AllClientLists is selected. This field supports only strings or String variables.

Advanced options


  • Unsubscribe page - The unsubscribe page for the list. The URL containing the HTML content to be shown after someone unsubscribes. For example, This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Confirmation success page - The confirmation success page for the list. The URL containing the HTML content to be shown after successful confirmation. For example, This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Confirmed optIn - Whether the list subscribers have confirmed OptIn or not. This field supports only Boolean values. The default value is False.


  • List ID - The output list ID. The ID can also be retrieved from the application by navigating to the Lists & Subscribers > list_name > Settings > List API ID. This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Advanced options

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