Integration Service Activities
Last updated Oct 17, 2024

Asynchronous conversion

Applications: Google Speech-to-Text, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Cloud Platform

Description: Convert an audio file to text using Google Speech-to-Text.


  1. Let's say the audio file you want to convert is uploaded to a Microsoft OneDrive & SharePoint folder. Therefore, you can start your process with a File Created trigger.

    docs image

    Note: You can retrieve files from any source, such as Google Drive, Box, Dropbox etc.
  2. Next, use a Google Cloud Platform Get Bucket activity. This retrieves the details for the bucket where you can then upload the audio file.

    docs image

  3. Add a Google Cloud Platform Upload Object from File activity to upload the audio file (retrieved from the trigger's output) to the bucket.
  4. Next, add a Get Object activity. You now use the Bucket and Object name fields to construct the Google Cloud Storage URI which you'll use in the following activity.
    This URI should start with gs://.

    docs image

  5. Add a Convert Speech to Text Asynchronously activity.
    This activity outputs a Job ID which you will use in a later step.

    docs image

  6. Add a Do While activity and set the following condition: Status<>"success" (i.e., status is not "success").

    docs image

    1. Inside the Do While, add a Delay activity to regularly check if the job has been performed successfully, or failed, or is pending.
    2. Add a Get Conversion Status by Job ID and input the job ID you retrieved from the output of Convert Speech to Text Asynchronously.
      Because you are using a ten-second delay, this means every ten seconds Studio checks the job status.
    3. Add a Write Line activity to register the status from Get Conversion Status by Job ID. Once the status is received as "success", the workflow moves on to the next step.
    4. Add a Get Converted Text by Job ID activity and input the same job ID retrieved from the output of Convert Speech to Text Asynchronously.

      docs image

    5. Add a Write Line to output the text retrieved using Get Converted Text by Job ID.

      This example shows how the status changes and the text is retrieved using Write Line.

  • Workflow

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