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Integration Service Activities
Last updated Apr 23, 2024

Technical References


When using certain activities from the UiPath.HubspotCRM.IntegrationService.Activities pack, such as Get, List All Records, List Records or Find First Record, you can filter results with the help of the following operators:
  • HAS_PROPERTY - Should be used when you want to filter records based on a field having a value or not. For example, if you want to return records where first name field has a value, you will have to mention firstname within the HAS_PROPERTY field.
  • NOT_HAS_PROPERTY - Should be used when you want to filter records based on a field not having a value. For example, if you want to return records where first name field does not have a value, you will have to mention firstname within the HAS_PROPERTY field.
  • CONTAINS_TOKEN - Should be used when you want to return records for which a value does not exist. For example, if you want to return records where the value Howdy exists, you will have to type in Howdy or just How within the CONTAINS_TOKEN field.
  • NOT_CONTAINS_TOKEN - Should be used when you want to return records where a value does not exist. For example, if you want to return records where value "Howdy" does not exist, you will have to type in "Howdy" or just How within the CONTAINS_TOKEN field.

For more details, visit the Hubspot API docs.

  • Overview

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