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Integration Service Activities
Last updated Apr 23, 2024

Update Employee



Updates a basic employee record in BambooHR.

Project Compatibility



  • Employee ID - Select the employee from the dropdown or pass a custom employee ID. ID can also be retrieved from the output of event trigger or Create Employee.
  • First name - The first name of the employee.
  • Last name - The last name of the employee.
  • Address line 1 - The address line1 of the employee.
  • City - The city of the employee.
  • Zip code - The zip code of the employee.
  • Country - The country of the employee.

    The value must be correct and from the list of countries supported by Bamboo in the New Employee form of the application.

  • Work email - The work email of the employee.
  • Work phone - The work phone of the employee.
  • Mobile phone - The mobile phone of the employee.
  • Reporting to - The reporting manager of the employee.
  • Location - The location of the employee.

    The values are customized and need to be setup in your account under Settings > Employee Fields before using them here. Some sample values can be Remote Worker or Sydney, Australia etc.

    More information on how to setup the values can be found here.

  • Job title - The job title of the employee.

    The values are customized and need to be setup in your account under Settings > Employee Fields before using them here. Some sample values can be Accountant, CEO etc.

    More information on how to setup the values can be found here.

  • Department - The department of the employee.

    The values are customized and need to be setup in your account under Settings > Employee Fields before using them here. Some sample values can be IT, Marketing etc.

    More information on how to setup the values can be found here.

  • Employee number - The employee number of the employee.
  • Status - The status of the employee.

    The values are customized and need to be setup in your account under Settings > Employee Fields before using them here. It can take values of Active or Inactive.

    More information on how to setup the values can be found here.

  • Date of birth - The date of birth of the employee.
  • Hire date - The hire date of the employee.
  • Pay type - The pay type of the employee.

    The values are customized and need to be setup in your account under Settings > Employee Fields before using them here.

    Sample values can be "Hourly", "Salary" etc.

    More information on how to setup the values can be found here.

  • Pay group - The pay group of the employee.

    The values are customized and need to be setup in your account under Settings > Employee Fields before using them here.

    More information on how to setup the values can be found here.

  • Pay rate - The pay rate of the employee.
  • Compensation change reason - The compensation change reason for the employee. The values are customized and need to be setup in your account under Settings > Employee Field before using here.

    Sample values can be "Promotion", "Relocated" etc.

  • Pay rate effective date - The effective date of the pay rate of the employee.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity. This field supports only strings or String variables.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • ResponseStatus - The status of the request (success/failure information). Enter a ResponseStatus variable (UiPath.BAF.Models.ResponseStatus). The ResponseStatus object includes three properties that you can use in other activities.
    • Success - Boolean - Specifies whether the API request was successful.
    • ErrorCode - String - The response error if the API request is unsuccessful (Success=False).
    • Message - String - The error message.
  • Description
  • Project Compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Properties

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