Integration Service Activities
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Using the Search activity

The Zendesk Search activity facilitates searching across four objects: Tickets, Users, Groups, and Organizations. This page illustrates how to utilize the Query.

Searching Tickets

In this example, the search queries for tickets assigned to a specific user, with ticket status marked as pending, and search type set as ticket.

Optionally, you can sort the results using the Sort by and Sort order fields.

The activity's output features properties common to all supported objects in the Search or the most crucial ones.

To obtain comprehensive details, use a Get Record activity as a next step. For example, use Get Record to print the Subject of the first ticket result.

To learn more about Zendesk Search Ticket property keywords, see this Zendesk support page.

Searching users

In this example, the search involves querying for a particular user using a provided email address and subsequently displaying both the Name and ID of the identified user.

To learn more about Zendesk Search User property keywords, see this Zendesk support page.

  • Searching Tickets
  • Searching users

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