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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Feb 14, 2025

List All Records



List all the records of an object in Concur.

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections. This field supports strings or String variables.
  • Select object - Select an object from the dropdown menu and configure the listed properties. The supported objects for this activity are:

List All Records for the Reports Object

The List All Records activity retrieves reports with configurable filters and a record limit that you define.

You can use the filter builder or the Where field to filter results retrieved directly from Concur.

Using the filter builder

The following fields are available options when using the filter builder:

Filter propertyUsage
Approval status codeThe status code for the Approval Status of the report. The values can include Concur Expense standard codes or custom codes. You can pass any of the Concur Expense standard codes for this:
  • A_AAFH - Report submission triggered an anomaly and fraud check;
  • A_ACCO - Report is pending reviews;
  • A_APPR - Report has been approved;
  • A_EXTV - Report is pending external validation;
  • A_FILE - Report has been submitted;
  • A_NOTF - Report has not been submitted;
  • A_PBDG - Report approval is pending Budget approval;
  • A_PECO - Report approval is pending Cost object approval;
  • A_PEND - Report is pending manager approval;
  • A_PVAL - Report is pending prepayment validation;
  • A_RESU - Report needs to be resubmitted;
  • A_RHLD - Report submission is pending receipt images;
  • A_TEXP - Report expired in approval queue.
    Note: For entering custom codes, please contact Concur Developer Support.
Approver login IDThe login ID for the report approver that is the current approver assigned to the report.
Country codeStatic enumerable values that defines the report country. Example: United States is US.
Created dateThe report create date is either (before or equals), or (after or equals) entered date.
Currency codeStatic enumerable values that defines the report currency code. Example: United States is USD.
Last modified dateThe latest modified date of the report. It is either <= (before or equal) or >= (after or equal) the entered date.
Paid dateThe report paid date is either <= (before or equal) or >= (after or equal) the entered date.
Payment status code

Static enumerable values that defines the status of the payment.

  • P_HOLD - Report payment is on hold
  • P_NOTP - Report has not been paid
  • P_PAID - Report has been paid
  • P_PAYC - Payment is confirmed. Some or all of the report expenses have been paid
  • P_PROC - Report is in process to be paid
Processing payment dateThe date that the report completed all approvals and was ready to be extracted for payment. It is either <= (before or equal) or >= (after or equals) the entered date.
Submitted dateThe submit date of the report is either <= (before or equal) or >= (after or equals) the entered date.
User defined dateThe user defined date is either <= (before or equal) or >= (after or equals) the entered date.

Using the Where clause

Advanced users who want to build their own queries can use the Where clause. This requires following the API documentation.

For example, let's take the following scenario: you want to use the Where clause to filter out all reports with an Approval Status Code of A_APPR. To do this:
  1. See the parameter names from SAP Concur Developer Center | Reports v3.
  2. Copy the approvalStatusCode and the code, A_APPR in this case.
    docs image
  3. In the List All Records activity, in the Where field, click the Plus button menu to select Set using an Expression, and enter:"approvalStatusCode='A_APPR'".
    docs image
Note: The WHERE clause uses string inputs, which must be wrapped between within "".

Using other additional parameters

Filter PropertyUsage
Attendee type codeThe report contains expense entries that have attendees of the specified type and can be fetched using combination of List all records and Attendee type object.
Vendor name The Vendor Description that is the vendor for at least one expense entry in the report.
Entry transaction date afterThe entry transaction date for at least one expense entry in the report is after this date. Accepted formats: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS.
Entry transaction date beforeThe entry transaction date for at least one expense entry in the report is before this date. Accepted formats: yyyy-MM-dd or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS.
Expense group config IDThe unique identifier for the expense group configuration associated to the report’s expense group. Use the ID from the output of the List All Records with Expense group configurations.
Expense type codeThe expense type code that is the expense type for at least one expense entry in the report. Use ExpenseTypeCode from the output of List All Records with Expense group configurations.
Has attendeesDetermines if the report has at least one expense entry with an attendee. Boolean value.
Has billable expensesThe IsBillable flag for at least one expense entry in the report. Boolean value.
Has imagesDetermines if the report has at least one expense entry with an entry image or if there is a report image for this report. Boolean value.
Has vatDetermines if the report has at least one expense entry with VAT details. Boolean value.
Is test userThe report owner is a test user using the report for testing purposes in a non-production environment. Boolean value.
Payment typeThe unique identifier for the payment type that is the payment type for at least one expense entry in the report. Use PaymentTypeID from the output of List All Records with Expense group configurations to obtain valid payment types.
UserProvide the email address of the user who create or raised the report. If not provided, it will return the reports of the authenticated user.You must have Web Service Admin role to use this parameter for another user.

Custom field values

Concur supports a maximum of 20 custom fields for its accounts.

To deduce the value coming from a custom field, the Display name and Value of custom fields are exposed as separate properties, so that you can understand what Custom 1 field represents in the Concur UI and what its value might be, if you want to use it further down in your automation.

  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • List All Records for the Reports Object
  • Using the filter builder
  • Using the Where clause
  • Custom field values

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