Integration Service Activities
Last updated Sep 9, 2024

Create Customer



Creates a customer in QuickBooks Online.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-Platform


  • Display Name - The customer's name.
  • Customer Company Name - The customer's company name.
  • Email Address - The customer's email address.
  • Phone Number - The customer's phone number.
  • Customer Type - Customer type. Use the Find button to open the Get customer type search window.
  • Payment method - Preferred payment method. Use the Find button to open the Get payment method search window.
  • Customer - Includes the customer returned.


  • Billing Address Line 1 - The first line of the billing address.
  • Billing Address City - The city provided for the billing address.
  • Billing Address Zip Code - The zip code provided for the billing address.
  • Billing Address State/Province Code - The state or province code provided for the billing address.
  • Billing Address Country - The country provided for the billing address.
  • Shipping Address Line 1 - The first line of the shipping address.
  • Shipping Address City - The city provided for the shipping address.
  • Shipping Address Zip Code - The zip code provided for the shipping address.
  • Shipping Address State/Province Code - The state or province code provided for the shipping address.
  • Shipping Address Country - The country provided for the shipping address.
  • Is Taxable Customer - Set this property to True if this customer is taxable. This field supports only Boolean variables.
  • Customer Notes - Specify any customer notes. This field supports String type input.
  • Job - If set to true, this is a Job or sub-customer and Parent customer needs to be passed. If set to false or null, this is a top level customer, not a job or sub-customer.
  • Bill With Parent - Parent customer reference. Use the Find button to open the Get customers search window. If a value is passed here, then the Job property must be set to true.
  • Default Tax Code - Customer default tax code. Use the Find button to open the Get tax code search window.
  • Currency - Customer currency reference. Use the Find button to open the Get currency search window.
  • Sales Term - Sales terms reference. Use the Find button to open the Get term search window.
  • Is Active Customer - Set this property to True if this customer is an active one.


  • Customer ID - The Customer ID.
  • Sync token - The sync token for a record is used to ensure that it is locked for use by one app at a time and prevents modifications with older versions, guaranteeing that only the latest version is preserved.
  • Customer - The Customer.
  • Description
  • Project Compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Advanced

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