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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Mar 12, 2025

Annotate File


This activity uses the Google Cloud Vision Annotate API to annotate a file.

In the body of the activity

The following properties are located inside the body of the activity:

  • File Resource - Used to store a file in a remote application. Accepts input as IResource.
  • File - The file to upload.
  • Google Cloud Storage URI - The Google Cloud Storage URI, of the form gs://bucket_name/object_name.
  • Analysis Type - The analysis type. Options available in the drop-down are:

    • FaceDetection - Returns a faceAnnotation JSON response that includes the identified faces positional and sentiment information. For more information, see Detecting faces in the Google Cloud documentation.
    • LandmarkDetection - Returns a landmarkAnnotations JSON response that includes the image landmarks and their geographical position. For more information, see Detecting landmarks in the Google Cloud documentation.
    • LogoDetection - Returns a logoAnnotations JSON response that includes the identified company logos. For more information, see Detecting logos in the Google Cloud documentation.
    • LabelDetection - Returns a logoAnnotations JSON response that includes the identified generated labels. For more information, see Detecting labels in the Google Cloud documentation.
    • TextDetection - Returns a TextAnnotation JSON response that that includes the identified text description and position. For more information, see Detecting text in the Google Cloud documentation.
    • SafeSearchDetection - Returns a safeSearchAnnotation JSON response that specifies whether the image has adult, medical, or violent content. For more information, see Detecting safe search in the Google Cloud documentation.
    • WebDetection - Returns a webDetection JSON response that describes similar images on the web. For more information, see Detecting web in the Google Cloud documentation.
    • ImageProperties - Returns an imagePropertiesAnnotation JSON response that describes image properties (e.g., dominant colors). For more information, see Detecting properties in the Google Cloud documentation.
    • CropHints - Returns a cropHintsAnnotation JSON response that describes the most relevant region of the image. For more information, see Detecting crop hints in the Google Cloud documentation.
  • Max Results - The maximum number of results for this analysis type to be returned.
  • Response - The response of an annotation request. For details, see AnnotateImageResponse.


  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity. This field supports String type input.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • ResponseStatus - The status of the request (success/failure information). Enter a ResponseStatus variable (UiPath.BAF.Models.ResponseStatus). The ResponseStatus object includes three properties that you can use in other activities.
    • Success - Boolean - Specifies whether the API request was successful.
    • ErrorCode - String - The response error if the API request is unsuccessful (Success=False).
    • Message - String - The error message.

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