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Integration Service Activities

Last updated Mar 12, 2025

Create Contact


Creates a contact in Constant Contact.

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection ID - The connection established in Integration Service. Access the dropdown menu to choose, add, or manage connections.

  • Email - The email of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Create source - Describes who added the contact. Select an option from the drop-down list: Account, Contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Lists - Type the name or custom list ID to add the contact to the subscription list. Multiple list IDs can also be provided in comma-separated format. Use List All RecordsContact Lists with filter on name to retrieve the list ID of a particular list. This field supports String type input.
  • First name - The first name of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Last name - The last name of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Permission to send email - Identifies the type of permission that the Constant Contact account has been granted to send email to the contact. Select an option from the available drop-down list: Implicit, Explicit, Pending_confirmation, Temp_hold, Not_set.
  • Company name - The name of the company to which the contact belongs. This field supports String type input.
Manage Properties

Use the Manage Properties wizard to configure or use any of the object's standard or custom fields. You can select fields to add them to the activity canvas. The added standard or custom fields are available in the Properties panel (in Studio Desktop) or under Show additional properties (in Studio Web).

Additional properties
  • Job title - The job title of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Phone number - The main phone number of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Phone type - The kind of the main phone number of the contact. Select an option from the available drop-down list: Home, Work, Mobile, Other.
  • Address street - The street address of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Address city - The city of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • State - The state of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Address postal code - The postal code of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Address country - The country of the contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Address type - The type of address. Choose one of three options from the drop-down: Home, Work, Other.
  • Contact ID - The ID of the new contact. This field supports String type input.
  • Contact ID - Automatically generated output variable.
  • Contact - Automatically generated output variable.

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