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最終更新日時 2024年12月6日

リトライ スコープ




  • The and Retry Scope activities are not supported and do not work properly when used in the Main workflow of an Orchestration Process. In such cases, they should be placed inside a No Persist Scope activity.

プロジェクトの対応 OS

Windows - レガシ | Windows | クロスプラットフォーム

Windows - レガシ、Windows での設定

デザイナー パネル
  • アクション - 再実行するアクティビティをこのセクションに追加します。
  • 条件 - このセクションに条件アクティビティを追加します。

    たとえば、UI 要素の指定に失敗した場合にスムーズにリトライするには、UI Automation モダンの [アプリのステートを確認] アクティビティ、またはそれに対応するクラシック アクティビティ [要素の存在を確認] を条件として使用し、再度アプリケーションを開いて UI 要素を検索するようにします。

プロパティ パネル
  • Continue On Error - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank, an error is thrown, or the number of retries is exceeded, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.

    注: このアクティビティが [トライ キャッチ] に含まれていて、[エラー発生時に実行を継続] プロパティの値が True の場合、プロジェクトが実行されたときにエラーは発生しません。
  • 表示名 - アクティビティの表示名です。

  • プライベート - オンにした場合、変数および引数の値が Verbose レベルでログに出力されなくなります。


  • Number Of Retries - The number of times that the sequence is to be retried.
  • Retry Interval - Specifies the amount of time between each retry.


デザイナー パネル
  • ActivityBody - Add activities to be re-executed in this section.
  • 条件 - このセクションに条件アクティビティを追加します。

    たとえば、UI 要素の指定に失敗した場合にスムーズにリトライするには、UI Automation モダンの [アプリのステートを確認] アクティビティを条件として使用し、再度アプリケーションを開いて UI 要素を検索するようにします。

  • Continue On Error - Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False). The default value is False. As a result, if the field is blank, an error is thrown, or the number of retries is exceeded, the execution of the project stops. If the value is set to True, the execution of the project continues regardless of any error.

    注: このアクティビティが [トライ キャッチ] に含まれていて、[エラー発生時に実行を継続] プロパティの値が True の場合、プロジェクトが実行されたときにエラーは発生しません。


  • Number Of Retries - The number of times that the sequence is to be retried.
  • Retry Interval - Specifies the amount of time between each retry.

Example of using the Retry Scope activity in Windows projects

The Retry Scope activity is used for catching and handling an error, which is why it’s similar to the Try Catch one.

The following workflow attempts to open the Notepad window 3 times and uses the condition set in the Retry Scope activity to stop the loop:

  • If the value of the Random variable is different than zero three times in a row, the “Notepad Window failed to start” message is displayed every time and the entire workflow fails with the “Notepad failed to start” error. The second message is the one you added in the Throw activity.

  • If the value of the Random variable is zero, the Robot opens Notepad and because the condition of this loop is to find the Notepad window, the workflow is successfully completed.

  1. 新しいシーケンスを作成し、[リトライ スコープ] アクティビティを追加します。
  2. In the Properties panel, set the value 3 for the Number Of Retries, and set the value 5 for Retry Interval. This means that we attempt to open the Notepad window three times and the interval between tries is five seconds.
  3. In the Action section, add an Assign activity:
    1. In the Save to field of the Assign activity, create a variable and name it "Random".
    2. In the Value to save field, write the following expression:

      (Now.Millisecond Mod 5).ToString()(Now.Millisecond Mod 5).ToString()
      docs image
  4. In the Action section, add an If activity.
    1. In the Condition field, add the following expression, where "Random" is the previously created variable. The expression checks if the variable value is different than zero:
      Random <> "0"Random <> "0"
    2. In the Then section of the If activity:
      • Add a Message box activity with the following Text: “Notepad Window failed to start”.
      • Under the Message Box, add a Throw activity, and provide the following expression in the Exception field:
        New System.Exception(“Notepad failed to start”)New System.Exception(“Notepad failed to start”)

        These activities execute when the condition is true.

      docs image
    3. In the Else section of the If activity:

      • Add an Open Application activity and indicate the Notepad application on the screen. Make sure the FileName field contains the full path to the Notepad executable file on your device.

        This activity executes when the condition is false.

      docs image
  5. To exit the loop, in the Condition section of Retry Scope activity, add a Check App State activity and indicate the Notepad window.

    docs image


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