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Last updated 2 sept. 2024

Détails de la catégorie

Détails de la catégorie

Vous trouverez ci-dessous une description détaillée des informations consignées pour chaque catégorie.

informations de la catégorie

Pour chaque catégorie, le fichier journal contient :

  • Nom de la catégorie
  • Premier niveau indiquant la tâche connexe
  • Niveaux plus profonds pour chaque champ de l'entrée de journal

Authentification par catégorie

    * End-user login
            * success
            * targetId
            * userName
            * organization
    * Superadmin login
            * success
            * targetId
            * userName
    * Change password
            * (no additional information logged)
    * Get session info
            * tabId
            * user
            * authData
            * url
            * userAgentAuthentication
    * End-user login
            * success
            * targetId
            * userName
            * organization
    * Superadmin login
            * success
            * targetId
            * userName
    * Change password
            * (no additional information logged)
    * Get session info
            * tabId
            * user
            * authData
            * url
            * userAgent

Accès aux données de catégorie

Data access
     * Upload dataset
            * dataset
    * Download file
            * filename
    * Download dataset
            * dataset
    * Delete dataset
            * dataset
    * Upload server data
            * file
    * Delete server data
            * file
    * Edit server data
            * file
    * Duplicate server data
            * old
            * new
    * Rename server data
            * old
            * new
    * Open application
            * environment
            * workspace
            * dataset
            * application
            * runId
            * release
                * id
    * Reload table data
            * table
                * name
                * uid
            * live
    * Generate cache
            * environment
            * release
                * id
            * workspace
            * dataset
            * application
            * organization
            * loadData
  * Export input data set
      * dataset
      * anonymize
      * mode
          * normal
        * download
      * exportName
       * Rename dataset
              * old dataset name
              * new dataset nameData access
     * Upload dataset
            * dataset
    * Download file
            * filename
    * Download dataset
            * dataset
    * Delete dataset
            * dataset
    * Upload server data
            * file
    * Delete server data
            * file
    * Edit server data
            * file
    * Duplicate server data
            * old
            * new
    * Rename server data
            * old
            * new
    * Open application
            * environment
            * workspace
            * dataset
            * application
            * runId
            * release
                * id
    * Reload table data
            * table
                * name
                * uid
            * live
    * Generate cache
            * environment
            * release
                * id
            * workspace
            * dataset
            * application
            * organization
            * loadData
  * Export input data set
      * dataset
      * anonymize
      * mode
          * normal
        * download
      * exportName
       * Rename dataset
              * old dataset name
              * new dataset name

Catégorie Gestion des utilisateurs finaux

End-user management
    * Add user
        * targetId
        * userName
    * Delete user
        * targetId
        * userNname
    * Admin change password
        * targetId
        * userName
    * Reset end-user password
        * targetId
         * userNname
    * Invite user
        * targetId
        * userName
    * Execute authentication query
        * query
    * Add group
        * targetId
    * Delete group
        * targetId
        * userNameEnd-user management
    * Add user
        * targetId
        * userName
    * Delete user
        * targetId
        * userNname
    * Admin change password
        * targetId
        * userName
    * Reset end-user password
        * targetId
         * userNname
    * Invite user
        * targetId
        * userName
    * Execute authentication query
        * query
    * Add group
        * targetId
    * Delete group
        * targetId
        * userName

Erreurs de catégorie

    * Invalid session
        * message
        * query
    * Internal server error
        * message
        * query
    * Commandline
        * message
        * argumentsErrors
    * Invalid session
        * message
        * query
    * Internal server error
        * message
        * query
    * Commandline
        * message
        * arguments

Exportations de catégorie

  * Send mail
        * settings
            * smtp
            * username
            * password
            * from
            * port
        * email
            * to
            * subject
            * body
    * Open website
        * url
    * Export data
        * dashboardItemId
        * attributes
        * type
    * Export PDF
        * dashboardItemId
    * Export BPMN
        * dashboardItemId
    * Export image
        * dashboardItemId
    * Export table
        * dashboardItemId
    * Export message
        * action
        * node
        * dashboardItemId
    * Send to Automation Hub
        * dashboardItemIdExports
  * Send mail
        * settings
            * smtp
            * username
            * password
            * from
            * port
        * email
            * to
            * subject
            * body
    * Open website
        * url
    * Export data
        * dashboardItemId
        * attributes
        * type
    * Export PDF
        * dashboardItemId
    * Export BPMN
        * dashboardItemId
    * Export image
        * dashboardItemId
    * Export table
        * dashboardItemId
    * Export message
        * action
        * node
        * dashboardItemId
    * Send to Automation Hub
        * dashboardItemId

Version de catégorie

  * Activate application release
            * environment
            * old
                    * id
                    * name
            * new
                    * id
                    * name
    * Download application release
            * release
                * id
                * name
    * Create application release
            * release
                * id
                * name
            * source
                * remote
                * branch
                * revision
                * author
    * Import application release
            * release
                * id
                * name
            * source
                * remote
                * branch
                * revision
                * author
    * Upload application release
            * release
                * id
                * name
            * source
                * remote
                * branch
                * revision
                * author
    * Delete application release
            * release
                * id
                * nameRelease
  * Activate application release
            * environment
            * old
                    * id
                    * name
            * new
                    * id
                    * name
    * Download application release
            * release
                * id
                * name
    * Create application release
            * release
                * id
                * name
            * source
                * remote
                * branch
                * revision
                * author
    * Import application release
            * release
                * id
                * name
            * source
                * remote
                * branch
                * revision
                * author
    * Upload application release
            * release
                * id
                * name
            * source
                * remote
                * branch
                * revision
                * author
    * Delete application release
            * release
                * id
                * name

Catégorie Licence

* Upload license
            * old
                * licensedTo
                * validTo
                * expired
                * features
                * dataServer
                * designer
                * endUserUi
                * generate
                * limits
                * endUsersSoftCap
                * designerSoftCap
                * endUsersHardCap
                * designersHardCap
            * new
                * licensedTo
                * validTo
                * expired
                * features
                * dataServer
                * designer
                * endUserUi
                * generate
                * limits
                * endUsersSoftCap
                * designerSoftCap
                * endUsersHardCap
                * designersHardCapLicense
* Upload license
            * old
                * licensedTo
                * validTo
                * expired
                * features
                * dataServer
                * designer
                * endUserUi
                * generate
                * limits
                * endUsersSoftCap
                * designerSoftCap
                * endUsersHardCap
                * designersHardCap
            * new
                * licensedTo
                * validTo
                * expired
                * features
                * dataServer
                * designer
                * endUserUi
                * generate
                * limits
                * endUsersSoftCap
                * designerSoftCap
                * endUsersHardCap
                * designersHardCap

Gestion des Superadmins de catégorie

Superadmin management
    * Add superadmin
        * targetId
         * userName
    * Delete superadmin
        * targetId
    * Change superadmin password
        * targetId
    * Add group
        * targetId
    * Delete group
        * targetIdSuperadmin management
    * Add superadmin
        * targetId
         * userName
    * Delete superadmin
        * targetId
    * Change superadmin password
        * targetId
    * Add group
        * targetId
    * Delete group
        * targetId

Paramètres de catégorie

    * Change server settings
        * old (text)
        * new (text)
    * Change remotes
        * old (text)
        * new (text)Settings
    * Change server settings
        * old (text)
        * new (text)
    * Change remotes
        * old (text)
        * new (text)

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