Process Mining
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Last updated Sep 2, 2024

The Settings tab


In the Settings tab, you can add or change Server Settings to adapt your server configuration. Moreover, in the Settings tab, you can manage Repositories used for app development.

Server Settings

Server Settings are global settings. This means that all builds on a UiPath Process Mining installation server use the same server settings, regardless of their version.

By default, the server is configured as strict as possible. In the Server Settings field of the Settings tab, you can make changes to the server configuration. These settings are noted in JSON.

See the illustration below.

Below is an overview of the available Server Settings.


Enables you to ...


determine which IPs are allowed to access this instance without HTTPS.


to specify if end-users and Superadmin users are automatically logged in using the current active SSO method.

The possible values are:

  • none
  • enduser
  • superadmin
  • both
The default value is none.
Note: Make sure SSO works correctly before enabling autologin. Enabling autologin when SSO is not set up correctly can make it impossible for users affected by the autologin setting to log in.


specify then number of days after which cache files for developer workspaces are automatically deleted.


specify a token used to send automation ideas to UiPath Automation Hub.


specify URL to the Automation Hub instance if you want use an on-premises version of Automation Hub.

Note: If you do not specify the AutomationHubUrl setting the Automation Cloud version of UiPath Automation Hub is used.


define an additional security layer that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.

Refer to the Mozilla documentation on Content-Security-Policy for more information.


define a credential store for password storage.


define custom settings which can be used in a ServerSettings scoped authentication table.


set the default environment on this server. If no environment is specified in the URL, the configured default environment will be used.


specify the default organization that will be used when logging in without specifying an organization.


specify the path to use when exporting development datasets. This can also be path relative to the UiPath Process Mining installation folder.


to indicate if this configuration of UiPath Process Mining will be used by internal or external developers. When used in internal mode the internal menu will be visible and bugs can be imported.


disable uploading files to the Workspaces tab, the Development data tab, and the Server data tab with the file extensions specified. The extensions are also verified when a data file is uploaded in the Upload File dialog to create a new table.

Note: only specify the extension, not the ".".


disable end users to perform large data exports from this server.


indicate whether information about attribute initialization or de-initialization to will be added to logs.


define a message that will be shown to end users during when logging in. To complete the login, end users must confirm having read and agreed to the message.


define available environments on this server. Usually you will only need the production environment.


set up external authentication for Azure Active Directory,** Integrated Windows Authentication**,SAML, or ldap.


determine which features will be available in the interface. The possible values are:

  • stable
  • beta
  • alpha


setup generic script executables, for example python.exe.


define the maximum number of instances with errors to keep.


define the maximum number of instances without errors to keep.


link environments which enables you to publish multiple environments together.


define settings for sending mail, for example to send invitation or reset password e-mails to new users, or to send error reports. Specify the SMTP server host name or IP-address and the SMTP port number.


"MailSettings": {

"SMTP": ""

, "port": "25"



define the maximum number of pages in a PDF export.


override settings from the ApplicationSettings.json file with specified settings.


define the storage path for bug data.


specify the email address used to sent crash dumps to. Only crash dumps will be sent to this mail address.

Note: SendCrashDumpsTo has priority over the SendMailReportTo field.


define a text that will be included in the subject line of MailReports.


define whether mails will be sent when the dataserver invocation reported no warnings/errors.


specify the email address used to send an email after each dataserver invocation.

Note: if SendCrashDumpsTo is set, crash dumps will be sent to that mail address, instead of this one.


disable UiPath Process Mining to collect usage and performance data to help diagnose problems and improve its products.


define the (relative) pathe that datasources set to 'Server' scope will resolve.

This can also be path relative to the UiPath Process Mining installation folder.


specify the number of minutes after which end users will be redirected to the login page when there is no activity.


specify the number of hours after which shared data can no longer be used to create new instances from it.


define the path to use as root for 'Shared' datasources. Within this you should create '/ directories with proper use rights.


enable Two-Factor Authentication for superadmins. See Two-Factor Authentication.


replace the detail slider in the process graph with separate activity and edge sliders.


add a banner next to the page title to indicate when a non-production license is in effect. This can be used for development or acceptance setups, to separate them from the production environment.

Note: Refer to the on-line help in the Server Settings pane for a detailed description of the available Server Settings.


In the Repositories pane of the Settings tab, you can define the repositories used for development. Repositories can be located within your installation, on a folder location on the same server as the UiPath Process Mining installation, or on a different (external) server.

The available repositories are listed in an array of objects.

Note: A filesystem based git repository which is stored relative to the root folder of the UiPath Process Mining installation can be specified by using the prefix mvlocal:.

Below is an example string to define the repositories.

    { "url": "ssh://user@server.lan/~/repo.git", "pass": "password" },
    { "url": "file:///C:/Stuff/repo.git" },
    { "url": "mvlocal:upstream.git" },
    { "url": "", "privkey_file": "keys/keyfile", "pubkey_file": "keys/" },
    { "url": "", "user": "user", "pass": "password" }
    { "url": "ssh://user@server.lan/~/repo.git", "pass": "password" },
    { "url": "file:///C:/Stuff/repo.git" },
    { "url": "mvlocal:upstream.git" },
    { "url": "", "privkey_file": "keys/keyfile", "pubkey_file": "keys/" },
    { "url": "", "user": "user", "pass": "password" }
  • Introduction
  • Server Settings
  • Repositories

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