UI Automation のアクティビティ
Last updated 2024年7月4日



公開日: 2024 年 7 月 1 日

Autopilot Recorder for UI Automation

We are excited to introduce our latest feature, the Autopilot Recorder for UI Automation. This AI-powered tool is available in Studio Web and allows you to build UI Automation sequences and populate them into your canvas. You can generate activities via a natural language prompt or manually add them in the Recorder.

The Recorder allows you to navigate through the application you want to automate using the Test and Continue 'prompt' buttons. The Test button executes all current activities you have generated or built, transitioning you to the next application state. If your prompt is not fully covered, the Continue 'prompt' generates the necessary activities to complete it. Working together, these two buttons enable a seamless progression through your process of scaffolding UI Automation sequences.

For more details about the Recorder, refer to the Autopilot Recorder for UI Automation page.

For an extensive overview of the Autopilot initiative, check out the Autopilot guide.


公開日: 2024 年 7 月 1 日


  • Java コントロール BasicTreeTable および JxTreeTable のカスタム サポートを追加しました。
  • ClosePopup, SetRuntimeBrowser, and SetValue activities can now be used from coded workflows.
  • To enhance security, the output .xaml file does not include the FriendlyName property anymore.
  • Added support in the Extract Table Data activity for DevExpress grid.
  • The UI-USG-011 Workflow Analyzer rule now ignores selectors with idx=* because this is a valid case used in non-greedy search.

UI Automation モダン

When running in Attended mode or debugging in Studio, if the execution stops due to a UI element not being found, a dialog box is displayed on the screen. Previously, only the error message was shown. Currently, several options in the dialog box allow you to decide what to do next. This functionality can be enabled via the Ask user on runtime error project setting (UI Automation Modern > Generic). In Debug mode, you can Save the changes when the execution ends, so that the next workflow run starts directly with the correct selector. In addition to the Retry, Ignore, and Continue options, you also have the option to Indicate the element. This particular option is available only for the following activities:

  • チェック/チェック解除
  • 要素を確認
  • クリック
  • 属性を取得
  • テキストを取得
  • 強調表示
  • ホバー
  • JS スクリプトを挿入
  • キーボード ショートカット
  • 項目を選択
  • テキストを設定
  • スクリーンショットを作成
  • 文字を入力
  • アプリケーション/ブラウザーを使用

The new Set Runtime Browser activity allows you to easily configure the browser type used throughout your automation executions. The selection remains effective until the execution ends unless overwritten by another Set Runtime Browser activity. This enhancement simplifies the process of running automations across different browsers, minimizing the need to manually configure selectors and to duplicate testing code. The activity is available in both Windows and cross-platform projects.

The new Close Popup activity is designed to address automation disruptions from unexpected pop-ups. This AI-based activity efficiently closes any detected pop-ups, whether they are native, alerts, found on a browser page, or within a desktop application by semantically matching the labels configured for possible close buttons. The activity is available in both Windows and cross-platform projects.

The Inject Js Script activity is now supported in cross-platform workflows. Additionally, this activity can now leverage the power of UI Automation Modern to identify targets through Unified Target and use stored elements from Object Repository.

The Check App State activity now allows you to select the Indicate in any app option while inside a Use Application/Browser activity, avoiding the need for a new application card when checking the application states for windows or elements outside the scope of the current application card.

Exposed the Arguments property in the Use Application/Browser activity for cross-platform projects. The property was already available for Windows projects.

The following Workflow Analyzer rules, previously exclusive to Classic activities, now apply to Modern activities as well:

  • UI-ANA-016
  • UI-ANA-017
  • UI-DBP-013
  • UI-PRR-004
  • UI-REL-001
  • UI-SEC-004
  • UI-USG-011

To help you address the matching issue in the event of a target search failure with fuzzy selector enabled as a targeting method, a warning message highlighting the closest matches is displayed on the screen. The closest matches are not listed if you altered the default selector by adding or removing selector nodes or if the search failed because of multiple matches.

Added a Do not show again checkbox in the Target application could not be identified dialog box. When selected, if the application is not in the correct state and you want to edit the target, the dialog box is no longer displayed and you are taken directly to the selection screen.

Optimized the overlapping behavior for targets and anchors by narrowing the rectangle border and positioning the labels where they can be clearly seen.

Duplicate targets are now displayed in the selection screen on demand. To check/hide duplicate targets, select the Show/Hide duplicates toggle button.

Enhanced the App/Web Recorder functionality by customizing available activities based on element types. Now, different activities appear when indicating elements, making it faster to find and select relevant actions. The following activities are available:

  • Default to all elements:
    • クリック
    • スクリーンショットを作成
    • 強調表示
  • For labels:
    • Get text
  • For editable text boxes:
    • Get text
    • Type into
  • For drop-downs and list boxes:
    • Select item
    • Get text
  • For buttons:
    • クリック
    • Get text

You can now check the current value of a variable in the selection screen without having to access the variable context menu. To do so, simply hover over the variable from the selector tag and the value is displayed as a tooltip.

トリガー ベースの有人オートメーション

Added in the Application Event Trigger activity two new types of events that can be monitored for WND, CTRL, and UIA UI elements: Click and the Key pressed. Until now, the Click and the Key pressed events could be monitored separately by using the Click Event Trigger or the Keypress Event Trigger activity, respectively.

Enhanced support to include monitoring of Edge IE Mode native events, primarily assisting legacy applications that can only run on Internet Explorer. All existing web events for WEBCTRL elements are now also supported on browser pages utilizing Edge IE Mode via the Application Event Trigger activity.

Building upon the functionality of automating standalone applications with native embedded browsers such as Slack, Discord, or Electron, we have incorporated support for native monitoring inside managed embedded browsers, such as CefSharp, in this release.

The support for monitoring the Text selection changed event was added for application built on the Microsoft UI Automation framework, such as Word, Outlook, Excel, or OneNote.

Added HTML native monitoring support for web pages with active CSP loaded using WebView2 or Qt WebView widgets embedded in native applications. The Enable WebView2 Native Automation project setting needs to be set to True.

Added several HTML window events for a web page identified via <html> + <webctrl> selectors:
  • タブ ナビゲーションの開始
  • タブ ナビゲーションの終了
  • ウィンドウのフォーカスの変更
  • ウィンドウの境界の変更
  • ウィンドウの作成
  • ウィンドウの削除

セマンティック アクティビティ

Windows プロジェクトとクロスプラットフォーム プロジェクトの両方で利用可能な最新のセマンティック アクティビティで、フォーム自動化のシンプルさと効果を体験してください。

The Extract Form Data activity is designed with form data in mind. It creates custom type objects that are ideal tokens for passing structured data along your automation pipeline. These custom type objects can also be used in the Fill Form or Set Value activities or for populating data entities.

The Fill Form activity can use as input any structured data object: DocumentData, Dictionary, DataEntity, DataRow, DataTable, JSON file, even custom types, like those produced as output by the Extract Form Data activity. The data schema is automatically extracted at runtime and AI semantically matched with the destination form fields, which is then inputted into the corresponding form. You just need to indicate a data source and the destination form is automatically picked up from the Use Application/Browser activity.

The Set Value activity is a simplified version of the Fill Form activity, focusing on just one UI element. This activity simplifies the process of data entry. Regardless of the form element, whether it is a text box, a drop-down, a checkbox, a radio button, and so forth, this activity adapts to the element type, enhancing your form automation process. It can even deal with date pickers and groups of radio buttons.

Computer Vision

Computer Vision has successfully transitioned into cross-platform projects and it is now fully available in Unified Target. This represents a significant step forward as it allows you to automate scenarios without selectors, not just in Windows-based projects, but also in Studio Desktop cross-platform projects and in Studio Web.

This release introduces our new Vision Transformer AI model. Due to the new Vision Transformer architecture, UI elements detection in Computer Vision-based automations is faster and more precise across the board. This leads to less errors and speeds up your automation workflows. It particularly brings noticeable improvements in table detection, supporting various table structures and sizes. Due to higher GPU requirements, this model is available only on the UiPath Cloud Server.

Added full Computer Vision support to the Select Item activity, enabling not only the scenario of pure Computer Vision, but also the hybrid scenario of selector and Computer Vision. When selectors are not available (a pure Computer Vision scenario), the activity now replicates the functionality of the CV Dropdown Select activity. When selectors are available (a hybrid scenario), but fail during runtime, Computer Vision triggers a self-healing process, performing a new selector search based on Computer Vision information. This is then used for execution. Furthermore, a warning message with detailed information about the problematic selector and the self-healing outcome is displayed in the logs, empowering you to fix automation issues using newly discovered selectors.

The Get Attribute activity now also supports radio button targets, not also checkboxes. This is done by using a new attribute, checked, which returns a Boolean value (True or False) according to the Computer Vision AI model detection.

You can define a custom point where the scroll event is sent to the target element. Before, the scroll event was sent in the middle of the target element. Now, this can be done by using the run-time auto-scrolling feature in the Computer Vision activities via the Scroll Offset property in the CV Screen Scope activity and, when extracting scrollable tables or scrollable text, by using the Content Scroll Offset property in the CV Extract Table and CV Get Text activities.

When the Fuzzy selector targeting method fails to find an auto-anchor, Computer Vision will now step in and provide an auto-anchor generated by the AI model.

To switch from the default UiPath Screen OCR engine to the UiPath Extended Languages OCR engine in the Use Browser/Application and CV Screen Scope activities, you must provide the Computer Vision API key. This can be done either in the ApiKey property, at activity level, or under Project Settings > OCR > UiPath Extended Languages OCR > ApiKey.

Computer Vision の実行時の分析を追跡できるようにし、デバッグ速度を向上させるために、HTTP 要求のヘッダーで DesignTime ScreenId が送信されるようになりました。


Studio の新しいプロジェクト設定として、[ プロジェクト設定] > [UI Automation クラシック ] > [SAP > の監視を有効化] を追加しました。 この設定では、実行されたトランザクションとテスト ケースをリンクできます。 [SAP の監視を有効化] が [True] に設定されている場合、実行されたトランザクションとその依存関係に関する情報が実行時に収集され、Test Manager に送信されます。現在、この設定は Studio のテスト オートメーション プロジェクトにのみ関係があります。 他の種類のプロジェクトのサポートは、今後のリリースで追加される予定です。

新しい SAP WebGUI 要素として SAP ステータス バーのサポートを追加しました。 [ SAP のステータスバーを読み込み] アクティビティを使用して、SAP ステータスバーからメッセージの種類とテキストを抽出できるようになりました。


Google による 2024 年 6 月以降の Chrome マニフェスト V2 (MV2) の非推奨化のタイムラインに対応するため、Chrome および Edge 用の既存の Studio Web 拡張機能は、Manifest V3 と完全に対応しているものとなるよう更新されました。なお、両ブラウザーでは同じ拡張機能 ID が維持されています。 新しい MV3 拡張機能は、ブラウザーを再度開いたときに自動的に更新されます。

Chrome および Edge 用の v24.10 の拡張機能にアップグレードする場合、グループ ポリシーから拡張機能をインストールする際に DeveloperToolsAvailability ポリシーの値を手動で 1 に設定する必要がなくなりました。

Safari UI オートメーションのサポートがプレビューで利用できるようになりました。 新しい UiPath Safari 拡張機能を追加しました。macOS 上の Safari を使用して Studio Web で UI オートメーションを設計したり、macOS 上の UiPath Assistant と Robot を使用して Safari でブラウザーのオートメーションを実行したりできます。

オブジェクト リポジトリ

We've made substantial improvements to our Object Repository, adding functionality for previous unsupported scenarios. The following paragraphs provide a comprehensive rundown of each improvement.

Support for Object Repository, previously exclusive to Windows, has now been expanded to include cross-platform in Studio Desktop. Being able to also create and reuse UI objects in cross-platform type projects allows for a faster automation development process, lower maintenance costs, and easier adjustments for automations impacted by changes in the selector structure of application or UI elements.

Leveraging the power of Clipboard AI's advanced UI extraction engine that merges Computer Vision and DOM extractor, the Capture All functionality is now able to capture all elements in a web page, including scrollable content and hyperlinks. Having relied prior to this solely on the Computer Vision model for element detection, it could extract only the visible elements. Now, with the addition of the DOM extractor, it can extract all elements, not just the visible ones, allowing them to be added to the Object Repository library.

You can now highlight an extracted element while maintaining the current selection in the Capture Elements window using the Highlight icon.

Simplified the user experience for creating, integrating, and editing screens, nodes, and applications within Object Repository, ensuring a more efficient process from start to finish. Before, the process required you to manually navigate through numerous confirmation screens. Now, Object Repository automatically assigns your new object to the appropriate application or screen. If there are any missing parent objects, Object Repository creates them automatically.

In case you already created an automation without Object Repository and you want to add the activities and targets to an Object Repository library, you can use the new Synchronize Object Repository wizard. This synchronizes all the UI interacting activities and creates an application with its the name, a screen with its name, and the corresponding UI elements into the local repository. In the past, you would have to manually add each application, screen and element to the Object Repository. Now, the entire project is added to the Object Repository local library at once. This is available both for Modern and Classic activities. For Classic activities, only the targets that are using full selectors are added, while those with partial selectors are not. Moreover, you can now include an existing library and the matching objects that you indicate are going to be synced automatically.

When an activity is linked to Object Repository, edits made to a local object in the target properties panel now automatically propagate to the corresponding descriptor in Object Repository, removing the need for manual synchronization.

Target properties of activities linked to read-only objects are automatically disabled. Before, these target properties would stay active in the properties panel, potentially leading to confusion. Now, if you want to edit the target properties, you have the option to unlink the object and make local edits. However, it should be noted that these changes do not propagate to the actual descriptor in Object Repository.

We've standardized the burger menu of UI Automation activities, aligning the options of activities which have targets linked to a local Object Repository with the options of regular activities. Previously, certain options, such as Indicate target on screen or Edit target, were unavailable for Object Repository-linked activities. We've also standardized the indicate functionality for Use Application/Browser activities when Object Repository is either enforced or non-enforced.


  • UI Explorer failed to validate selectors for SAP Interaction Center when attempting to bypass the use of iframe.
  • Unexpected behavior of terminal Java application when run with a 32-bit executable; now works smoothly with both 32-bit and 64-bit executables.
  • Kendo Angular の表の 2 ページ目に移動する際に、[表データを抽出] アクティビティでデータのスクレイピングに失敗していました。
  • バージョン 21.10.6 以降のパッケージで発生していた、設計時のエクスペリエンスに影響していた Java アプリケーションのポップアップの問題を修正しました。
  • プロジェクト名に日本語の文字が含まれていると、[OCR - 中国語、日本語、韓国語] アクティビティが [アプリケーション/ブラウザーを使用] アクティビティでカスタム OCR として機能しませんでした。
  • ターゲットを指定した後に OCR エンジン アクティビティを [CV 画面スコープ] アクティビティから削除すると、「値を null にすることはできません。」というエラーが発生していました。
  • [CV 画面スコープ] アクティビティから OCR エンジン アクティビティを削除して表のセル上でホバーし続けると、「There is no row at position 0 (位置 0 には行がありません。)」というエラーが発生していました。
  • Elements on web pages that were recognized by the selector widget were not preserved upon saving and closing the selector.
  • Unable to interact with embedded web widgets in applications that host web controls in multiple top-level windows.
  • Exceptions thrown by cancelling a Click activity in a parallel sequence weren’t caught by a Try Catch.
  • Extracting large table data from static HTML pages was causing errors and slowing down all supported browsers. This fix doesn’t cover Internet Explorer.
  • Previously, the Get From Clipboard activity might not fetch the most recent value from the clipboard.
  • The Type Into activity would ignore the text inserted before special characters. This behavior occurred when the Input mode property was set to Simulate.
  • The Select Item activity and the SAP-specific Select Menu Item activity were failing when the selected item contained text with wildcards.
  • Indicating lines in a notepad application would fail.
  • When using Foxit reader, a few issues were encountered. The Extract Table Data activity could not extract Chinese characters from scanned PDF files. Additionally, UI Explorer could not trigger document accessibility. Furthermore, even though running an automation in attended mode functioned correctly, searching for the application during unattended mode failed.
  • When indicating the document name from the ribbon of an open Word document stored on shared drives, such as SharePoint, you would encounter an invalid selector error.
  • HTML elements in nested iframes on Salesforce did not auto-scroll into view when a mouse input is sent via Hardware Events.
  • In some cases, UiPath Remote Runtime takes longer to return Get Text results from a remote machine. As a workaround, set Windows attach mode to Single window instead of Application instance in the Use Application/Browser activity. Note that the Single window option cannot interact with new application windows or pop-ups. Use a new Application/Browser activity for these interactions.
  • When upgraded from Windows - Legacy to Windows projects, the Extract Table Data activity could not extract column values due to incorrect selector generation.
  • Upon downloading the latest WebDriver version, the Open Browser activity stored it in the WebDriverExe folder, but still referenced the previous version instead of applying the current one. An incompatibility error message would appear when trying to open browsers.
  • When adding the On Element Appear, On Element Vanish, On Image Appear, and On Image Vanish classic activities to the designer panel, you would get validation warnings.

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