Aktivitäten für Integration Services
Letzte Aktualisierung 23. Apr. 2024


In der folgenden Tabelle sind die Aktivitäten aufgeführt, die in diesem Paket enthalten sind.

Lead aktualisierenUpdate an existing lead in Insightly CRM.
Create a LeadAdd a lead into the Insightly CRM.
Create OpportunityAdd an opportunity to the Insightly CRM.
Update OpportunityUpdate an existing opportunity from the Insightly CRM.
Link Opportunity to ContactCreate a link for an opportunity in the Insightly CRM.
Datensatz einfügenInsert a new record in Insightly CRM.
Datensatz abrufenRetrieve a record in Insightly CRM.
Delete RecordDelete a record in Insightly CRM.
List all recordsList all records in Insightly CRM.
Replace recordReplace a record in Insightly CRM.

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