Aktivitäten für Integration Services
Letzte Aktualisierung 23. Apr. 2024

Über das Mailchimp-Aktivitätspaket

Mailchimp is a cloud-based marketing automation platform and email marketing service, used to manage their mailing lists and create email marketing campaigns and automations to send to the customers.

Dieses Aktivitätspaket kann mit UiPath Studio-Versionen 2023.10 und neuer verwendet werden.

To learn more about the Mailchimp activities, see the Activities page for a complete list and descriptions.

Wie es funktioniert

To enable the outbound automation between UiPath and Mailchimp, the activities establish an authenticated connection using the UiPath Connector for Mailchimp. Before you build your first project, complete the steps in the Authentication guide from the connector documentation.

  • Wie es funktioniert

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