Automation Suite
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Automation Suite Installation Guide
Last updated Apr 24, 2024

Audit Logs Queries


Before downloading audit logs for Apps in the Automation Suite setup, the following requirements must be met:

  • You must have access to the machine or virtual machine (VM) where UiPath® services are hosted.

Optionally, you need to know the following:

  • Organization name for which the audit logs are needed (<orgName>).
  • User email for whom the audit logs need to be exported or deleted (<userEmail>).
  • Number of days between now and the day you want to get or delete audit logs for (<numDays>).

Getting Audit Logs Queries

    __tenantId: '<orgName>',
    'userInfo.userEmail': '<userEmail>',
    timestamp: {
        $lte: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * <numDays>)
    __tenantId: '<orgName>',
    'userInfo.userEmail': '<userEmail>',
    timestamp: {
        $lte: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * <numDays>)
For example, to get audit logs which are more than 180 days old for an organization named sampleOrg with user email, run the following query:
    __tenantId: 'sampleOrg',
    'userInfo.userEmail': '',
    timestamp: {
        $lt: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * 180)
    __tenantId: 'sampleOrg',
    'userInfo.userEmail': '',
    timestamp: {
        $lt: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * 180)

Deleting Audit Logs

    __tenantId: '<orgName>',
    'userInfo.userEmail': '<userEmail>',
    timestamp: {
        $lte: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * <numDays>)
    __tenantId: '<orgName>',
    'userInfo.userEmail': '<userEmail>',
    timestamp: {
        $lte: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * <numDays>)
For example, to delete audit logs which are more than 180 days old for an organization named sampleOrg with user email, run the following query:
    __tenantId: 'sampleOrg',
    'userInfo.userEmail': '',
    timestamp: {
        $lt: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * 180)
    __tenantId: 'sampleOrg',
    'userInfo.userEmail': '',
    timestamp: {
        $lt: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * 180)


  1. Open a Command Prompt or Powershell.
  2. SSH into the virtual machine using the command below.
    ssh <user>@<host>
    user@host's password: <password>ssh <user>@<host>
    user@host's password: <password>
  3. Go to the root user using the command below.
    sudo susudo su
  4. Go to the root folder using the command below.
    cd /cd /
  5. Export KUBECONFIG using the command below.
    export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/binexport KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin
  6. Get MongoDB URI using the command below.
    kubectl -n mongodb get secrets/mongo-admin-user --template={{.data.MONGODB_URI}} | base64 -d
    // copy and store the output till '/admin' (as highlighted in screenshot) for further use in next commandskubectl -n mongodb get secrets/mongo-admin-user --template={{.data.MONGODB_URI}} | base64 -d
    // copy and store the output till '/admin' (as highlighted in screenshot) for further use in next commands

  7. Go to the Mongo Replica Set's shell using the command below.
    kubectl -n mongodb exec -it mongodb-replica-set-0 bashkubectl -n mongodb exec -it mongodb-replica-set-0 bash
  8. Retrieve audit records using the command below.
    mongo '<mongodb-uri>' --tls --tlsCAFile /var/lib/tls/ca/ca.crt --quiet << EOF > /data/audit-fetch-query.json
    use appstudio
    db.getCollection("audit-logs").find({"__tenantId": "<orgName>", "userInfo.userEmail": "<userEmail>", "timestamp": {\$lte: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * <numDays>)}}).toArray()
    EOFmongo '<mongodb-uri>' --tls --tlsCAFile /var/lib/tls/ca/ca.crt --quiet << EOF > /data/audit-fetch-query.json
    use appstudio
    db.getCollection("audit-logs").find({"__tenantId": "<orgName>", "userInfo.userEmail": "<userEmail>", "timestamp": {\$lte: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * <numDays>)}}).toArray()
  9. Delete audit records using the command below.
    mongo '<mongodb-uri>' --tls --tlsCAFile /var/lib/tls/ca/ca.crt --quiet << EOF > /data/audit-delete-query.json
    use appstudio
    db.getCollection("audit-logs").deleteMany({"__tenantId": "<orgName>", "userInfo.userEmail": "<userEmail>", "timestamp": {\$lte: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * <numDays>)}})          
    EOFmongo '<mongodb-uri>' --tls --tlsCAFile /var/lib/tls/ca/ca.crt --quiet << EOF > /data/audit-delete-query.json
    use appstudio
    db.getCollection("audit-logs").deleteMany({"__tenantId": "<orgName>", "userInfo.userEmail": "<userEmail>", "timestamp": {\$lte: (new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * <numDays>)}})          
  10. Exit the Pod Shell using the command below.
  11. Bring the files from the Pod to the VM using the command below.
    kubectl -n mongodb exec -i mongodb-replica-set-0 -- sh -c 'cat /data/audit-fetch-query.json' > audit-fetch-query.json
    kubectl -n mongodb exec -i mongodb-replica-set-0 -- sh -c 'cat /data/audit-delete-query.json' > audit-delete-query.jsonkubectl -n mongodb exec -i mongodb-replica-set-0 -- sh -c 'cat /data/audit-fetch-query.json' > audit-fetch-query.json
    kubectl -n mongodb exec -i mongodb-replica-set-0 -- sh -c 'cat /data/audit-delete-query.json' > audit-delete-query.json
  12. Exit the VM using the command below.
    // exit the root user
    // exit the vm
    exit// exit the root user
    // exit the vm
  13. Bring the files from the VM to Personal Machine using the command below.
    Note: SCP might not run on some PowerShells and may need to be installed.
    scp <user>@<host>:/audit-fetch-query.json .
    user@host's password: <password>
    scp <user>@<host>:/audit-delete-query.json .
    user@host's password: <password>scp <user>@<host>:/audit-fetch-query.json .
    user@host's password: <password>
    scp <user>@<host>:/audit-delete-query.json .
    user@host's password: <password>
  • Prerequisites
  • Getting Audit Logs Queries
  • Deleting Audit Logs
  • Procedure

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