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Productivity Activities

Last updated Mar 19, 2025

Read Range Workbook



Reads the value of an Excel range and stores it in a DataTable variable. If the range isn't specified, the whole spreadsheet is read. If the range is specified as a cell, the whole spreadsheet starting from that cell is read.

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows | Cross-platform



  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity.
  • Range - Specifies the range of cells to be read. If this value is not specified, the whole spreadsheet is read. If the value consists of only one cell, the whole spreadsheet is read starting from that cell. Only String variables and strings are supported.

    Note: Strings must be placed between quotation marks.
  • SheetName - The name of the sheet in which the range that you want to read is. By default, this is filled in with "Sheet1." Only String variables and strings are supported.
  • Workbook path - The full path of the Excel spreadsheet that you want to use. If the Excel file to be used is located in the project folder, its relative path can be used. Only String variables and strings are supported.
    Note: Alternatively, instead of providing the path to the file, you can improve runtime performance when using multiple Workbook activities with the same file by connecting the project to the file from the Data Manager and then referencing it using the Workbook property.


  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • AddHeaders - When selected, the column headers from the specified spreadsheet range are also extracted. By default, this check box is not selected.
  • Password - The password of the Excel workbook, if necessary. Only String variables and strings are supported.
  • PreserveFormat - Select this option to read the values as they are displayed in the range (e.g. currency, date, text). The actual number formatting is not retained, only the way in which data is displayed. By default, the option is not selected.
  • DataTable - Stores the data extracted from the specified Excel range in a data table variable. Only data table variables are supported.
Use Workbook
  • Workbook - Select a Workbook resource from the Plus menu. Available if you added the Excel file as a resource by connecting to the workbook from the Data Manager.

    Adding a workbook resource and then referencing the resource in multiple Workbook activities ensures the file is not reloaded in the memory for each operation, which improves the runtime performance especially when working with large files. For more information, see Using the Data Manager.

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