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Productivity Activities
Last updated Apr 26, 2024

Outlook activities



Initiates an automation workflow when an email is sent in Outlook.

Initiates an automation workflow when a new email arrives in Outlook.

Archives a specified email.

Deletes a specified email.

Downloads a specified email to a local folder. The email is downloaded in the .eml file format.

Downloads the specified email attachments to a local folder.

Repeats the contained activities for each email matching the filter criteria.

Forwards a specified email to new recipients.

Retrieves an email with a specified unique identifier (ID).

Returns the most recent email that matches the search criteria.

Marks an email as read or unread.

Moves an email to a folder within the same mailbox.

Replies to a specific email.

Sends an email message.

Assigns categories to an email.

Retrieve a list of emails from the specified folder that matches the filter criteria.

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