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Productivity Activities

Last updated Mar 19, 2025

Get Event List



Retrieve a list of calendar events defined by the filter criteria. The output can be used in further activities.


This activity requires the following scopes:

  • Calendars.Read


  • Calendars.Read.Shared


  • Calendars.ReadWrite


  • Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Microsoft Outlook 365 connection - The connection for the Microsoft 365 account to use in the activity.
  • Calendar - The calendar used for the event. If not indicated, the user's default calendar is used. Click the Folder docs image icon to browse through available calendars. This field supports IResource input.
    • Use the See more button menu to use a variable or select the Reload Folder Data option if you've modified your folders and need to retrieve the latest data.

  • From - Indicates the date and time as of when to search for events. This property supports DateTime variables and DateTime formatted values (MM/DD/YYYY Hour:Minute:Seconds, e.g., 01/10/2023 13:00:00).
  • Until - Indicates the date and time until which to search for events. This property supports DateTime variables and DateTime formatted values (MM/DD/YYYY Hour:Minute:Seconds, e.g., 01/10/2023 13:00:00).
Additional options
  • Limit events to first - The maximum number of events to return. If left blank, it means 'no limit'. This property supports Int32 variables and Int32 formatted values.
  • Timezone for current event - Select the time zone for the current event. If left blank, the default option is UTC. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • Additional filters - Use the Filter builder to filter down the events to iterate through. For advanced filtering, consider using the If activity within Get Event List. Supports filtering on the following options: All day, Has attachments, Importance, Organizer, Show as, Subject, Type.
  • Event list - The list of events retrieved by the activity, stored in a List<O365EventItem> variable. Automatically generated output variable. You can use it as it is or save it with a different name. You can use this in other activities.

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