Productivity Activities
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

About the Microsoft 365 activities package


Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based subscription service that brings together the best tools for the way people work today. By combining best-in-class apps like Excel and Outlook with powerful cloud services like OneDrive and SharePoint, Microsoft 365 lets anyone create and share anywhere on any device.

The Microsoft 365 activities package gives you the ability to automate interactions with Microsoft 365 applications. Integrating with the Microsoft Graph API, the activities enable your Robots to:

Tip: If you want to see the latest information on the Microsoft 365 activities package, check out the Release Notes.


The Microsoft 365 package includes three types of activities:
Activity typeProject compatibilityAvailable in Studio WebAuthentication methods
Classic activitiesWindows-Legacy, Windowsnot availableRegistered Microsoft 365 application in Azure Active Directory. See all authentication types.
ActivitiesWindows, Cross-platform compatibleavailableOAuth 2.0, through Integration Service connectors
Trigger activitiesWindows, Cross-platform compatibleavailableOAuth 2.0, through Integration Service connectors

If you're ready to start using the Microsoft 365 activities, see the Get Started section below. To learn more about the package, keep reading Establish Connection and Technical References. To see each activity's project compatibility, see Project compatibility.

Establish connections

Integration Service connection

The Microsoft 365 modern and trigger activities establish an authenticated connection to your Microsoft 365 applications via Integration Service connectors: the Microsoft OneDrive & SharePoint connector and the Microsoft Outlook 365 connector.

Once you create connections in UiPath Automation Cloud > Integration Service, they can be reused in all other Microsoft 365 activities.

To learn more about Integration Service connections, see Set up Integration Service connectors and the Integration Service guide.

Standard connection

To enable the outbound automation between UiPath and Microsoft 365, the Classic activities establish an authenticated connection to your Microsoft 365 applications via the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity.

After your connection is established, you can add the other Microsoft 365 activities to create new automation projects, or add them to existing projects to extend the automation capabilities to include Microsoft 365 applications.

To establish an authenticated connection, the Microsoft 365 activities need authorization from the Microsoft identity platform.

To enable authorization, you first register your Microsoft 365 application in your Azure Active Directory (using your personal, work, and/or school Microsoft 365 account). When registering your application, you assign Microsoft Graph API permissions to specify the resources your Robot can access on your behalf.

After registering your Microsoft 365 application, Azure Active Directory assigns a unique application (client) ID that you enter in the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity. The ApplicationID is used to collect the necessary information about your registered app to initiate authentication and get the access token to establish the connection.

Technical references

Each Microsoft 365 activity calls a Microsoft Graph API using the request parameters you enter in the activity's input properties. If the call is successful, the activity outputs the relevant response elements (i.e., output properties) that you can use as input property values in subsequent activities, queue items in an existing Queue, etc.

For a complete list of the Microsoft Graph APIs used by each activity and links to the relevant API documentation, see the Technical References page. You don't need to be familiar with the Microsoft Graph APIs to use the activities. These links are for informational purposes only in case you want to learn more about the action happening "behind-the-scenes".

Note: There is a 4MB request limit on Graph API requests.

Get started

Before you build your first project, complete the steps in the Setup guide:

After you complete the setup, take a look at some examples:

  • If you're using the cross-platform activities, check out the Examples page. These guides present some of the most common usecases of Microsoft365 activities and provide step-by-step instructions to help you create working samples.
  • If you're using the classic activities, check out the Quickstart guides. These guides provide step-by-step instructions to help you create working samples of the different activities so that you can verify the connection to your registered app and get familiar with the input/output properties.
  • Overview
  • Activities
  • Establish connections
  • Technical references
  • Get started

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