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Productivity Activities

Last updated Mar 19, 2025

Find Meeting Times



Uses the Microsoft Graph Find meeting times API to suggest meeting times and locations based on organizer and attendee availability (Attendees) and your specified range of time that you want the meeting to occur (IntervalStart, IntervalEnd, and MeetingDuration).

After analyzing the attendee's availability, the activity returns an array of times, locations (if applicable), and attendees that are available during your specified range (AvailableTimeslots). If the activity does not find any available time slots, it returns a reason so that you can alter your range as needed (EmptySuggestionReason).

Note: Find Meeting Times cannot be used with ApplicationIdAndSecret authentication because the Microsoft Graph FindMeetingTimes API does not support application permissions.

This activity requires the following scopes:

  • Calendars.ReadWrite


  • Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared

Project compatibility

Windows - Legacy | Windows



  • DisplayName - The display name of the activity. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • Attendees - An array of attendees' email addresses. This field supports only String[] variables. To enter one email address, include it between { } and declare it with " " (e.g., {""}). To enter multiple email addresses, include all between { }, declare each with " ", and separate each by a comma (e.g., {"",""}).
  • Interval End - The end of the time period in which to search for openings. This field supports only DateTime variables. The default value is Today at midnight (not shown). You may enter the date only or the date and time. If you enter a date only, the search is limited to the working hours specified by the attendee calendars.
  • Interval Start - The beginning of the time period in which to search for openings. This field supports only DateTime variables. The default value is Current system time (not shown). You may enter the date only or the date and time. If you enter a date only, the activity searches for times as specified in the Policy property.
    • Your DateTime values must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY Hour:Minute:Seconds (e.g., 10/31/2019 12:00:00).
    • The DateTime format is auto-corrected if you enter enough details. For example, if you enter 10/31/19 3pm it auto-corrects to 10/31/2019 15:00:00.
  • Meeting Duration - The desired duration for the meeting in minutes. This field supports only integer and Int32 variables. The default value is 30 (not shown).
  • Time Zone - The time zone in which to interpret Interval Start and Interval End. The default value is Your system's time zone (not displayed). This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level. This field supports Boolean values.
  • Locations - An array of rooms or locations, given by their display names, to search. If no locations are available, another is selected. This field supports only String[] variables. If the listed meeting rooms are not available, the activity does not return meeting time suggestions.
  • Organizer Required - If selected, the user is a required attendee for the meeting. This field supports Boolean values.
  • Policy - Specifies the attendees' restrictions to abide by while searching for available meeting times. Select one of the four options:

    • Unknown - Do not use this value as it will be deprecated in the future. Currently, it behaves as same as Work.
    • Work - Suggested times are within the users' work hours. Default hours are Mon-Fri, 8am to 5pm.
    • Personal - Suggested times are within the users' work hours and Saturday and Sunday. Default hours are Mon-Sun, 8am to 5pm.
    • Unrestricted - Suggested times can include all hours of all days of the week. The default value is Unrestricted. A user's work hours are defined in their calendar configuration and can be customized by the user or administrator.

  • Available Timeslots - An array of meeting times, available attendees, and locations (if applicable). This field supports only MeetingTimeSuggestion[] variables. Required if you plan to use the output data in subsequent activities. The MeetingTimeSuggestion object includes multiple properties that you can use in other activities.
  • Empty Suggestion Reason - A reason for not returning any meeting suggestions. The possible values are attendeesUnavailable, attendeesUnavailableOrUnknown, locationsUnavailable, organizerUnavailable, or unknown. This property is an empty string if the Available Timeslots property does not include any meeting suggestions. You can also use MeetingTimeSuggestion.SuggestionReason to see the suggestion reason.

How it works

The following steps and message sequence diagram is an example of how the activity works from design time (i.e., the activity dependencies and input/output properties) to run time.

  1. Complete the steps.
  2. Add the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity to your project.
  3. Add the Find Meeting Times activity inside the Microsoft Office 365 Scope activity.
  4. Enter values for the Input properties.
  5. Create and enter MeetingTimeSuggestion[] and String variables for your Output property.
  6. Run the activity.

    • Your input property values are sent to the FindMeetingTimes API.
    • The API returns the MeetingTimeSuggestion[] and String values to your output property variable.

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