Productivity Activities
Last updated Jul 9, 2024

About the Mail activity package

The Mail activities package is designed to facilitate the automation of mail-related tasks. Activities are available for different protocols and applications.

The Mail activities package is designed to facilitate the automation of mail-related tasks for different protocols and applications. You can create low-code automations using mail activities or coded automations using mail APIs.

Microsoft 365

The Mail activities package contains activities that enable you to automate various tasks with Outlook online email accounts. Outlook activities are also available in the Microsoft 365 activities package. The recommended activities depend on the setup used in your organization.

  • If you're using UiPath Automation Cloud, we recommend the Outlook activities from the Microsoft 365 package which authenticate via UiPath Integration Service. The activities are available in cross-platform and Windows projects.

    The Microsoft 365 package offers:

    • More email activities and an improved design experience.
    • An easier way to share automations by allowing users to quickly configure automations with their user-specific data.
    • Simple and secure authentication via UiPath Integration Service.
    • Support for cross-platform projects in both Studio and Studio Web, enabling you to create unattended or attended automations that can run on any type of robot.
    Note: Email activities from the Microsoft 365 package cannot be used with scope activities from the Mail package.
  • If you're using the on-premises version of UiPath Orchestrator, the following activities are available for Windows and Windows - Legacy projects:


The Mail activities package contains activities that enable you to automate various tasks with Gmail. Gmail activities are also available in the Google Workspace activities package. The recommended activities depend on the setup used in your organization.

  • If you're using UiPath Automation Cloud, we recommend the Gmail activities from the Google Workspace activities package which authenticate via UiPath Integration Service. The activities are available in Windows and cross-platform projects.

    The Google Workspace package offers:
    • More email activities and an improved design experience.
    • An easier way to share automations by allowing users to quickly configure automations with their user-specific data.
    • Simple and secure authentication via UiPath Integration Service.
    • Support for cross-platform projects in both Studio and Studio Web, enabling you to create unattended or attended automations that can run on any type of robot.
    Note: Email activities from the Google Workspace package cannot be used with scope activities from the Mail package.
  • If you're using the on-premises version of UiPath Orchestrator, we recommend the modern activities from the Mail activities package which are available under Integrations in the Studio Activities panel. The activities must be added inside the Use Gmail scope activity and require an application to be set up in Google Cloud for authentication. To remove the need for Studio users to provide the application credentials when adding their accounts from the Use Gmail activity, the application credentials must then be added as assets in Orchestrator. For more information, see Adding Application Credentials for Outlook 365 and Google Workspace in Orchestrator. The activities are available in Windows and Windows - Legacy projects.

    Note: These activities cannot be used with other scope activities like Microsoft Office 365 Scope, GSuite Application Scope, or Exchange Scope.

Microsoft Outlook Desktop Application

The Mail activities package contains activities that enable you to automate various tasks with the Outlook desktop application. There are two types of Outlook activities that are available in Windows and Windows - Legacy projects:

Important: Outlook activities are not compatible with the new Outlook for Windows that is currently available in preview. If you join the preview by selecting the Try the New Outlook toggle, automations using Outlook activities will no longer work.

The UiPath.Mail.Activities pack is compatible with the following Microsoft Outlook versions:

  • 2013
  • 2016
  • 2019
  • 2021
  • Office 365

Microsoft Exchange Server

The Mail activities package contains activities that enable you to automate various tasks when using an on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server. The Exchange Scope container activity can establish a connection to an Exchange mail server and perform various tasks within it, such as deleting, retrieving, moving, or sending mail messages in a single run.

The activities support OAuth 2.0 interactive token, Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA), and username and password authentication.

The activities are available in Windows - Legacy and Windows projects.

IBM Notes

Activities are available to get, send, delete, and move IBM Notes mail messages.

  • The activities are available in Windows - Legacy and Windows projects.
  • IBM Mail Activities can only use the current active IBM Notes account on the machine that is running the automation process.
  • The activities are compatible with IBM Notes v9.0.1 or above.
  • The activities support username and password authentication.


HCL has announced the end of support for IBM Notes v9.0.x, v10.0.x on June 1, 2024. To take advantage of email automation, we recommend upgrading or switching to another email service.


Activities are available to automate retrieving, sending, and moving mail messages using the following protocols:

The activities support OAuth 2.0 interactive token or username and password authentication.

Activities such as Save Mail Message and Save Attachments are not intended to be used with certain mail protocols. Instead, they save the MailMessage object variable retrieved from activities such as Get POP3 Mail Message to a specified folder on the current machine.

Activities versus APIs

UiPath Studio supports both low-code and coded automations.
  1. Low-code automations use a visual interface with drag-and-drop activities, making it accessible for a broad user base. Low-code automations use activity packages and their corresponding activities.
  2. Coded automations allow you to create automations using code. Coded automations use UiPath services (which are the equivalent of activity packages) and their corresponding APIs (similar to activities). Moreover, coded automations can use .NET NuGet packages, and custom C# classes that you build within UiPath Studio.

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