- Vue d'ensemble (Overview)
- Prérequis
- Installation
- Questions et réponses : modèles de déploiement
- Téléchargement des packages d’installation
- parameters
- Activation du module complémentaire Redis High Availability Add-on pour le cluster
- Fichier de configuration de Document Understanding
- Ajout d'un nœud d'agent dédié avec prise en charge GPU
- Connexion de l'application Task Mining
- Ajout d'un nœud d'agent dédié pour Task Mining
- Post-installation
- Administration du cluster
- Surveillance et alerte
- Migration et mise à niveau
- Mode d'évaluation à nœud unique en ligne
- Mode d'évaluation à nœud unique hors ligne
- Mode de production en ligne multi-nœuds compatible haute disponibilité
- Mode de production hors ligne multi-nœuds compatible haute disponibilité
- Migration d'un disque physique Longhorn vers LVM
- Rétrogradation de Ceph de la version 16.2.6 à la version 15.2.9
- Options de migration :
- B) Migration à locataire unique
- Configuration spécifique au produit
- Bonnes pratiques et maintenance
- Résolution des problèmes
- Comment résoudre les problèmes des services lors de l'installation
- Comment désinstaller le cluster
- Comment nettoyer les artefacts hors ligne pour améliorer l'espace disque
- Comment désactiver TLS 1.0 et 1.1
- Comment activer la journalisation Istio
- Comment nettoyer manuellement les journaux
- Comment nettoyer les anciens journaux stockés dans le compartiment sf-logs
- Comment déboguer les installations d'Automation Suite ayant échoué
- Comment désactiver le déchargement de la somme de contrôle txt
- Impossible d'exécuter une installation hors ligne sur le système d'exploitation RHEL 8.4
- Erreur lors du téléchargement du bundle
- L'installation hors ligne échoue en raison d'un fichier binaire manquant
- Problème de certificat dans l'installation hors ligne
- Erreur de validation de la chaîne de connexion SQL
- Échec après la mise à jour du certificat
- Automation Suite requiert que Backlog_wait_time soit défini sur 1
- Impossible de se connecter après la migration
- Définition d'un délai d'expiration pour les portails de gestion
- Mettre à jour les connexions du répertoire sous-jacent
- kinit : Impossible de trouver le KDC pour le domaine <AD Domain> lors de l'obtention des informations d'identification initiales
- Kinit : Keytab ne contient aucune clé appropriée pour *** lors de l'obtention des informations d'identification initiales
- L'opération GSSAPI a échoué en raison de l'erreur suivante : un code d'état non valide a été fourni (les informations d'identification du client ont été révoquées).
- La connexion a échoué pour l'utilisateur <ADDOMAIN><aduser>.Raison : Le compte est désactivé.
- Alarme reçue pour l'échec de la tâche Kerberos-tgt-update
- Fournisseur SSPI : serveur introuvable dans la base de données Kerberos
- Impossible d'obtenir l'image du bac à sable
- Les pods ne s'affichent pas dans l'interface utilisateur ArgoCD
- Échec de la sonde Redis
- Le serveur RKE2 ne démarre pas
- Secret introuvable dans l'espace de noms UiPath
- ArgoCD passe à l'état Progression (Progressing) après la première installation
- L’opérateur d’auto-guérison et le référentiel Sf-k8-utils manquants
- MongoDB ou applications métier dégradées après la restauration du cluster
- Services défectueux après la restauration ou la restauration du cluster
- Document Understanding n'est pas affiché sur la barre de gauche d'Automation Suite
- État Échec (Failed) lors de la création d'une session de labellisation des données
- État Échec (Failed) lors de la tentative de déploiement d'une compétence ML
- La tâche de migration échoue dans ArgoCD
- La reconnaissance de l'écriture manuscrite avec l'Extracteur de formulaires intelligents (Intelligent Form Extractor) ne fonctionne pas
- Utilisation de l'outil de diagnostic d'Automation Suite
- Utilisation du pack d'assistance Automation Suite
- Explorer les journaux
MongoDB ou applications métier dégradées après la restauration du cluster
Important :
Veuillez noter que ce contenu a été localisé en partie à l’aide de la traduction automatique.
La localisation du contenu nouvellement publié peut prendre 1 à 2 semaines avant d’être disponible.

Non pris en charge par l'assistance
Guide d'installation d'Automation Suite
Dernière mise à jour 21 nov. 2024
MongoDB ou applications métier dégradées après la restauration du cluster
Parfois, après la restauration/le retour à la version 2022.4.x ou 2021.10.x du cluster, un problème bloque MongoDB ou les pods des applications métier (Apps) dans leur état initial. Cela se produit car le volume requis pour attacher le PVC à un pod est manquant.
Vérifiez si le problème est bien lié au problème de pièce jointe de volume MongoDB :
# fetch all mongodb pods kubectl -n mongodb get pods #describe pods stuck in init state #kubectl -n mongodb describe pods mongodb-replica-set-<replica index number> kubectl -n mongodb describe pods mongodb-replica-set-0
# fetch all mongodb pods kubectl -n mongodb get pods #describe pods stuck in init state #kubectl -n mongodb describe pods mongodb-replica-set-<replica index number> kubectl -n mongodb describe pods mongodb-replica-set-0Si le problème est lié à la pièce jointe du volume MongoDB, les événements suivants s'affichent :
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ---- ---- Warning FailedAttachVolume 3m9s (x65 over 133m) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-66897693-e52d-4b89-aac6-ca0cc5ae9e07" : rpc error: code = Aborted desc = volume pvc-66897693-e52d-4b89-aac6-ca0cc5ae9e07 is not ready for workloads Warning FailedMount 103s (x50 over 112m) kubelet (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[logs-volume], unattached volumes=[hooks mongodb-replica-set-keyfile tls-secret data-volume healthstatus tls-ca kube-api-access-45qcl agent-scripts logs-volume automation-config]: timed out waiting for the condition
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ---- ---- Warning FailedAttachVolume 3m9s (x65 over 133m) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-66897693-e52d-4b89-aac6-ca0cc5ae9e07" : rpc error: code = Aborted desc = volume pvc-66897693-e52d-4b89-aac6-ca0cc5ae9e07 is not ready for workloads Warning FailedMount 103s (x50 over 112m) kubelet (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[logs-volume], unattached volumes=[hooks mongodb-replica-set-keyfile tls-secret data-volume healthstatus tls-ca kube-api-access-45qcl agent-scripts logs-volume automation-config]: timed out waiting for the condition -
Corrigez les pods MongoDB problématiques en exécutant le script suivant :
#!/bin/bash set -eu FAILED_PVC_LIST="" STORAGE_CLASS_SINGLE_REPLICA="longhorn-backup-single-replica" STORAGE_CLASS="longhorn-backup" LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH="restoredata" mkdir -p ${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH} export LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH="${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}" function delete_pvc_resources(){ local pv_name=$1 local volumeattachment_name=$2 echo "deleting pv & volumes forcefully" delete_pv_forcefully "${pv_name}" sleep 2 delete_longhornvolume_forcefully "${pv_name}" sleep 2 if [ -n "${volumeattachment_name}" ]; then echo "deleting volumeattachments forcefully" delete_volumeattachment_forcefully "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 fi } function delete_longhornvolume_forcefully() { local pv_name=$1 if ! kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Volume ${pv_name} not found, skip deletion." return fi kubectl -n longhorn-system delete "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & local success=0 local try=0 local maxtry=10 while (( try < maxtry )); do local result="" # update finaluzer field to null result=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -) || true echo "${result}" result=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}")|| true echo "${result}" if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then success=1 break; fi kubectl -n longhorn-system delete "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & echo "Waiting to delete volume ${pv_name} ${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 10 try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to delete volume ${pv_name}." fi } function delete_pv_forcefully() { local pv_name=$1 kubectl delete pv "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & local success=0 local try=0 local maxtry=10 while (( try < maxtry )); do # update finaluzer field to null result=$(kubectl get pv "${pv_name}" -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -) || true echo "${result}" result=$(kubectl get pv "${pv_name}")|| true echo "${result}" if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then success=1 break; fi kubectl delete pv "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & echo "Waiting to delete pv ${pv_name} ${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 10 try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to delete pv ${pv_name}." fi } function validate_pv_backup_available(){ local pv_name=$1 local validate_pv_backup_available_resp=0 local backup_resp="" local resp_status_code="" local resp_message="" local try=0 local maxtry=3 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do backup_resp=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/backupvolumes/${pv_name}?") || true echo "Backup Response: ${backup_resp}" if { [ -n "${backup_resp}" ] && [ "${backup_resp}" != " " ]; }; then resp_status_code=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".status") resp_message=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".message") if [[ -n "${resp_status_code}" && "${resp_status_code}" != " " && "${resp_status_code}" != "null" && (( resp_status_code -gt 200 )) ]] ; then validate_pv_backup_available_resp=0 else resp_message=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".messages.error") if { [ -z "${resp_message}" ] || [ "${resp_message}" = "null" ]; }; then echo "PVC Backup is available for ${pv_name}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 validate_pv_backup_available_resp=1 break; fi fi fi try=$((try+1)) sleep 10 done export IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE="${validate_pv_backup_available_resp}" } function store_pvc_resources(){ local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 if [[ -n "${volumeattachment_name}" && "${volumeattachment_name}" != " " ]]; then result=$(kubectl get volumeattachments "${volumeattachment_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${volumeattachment_name}".json) || true echo "${result}" fi kubectl get pv "${pv_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-pv.json kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-volume.json kubectl get pvc "${pvc_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pvc_name}"-pvc.json } function wait_pvc_bound() { local namespace=$1 local pvc_name=$2 try=0 maxtry=30 while (( try < maxtry )); do local status="" status=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".status | select( has(\"phase\")).phase") if [[ "${status}" == "Bound" ]]; then echo "PVC ${pvc_name} Bouned successfully." break; fi echo "waiting for PVC to bound...${try}/${maxtry}"; sleep 30 try=$((try+1)) done } function create_volume() { local pv_name=$1 local backup_path=$2 local response create_volume_status="succeed" echo "Creating Volume with PV: ${pv_name} and BackupPath: ${backup_path}" local accessmode local replicacount accessmode=$(< "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}-volume.json" jq -r ".spec.accessMode") replicacount=$(< "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}-volume.json" jq -r ".spec.numberOfReplicas") # create volume from backup pv response=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/volumes" -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-raw "{\"name\":\"${pv_name}\", \"accessMode\":\"${accessmode}\", \"fromBackup\": \"${backup_path}\", \"numberOfReplicas\": ${replicacount}}") sleep 5 if [[ -n "${response}" && "${response}" != "null" && "${response}" != " " && -n $(echo "${response}"|jq -r ".id") ]]; then # wait for volume to be detached , max wait 4hr local try=0 local maxtry=480 local success=0 while (( try < maxtry ));do status=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o json |jq -r ".status.state") || true echo "volume ${pv_name} status: ${status}" if [[ "${status}" == "detached" ]]; then # update label kubectl -n longhorn-system label"${pv_name}" success=1 echo "Volume ready to use" break fi echo "waiting for volume to be ready to use${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 30 restore_status_url="${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/volumes/${pv_name}?action=snapshotList" try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then create_volume_status="failed" echo "${pv_name} Volume is not ready to use with status ${status}" fi else create_volume_status="failed" kubectl create -f "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-volume.json || true echo "${pv_name} Volume creation failed ${response} " fi echo "${create_volume_status}" } function restore_with_backupvolume() { local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 local backup_path=$5 create_volume_status="succeed" store_pvc_resources "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 delete_pvc_resources "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 create_volume "${pv_name}" "${backup_path}" sleep 10 kubectl create -f "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-pv.json if [[ -n "${create_volume_status}" && "${create_volume_status}" != "succeed" ]]; then echo "Backup volume restore failed for pvc ${pvc_name} in namespace ${namespace}" restore_pvc_status="failed" else local pvc_uid="" pvc_uid=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".metadata.uid") # update pv with pvc uid kubectl patch pv "${pv_name}" --type json -p "[{\"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/spec/claimRef/uid\", \"value\": \"${pvc_uid}\"}]" wait_pvc_bound "${namespace}" "${pvc_name}" echo "${result}" fi echo ${restore_pvc_status} } function restore_pvc(){ local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 local backup_path=$5 restore_pvc_status="succeed" restore_with_backupvolume "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" "${backup_path}" echo ${restore_pvc_status} # attach_volume "${pv_name}" } function get_backup_list_by_pvname(){ local pv_name=$1 local get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp="" local backup_list_response="" local try=0 local maxtry=3 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do backup_list_response=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/backupvolumes/${pv_name}?action=backupList" -X 'POST' -H 'Content-Length: 0' -H 'Accept: application/json') if [[ -n "${backup_list_response}" && "${backup_list_response}" != " " && -n $( echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq ".data" ) && -n $( echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq ".data[]" ) ]]; then echo "Backup List Response: ${backup_list_response}" # pick first backup data with url non empty # shellcheck disable=SC2034 get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp=$(echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq -c '[.data[]|select(.url | . != null and . != "")][0]') break; fi try=$((try+1)) sleep 10 done export PV_BACKUP_PATH="${get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp}" } function get_pvc_resources() { get_pvc_resources_resp="" local PVC_NAME=$1 local PVC_NAMESPACE=$2 # PV have one to one mapping with PVC PV_NAME=$(kubectl -n "${PVC_NAMESPACE}" get pvc "${PVC_NAME}" -o json|jq -r ".spec.volumeName") VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_LIST=$(kubectl get volumeattachments -n "${PVC_NAMESPACE}" -o=json|jq -c ".items[]|\ {name:, pvClaimName:.spec.source| select( has (\"persistentVolumeName\")).persistentVolumeName}") VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME="" for VOLUME_ATTACHMENT in ${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_LIST}; do PV_CLAIM_NAME=$(echo "${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT}"|jq -r ".pvClaimName") if [[ "${PV_NAME}" = "${PV_CLAIM_NAME}" ]]; then VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME=$(echo "${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT}"|jq -r ".name") break; fi done BACKUP_PATH="" validate_pv_backup_available "${PV_NAME}" local is_backup_available=${IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE:- 0} unset IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE if [ "${is_backup_available}" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Backup is available for PVC ${PVC_NAME}" get_backup_list_by_pvname "${PV_NAME}" BACKUP_PATH=$(echo "${PV_BACKUP_PATH}"| jq -r ".url") unset PV_BACKUP_PATH fi get_pvc_resources_resp="{\"pvc_name\": \"${PVC_NAME}\", \"pv_name\": \"${PV_NAME}\", \"volumeattachment_name\": \"${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME}\", \"backup_path\": \"${BACKUP_PATH}\"}" echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}" } function scale_ownerreferences() { local ownerReferences=$1 local namespace=$2 local replicas=$3 # no operation required if [[ -z "${ownerReferences}" || "${ownerReferences}" == "null" ]]; then return fi ownerReferences=$(echo "${ownerReferences}"| jq -c ".[]") for ownerReference in ${ownerReferences}; do echo "Owner: ${ownerReference}" local resourceKind local resourceName resourceKind=$(echo "${ownerReference}"| jq -r ".kind") resourceName=$(echo "${ownerReference}"| jq -r ".name") if kubectl -n "${namespace}" get "${resourceKind}" "${resourceName}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # scale replicas kubectl -n "${namespace}" patch "${resourceKind}" "${resourceName}" --type json -p "[{\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/spec/members\", \"value\": ${replicas} }]" fi done } function scale_down_statefulset() { local statefulset_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local ownerReferences=$3 echo "Start Scale Down statefulset ${statefulset_name} under namespace ${namespace}..." # validate and scale down ownerreference scale_ownerreferences "${ownerReferences}" "${namespace}" 0 local try=0 local maxtry=30 success=0 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do result=$(kubectl scale statefulset "${statefulset_name}" --replicas=0 -n "${namespace}") || true echo "${result}" scaledown=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}"|grep 0/0) || true if { [ -n "${scaledown}" ] && [ "${scaledown}" != " " ]; }; then echo "Statefulset scaled down successfully." success=1 break else try=$((try+1)) echo "waiting for the statefulset ${statefulset_name} to scale down...${try}/${maxtry}";sleep 30 fi done if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Statefulset ${statefulset_name} scaled down failed" fi } function scale_up_statefulset() { local statefulset_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local replica=$3 local ownerReferences=$4 # Scale up statefulsets using PVCs echo "Start Scale Up statefulset ${statefulset_name}..." # validate and scale up ownerreference scale_ownerreferences "${ownerReferences}" "${namespace}" "${replica}" echo "Waiting to scale up statefulset..." local try=1 local maxtry=15 local success=0 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do kubectl scale statefulset "${statefulset_name}" --replicas="${replica}" -n "${namespace}" kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" scaleup=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}"|grep "${replica}"/"${replica}") || true if ! { [ -n "${scaleup}" ] && [ "${scaleup}" != " " ]; }; then try=$((try+1)) echo "waiting for the statefulset ${statefulset_name} to scale up...${try}/${maxtry}"; sleep 30 else echo "Statefulset scaled up successfully." success=1 break fi done if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Statefulset scaled up failed ${statefulset_name}." fi } function restore_pvc_attached_to_statefulsets() { local namespace namespace="${1}" local statefulset_list # list of all statefulset using PVC statefulset_list=$(kubectl get statefulset -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -r ".items[] | select(.spec.volumeClaimTemplates)") for statefulset_name in ${statefulset_list}; do local replica local ownerReferences local pvc_restore_failed local try=0 local maxtry=5 local status="notready" pvc_restore_failed="" restore_pvc_status="" # check if statefulset is reday while [[ "${status}" == "notready" ]] && (( try < maxtry )); do echo "fetch statefulset ${statefulset_name} metadata... ${try}/${maxtry}" try=$(( try + 1 )) replica=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".spec.replicas") if [[ "${replica}" != 0 ]]; then status="ready" else echo "statefulset ${statefulset_name} replica is not ready. Wait and retry"; sleep 30 fi done if [[ "${status}" != "ready" ]]; then echo "Failed to restore pvc for Statefulset ${statefulset_name} in namespace ${namespace}. Please retrigger volume restore step." fi # Fetch ownerReferences and claim name ownerReferences=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".metadata.ownerReferences") claimTemplatesName=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".spec | select( has (\"volumeClaimTemplates\") ).volumeClaimTemplates[] " | xargs) echo "Scaling down Statefulset ${statefulset_name} with ${replica} under namespace ${namespace}" scale_down_statefulset "${statefulset_name}" "${namespace}" "${ownerReferences}" for name in ${claimTemplatesName}; do local pvc_prefix pvc_prefix="${name}-${statefulset_name}" for((i=0;i<"${replica}";i++)); do local pvc_name pvc_name="${pvc_prefix}-${i}" pvc_exist=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}") || true if [[ -z "${pvc_exist}" || "${pvc_exist}" == " " ]]; then echo "PVC not available for the statefulset ${statefulset_name}, skipping restore." continue; fi local pvc_storageclass pvc_storageclass=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".spec.storageClassName") if [[ ! ( "${pvc_storageclass}" == "${STORAGE_CLASS}" || "${pvc_storageclass}" == "${STORAGE_CLASS_SINGLE_REPLICA}" ) ]]; then echo "backup not available for pvc ${pvc_name}, storageclass: ${pvc_storageclass} " continue; fi # get pv, volumeattachments for pvc get_pvc_resources_resp="" get_pvc_resources "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" local pv_name local volumeattachment_name local backup_path pv_name=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".pv_name") volumeattachment_name=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".volumeattachment_name") backup_path=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".backup_path") if [[ -z "${backup_path}" || "${backup_path}" == " " || "${backup_path}" == "null" ]]; then pvc_restore_failed="error" FAILED_PVC_LIST="${FAILED_PVC_LIST},${pv_name}" continue; fi restore_pvc_status="succeed" restore_pvc "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" "${backup_path}" if [[ -n "${restore_pvc_status}" && "${restore_pvc_status}" != "succeed" ]]; then pvc_restore_failed="error" FAILED_PVC_LIST="${FAILED_PVC_LIST},${pv_name}" continue; fi done done sleep 10 scale_up_statefulset "${statefulset_name}" "${namespace}" "${replica}" "${ownerReferences}" sleep 5 if [[ -n "${pvc_restore_failed}" && "${pvc_restore_failed}" == "error" ]]; then echo "Failed to restore pvc for Statefulset ${statefulset_name} in namespace ${namespace}." fi done } LONGHORN_URL=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get svc longhorn-backend -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"):9500 restore_pvc_attached_to_statefulsets "mongodb"
#!/bin/bash set -eu FAILED_PVC_LIST="" STORAGE_CLASS_SINGLE_REPLICA="longhorn-backup-single-replica" STORAGE_CLASS="longhorn-backup" LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH="restoredata" mkdir -p ${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH} export LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH="${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}" function delete_pvc_resources(){ local pv_name=$1 local volumeattachment_name=$2 echo "deleting pv & volumes forcefully" delete_pv_forcefully "${pv_name}" sleep 2 delete_longhornvolume_forcefully "${pv_name}" sleep 2 if [ -n "${volumeattachment_name}" ]; then echo "deleting volumeattachments forcefully" delete_volumeattachment_forcefully "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 fi } function delete_longhornvolume_forcefully() { local pv_name=$1 if ! kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Volume ${pv_name} not found, skip deletion." return fi kubectl -n longhorn-system delete "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & local success=0 local try=0 local maxtry=10 while (( try < maxtry )); do local result="" # update finaluzer field to null result=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -) || true echo "${result}" result=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}")|| true echo "${result}" if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then success=1 break; fi kubectl -n longhorn-system delete "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & echo "Waiting to delete volume ${pv_name} ${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 10 try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to delete volume ${pv_name}." fi } function delete_pv_forcefully() { local pv_name=$1 kubectl delete pv "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & local success=0 local try=0 local maxtry=10 while (( try < maxtry )); do # update finaluzer field to null result=$(kubectl get pv "${pv_name}" -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -) || true echo "${result}" result=$(kubectl get pv "${pv_name}")|| true echo "${result}" if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then success=1 break; fi kubectl delete pv "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & echo "Waiting to delete pv ${pv_name} ${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 10 try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to delete pv ${pv_name}." fi } function validate_pv_backup_available(){ local pv_name=$1 local validate_pv_backup_available_resp=0 local backup_resp="" local resp_status_code="" local resp_message="" local try=0 local maxtry=3 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do backup_resp=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/backupvolumes/${pv_name}?") || true echo "Backup Response: ${backup_resp}" if { [ -n "${backup_resp}" ] && [ "${backup_resp}" != " " ]; }; then resp_status_code=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".status") resp_message=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".message") if [[ -n "${resp_status_code}" && "${resp_status_code}" != " " && "${resp_status_code}" != "null" && (( resp_status_code -gt 200 )) ]] ; then validate_pv_backup_available_resp=0 else resp_message=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".messages.error") if { [ -z "${resp_message}" ] || [ "${resp_message}" = "null" ]; }; then echo "PVC Backup is available for ${pv_name}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 validate_pv_backup_available_resp=1 break; fi fi fi try=$((try+1)) sleep 10 done export IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE="${validate_pv_backup_available_resp}" } function store_pvc_resources(){ local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 if [[ -n "${volumeattachment_name}" && "${volumeattachment_name}" != " " ]]; then result=$(kubectl get volumeattachments "${volumeattachment_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${volumeattachment_name}".json) || true echo "${result}" fi kubectl get pv "${pv_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-pv.json kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-volume.json kubectl get pvc "${pvc_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pvc_name}"-pvc.json } function wait_pvc_bound() { local namespace=$1 local pvc_name=$2 try=0 maxtry=30 while (( try < maxtry )); do local status="" status=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".status | select( has(\"phase\")).phase") if [[ "${status}" == "Bound" ]]; then echo "PVC ${pvc_name} Bouned successfully." break; fi echo "waiting for PVC to bound...${try}/${maxtry}"; sleep 30 try=$((try+1)) done } function create_volume() { local pv_name=$1 local backup_path=$2 local response create_volume_status="succeed" echo "Creating Volume with PV: ${pv_name} and BackupPath: ${backup_path}" local accessmode local replicacount accessmode=$(< "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}-volume.json" jq -r ".spec.accessMode") replicacount=$(< "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}-volume.json" jq -r ".spec.numberOfReplicas") # create volume from backup pv response=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/volumes" -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-raw "{\"name\":\"${pv_name}\", \"accessMode\":\"${accessmode}\", \"fromBackup\": \"${backup_path}\", \"numberOfReplicas\": ${replicacount}}") sleep 5 if [[ -n "${response}" && "${response}" != "null" && "${response}" != " " && -n $(echo "${response}"|jq -r ".id") ]]; then # wait for volume to be detached , max wait 4hr local try=0 local maxtry=480 local success=0 while (( try < maxtry ));do status=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o json |jq -r ".status.state") || true echo "volume ${pv_name} status: ${status}" if [[ "${status}" == "detached" ]]; then # update label kubectl -n longhorn-system label"${pv_name}" success=1 echo "Volume ready to use" break fi echo "waiting for volume to be ready to use${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 30 restore_status_url="${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/volumes/${pv_name}?action=snapshotList" try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then create_volume_status="failed" echo "${pv_name} Volume is not ready to use with status ${status}" fi else create_volume_status="failed" kubectl create -f "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-volume.json || true echo "${pv_name} Volume creation failed ${response} " fi echo "${create_volume_status}" } function restore_with_backupvolume() { local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 local backup_path=$5 create_volume_status="succeed" store_pvc_resources "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 delete_pvc_resources "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 create_volume "${pv_name}" "${backup_path}" sleep 10 kubectl create -f "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-pv.json if [[ -n "${create_volume_status}" && "${create_volume_status}" != "succeed" ]]; then echo "Backup volume restore failed for pvc ${pvc_name} in namespace ${namespace}" restore_pvc_status="failed" else local pvc_uid="" pvc_uid=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".metadata.uid") # update pv with pvc uid kubectl patch pv "${pv_name}" --type json -p "[{\"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/spec/claimRef/uid\", \"value\": \"${pvc_uid}\"}]" wait_pvc_bound "${namespace}" "${pvc_name}" echo "${result}" fi echo ${restore_pvc_status} } function restore_pvc(){ local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 local backup_path=$5 restore_pvc_status="succeed" restore_with_backupvolume "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" "${backup_path}" echo ${restore_pvc_status} # attach_volume "${pv_name}" } function get_backup_list_by_pvname(){ local pv_name=$1 local get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp="" local backup_list_response="" local try=0 local maxtry=3 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do backup_list_response=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/backupvolumes/${pv_name}?action=backupList" -X 'POST' -H 'Content-Length: 0' -H 'Accept: application/json') if [[ -n "${backup_list_response}" && "${backup_list_response}" != " " && -n $( echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq ".data" ) && -n $( echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq ".data[]" ) ]]; then echo "Backup List Response: ${backup_list_response}" # pick first backup data with url non empty # shellcheck disable=SC2034 get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp=$(echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq -c '[.data[]|select(.url | . != null and . != "")][0]') break; fi try=$((try+1)) sleep 10 done export PV_BACKUP_PATH="${get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp}" } function get_pvc_resources() { get_pvc_resources_resp="" local PVC_NAME=$1 local PVC_NAMESPACE=$2 # PV have one to one mapping with PVC PV_NAME=$(kubectl -n "${PVC_NAMESPACE}" get pvc "${PVC_NAME}" -o json|jq -r ".spec.volumeName") VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_LIST=$(kubectl get volumeattachments -n "${PVC_NAMESPACE}" -o=json|jq -c ".items[]|\ {name:, pvClaimName:.spec.source| select( has (\"persistentVolumeName\")).persistentVolumeName}") VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME="" for VOLUME_ATTACHMENT in ${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_LIST}; do PV_CLAIM_NAME=$(echo "${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT}"|jq -r ".pvClaimName") if [[ "${PV_NAME}" = "${PV_CLAIM_NAME}" ]]; then VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME=$(echo "${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT}"|jq -r ".name") break; fi done BACKUP_PATH="" validate_pv_backup_available "${PV_NAME}" local is_backup_available=${IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE:- 0} unset IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE if [ "${is_backup_available}" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Backup is available for PVC ${PVC_NAME}" get_backup_list_by_pvname "${PV_NAME}" BACKUP_PATH=$(echo "${PV_BACKUP_PATH}"| jq -r ".url") unset PV_BACKUP_PATH fi get_pvc_resources_resp="{\"pvc_name\": \"${PVC_NAME}\", \"pv_name\": \"${PV_NAME}\", \"volumeattachment_name\": \"${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME}\", \"backup_path\": \"${BACKUP_PATH}\"}" echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}" } function scale_ownerreferences() { local ownerReferences=$1 local namespace=$2 local replicas=$3 # no operation required if [[ -z "${ownerReferences}" || "${ownerReferences}" == "null" ]]; then return fi ownerReferences=$(echo "${ownerReferences}"| jq -c ".[]") for ownerReference in ${ownerReferences}; do echo "Owner: ${ownerReference}" local resourceKind local resourceName resourceKind=$(echo "${ownerReference}"| jq -r ".kind") resourceName=$(echo "${ownerReference}"| jq -r ".name") if kubectl -n "${namespace}" get "${resourceKind}" "${resourceName}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # scale replicas kubectl -n "${namespace}" patch "${resourceKind}" "${resourceName}" --type json -p "[{\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/spec/members\", \"value\": ${replicas} }]" fi done } function scale_down_statefulset() { local statefulset_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local ownerReferences=$3 echo "Start Scale Down statefulset ${statefulset_name} under namespace ${namespace}..." # validate and scale down ownerreference scale_ownerreferences "${ownerReferences}" "${namespace}" 0 local try=0 local maxtry=30 success=0 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do result=$(kubectl scale statefulset "${statefulset_name}" --replicas=0 -n "${namespace}") || true echo "${result}" scaledown=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}"|grep 0/0) || true if { [ -n "${scaledown}" ] && [ "${scaledown}" != " " ]; }; then echo "Statefulset scaled down successfully." success=1 break else try=$((try+1)) echo "waiting for the statefulset ${statefulset_name} to scale down...${try}/${maxtry}";sleep 30 fi done if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Statefulset ${statefulset_name} scaled down failed" fi } function scale_up_statefulset() { local statefulset_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local replica=$3 local ownerReferences=$4 # Scale up statefulsets using PVCs echo "Start Scale Up statefulset ${statefulset_name}..." # validate and scale up ownerreference scale_ownerreferences "${ownerReferences}" "${namespace}" "${replica}" echo "Waiting to scale up statefulset..." local try=1 local maxtry=15 local success=0 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do kubectl scale statefulset "${statefulset_name}" --replicas="${replica}" -n "${namespace}" kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" scaleup=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}"|grep "${replica}"/"${replica}") || true if ! { [ -n "${scaleup}" ] && [ "${scaleup}" != " " ]; }; then try=$((try+1)) echo "waiting for the statefulset ${statefulset_name} to scale up...${try}/${maxtry}"; sleep 30 else echo "Statefulset scaled up successfully." success=1 break fi done if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Statefulset scaled up failed ${statefulset_name}." fi } function restore_pvc_attached_to_statefulsets() { local namespace namespace="${1}" local statefulset_list # list of all statefulset using PVC statefulset_list=$(kubectl get statefulset -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -r ".items[] | select(.spec.volumeClaimTemplates)") for statefulset_name in ${statefulset_list}; do local replica local ownerReferences local pvc_restore_failed local try=0 local maxtry=5 local status="notready" pvc_restore_failed="" restore_pvc_status="" # check if statefulset is reday while [[ "${status}" == "notready" ]] && (( try < maxtry )); do echo "fetch statefulset ${statefulset_name} metadata... ${try}/${maxtry}" try=$(( try + 1 )) replica=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".spec.replicas") if [[ "${replica}" != 0 ]]; then status="ready" else echo "statefulset ${statefulset_name} replica is not ready. Wait and retry"; sleep 30 fi done if [[ "${status}" != "ready" ]]; then echo "Failed to restore pvc for Statefulset ${statefulset_name} in namespace ${namespace}. Please retrigger volume restore step." fi # Fetch ownerReferences and claim name ownerReferences=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".metadata.ownerReferences") claimTemplatesName=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".spec | select( has (\"volumeClaimTemplates\") ).volumeClaimTemplates[] " | xargs) echo "Scaling down Statefulset ${statefulset_name} with ${replica} under namespace ${namespace}" scale_down_statefulset "${statefulset_name}" "${namespace}" "${ownerReferences}" for name in ${claimTemplatesName}; do local pvc_prefix pvc_prefix="${name}-${statefulset_name}" for((i=0;i<"${replica}";i++)); do local pvc_name pvc_name="${pvc_prefix}-${i}" pvc_exist=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}") || true if [[ -z "${pvc_exist}" || "${pvc_exist}" == " " ]]; then echo "PVC not available for the statefulset ${statefulset_name}, skipping restore." continue; fi local pvc_storageclass pvc_storageclass=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".spec.storageClassName") if [[ ! ( "${pvc_storageclass}" == "${STORAGE_CLASS}" || "${pvc_storageclass}" == "${STORAGE_CLASS_SINGLE_REPLICA}" ) ]]; then echo "backup not available for pvc ${pvc_name}, storageclass: ${pvc_storageclass} " continue; fi # get pv, volumeattachments for pvc get_pvc_resources_resp="" get_pvc_resources "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" local pv_name local volumeattachment_name local backup_path pv_name=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".pv_name") volumeattachment_name=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".volumeattachment_name") backup_path=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".backup_path") if [[ -z "${backup_path}" || "${backup_path}" == " " || "${backup_path}" == "null" ]]; then pvc_restore_failed="error" FAILED_PVC_LIST="${FAILED_PVC_LIST},${pv_name}" continue; fi restore_pvc_status="succeed" restore_pvc "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" "${backup_path}" if [[ -n "${restore_pvc_status}" && "${restore_pvc_status}" != "succeed" ]]; then pvc_restore_failed="error" FAILED_PVC_LIST="${FAILED_PVC_LIST},${pv_name}" continue; fi done done sleep 10 scale_up_statefulset "${statefulset_name}" "${namespace}" "${replica}" "${ownerReferences}" sleep 5 if [[ -n "${pvc_restore_failed}" && "${pvc_restore_failed}" == "error" ]]; then echo "Failed to restore pvc for Statefulset ${statefulset_name} in namespace ${namespace}." fi done } LONGHORN_URL=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get svc longhorn-backend -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"):9500 restore_pvc_attached_to_statefulsets "mongodb"