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Guía de instalación de Automation Suite en Linux
Last updated 5 de sep. de 2024

Cambiar el tamaño de PVC

Redimensionar Objectstore PVC

Importante: no es necesario cambiar el tamaño del PVC del almacén de objetos si utilizas un disco sin procesar para el almacén de objetos o se migra a un almacén de objetos externo
Para ver más información sobre Objectstore, ejecute el siguiente comando:
sudo ./ objectstore --helpsudo ./ objectstore --help



Manage objectstore configuration

Usage: objectstore [command] objectstore [flags]

Available Commands:
  resize-pvc                          Resize PVC

  -h|--help                           Display help


Manage objectstore configuration

Usage: objectstore [command] objectstore [flags]

Available Commands:
  resize-pvc                          Resize PVC

  -h|--help                           Display help

Nota: El redimensionamiento de PVC puede ser peligroso y provocará la inactividad de la totalidad o de algunos de los componentes de efecto del clúster. Por tanto, tenga cuidado a la hora de realizar esta operación.

Para ver más información sobre el cambio de tamaño del PVC de Objectstore ejecute el siguiente comando:

sudo ./ objectstore resize-pvc --helpsudo ./ objectstore resize-pvc --help

El comando devuelve el siguiente resultado:


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [mon|data]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for objectstore mon to 105 Gi objectstore resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "mon"


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [mon|data]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for objectstore mon to 105 Gi objectstore resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "mon"


Para cambiar el tamaño del almacenamiento de datos de ceph objectstore, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./ objectstore resize-pvc --size 1024Gi --sub-component datasudo ./ objectstore resize-pvc --size 1024Gi --sub-component data

El comando cambia el tamaño del PVC de almacenamiento de datos a 1 TiB.

Antes de iniciar la operación de cambio de tamaño del PVC, la herramienta le avisará de las repercusiones. Debe aceptar antes de continuar. También puede untilizar el marcador --force para omitir la advertencia.
Nota: si el intento de cambiar el tamaño de la operación pvc de objstore ha fallado, consulta la sección Resolución de problemas para obtener una solución.

Redimensionar rabbitmq PVC

Para ver más información sobre redimensionar rabbitmq PVC, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./  rabbitmq resize-pvc --helpsudo ./  rabbitmq resize-pvc --help

El comando devuelve el siguiente resultado:


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [server]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for rabbitmq server to 105 Gi rabbitmq resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "server"


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [server]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for rabbitmq server to 105 Gi rabbitmq resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "server"


Para cambiar el tamaño de rabbitmq PVC, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./ rabbitmq resize-pvc --size 100Gi  --sub-component "server"sudo ./ rabbitmq resize-pvc --size 100Gi  --sub-component "server"

Redimensionar mongodb PVC

Para ver más información sobre redimensionar mongodb PVC, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./  mongodb resize-pvc --helpsudo ./  mongodb resize-pvc --help

El comando devuelve el siguiente resultado:


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [data|logs]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for mongodb data to 105 Gi mongodb resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "data"


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [data|logs]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for mongodb data to 105 Gi mongodb resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "data"


Para redimensionar mongodb PVC, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./ mongodb resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "data"sudo ./ mongodb resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "data"
El comando cambia el tamaño de los datos PVC de mongodb. Si quieres cambiar el tamaño del pvc logs, debes utilizar --sub-component "logs".

Redimensionar PVC de supervisión

Para ver más información sobre redimensionar PVC de supervisión, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./ monitoring resize-pvc --helpsudo ./ monitoring resize-pvc --help

El comando devuelve el siguiente resultado:


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [alertmanager|prometheus]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for monitoring alertmanager to 105 Gi monitoring resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "alertmanager"


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [alertmanager|prometheus]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for monitoring alertmanager to 105 Gi monitoring resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "alertmanager"


Para redimensionar mongodb PVC, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./ monitoring resize-pvc --size 100Gi  --sub-component "alertmanager"sudo ./ monitoring resize-pvc --size 100Gi  --sub-component "alertmanager"
Puedes cambiar el tamaño prometheus de PVC pasando el valor prometheusal argumento --sub-component.

Redimensionar PVC del registro

Para ver más información sobre redimensionar PVC del registro, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./ registry resize-pvc --helpsudo ./ registry resize-pvc --help

El comando devuelve el siguiente resultado:


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [data]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for registry data to 105 Gi registry resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "data"


Resize PVC provided by different CSI drivers

  -s|--size            [Required] : Size of PVC. Allowed formats are
                       - Plain integer
                       - A fixed-point number using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, k
                       - A fixed-point number using one of power-of-two equivalents suffixes: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki
  -b|--sub-component   [Required] : Sub-component to resize. Possible Values [data]
  -d|--debug           Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs
  -h|--help            Show this help message and exit
  -f|--force           Allow deletion of pods to resize the PVC. This may cause downtime

  Update PVC size for registry data to 105 Gi registry resize-pvc --size 105Gi  --sub-component "data"


Para redimensionar PVC del registro, ejecuta el siguiente comando:

sudo ./ registry resize-pvc --size 100Gi  --sub-component "data"sudo ./ registry resize-pvc --size 100Gi  --sub-component "data"

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