Automation Suite
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Guía de instalación de Automation Suite en Linux
Última actualización 19 de abr. de 2024

Redirecting traffic for the unsupported services to the primary cluster

You can install products that are not supported in Disaster Recovery with Active/Passive and Active/Active. However, you should take the following aspects into consideration:

  • In Active/Passive deployments, you cannot use these products when the second cluster is in use or active.

  • In Active/Active deployments, the traffic for the unsupported services in the secondary cluster must always be redirected to the primary cluster. To do that, run the following script on the secondary cluster only:

    services=("aifabric" "actions" "bupproxyservice" "apps" "du" "testmanager" "roboticsops" "processes" "dataservice")
    existingJson=$(kubectl get wasmplugin uipath-routing-policy -n istio-system -o json)
    for service in "${services[@]}"
      exists=$(echo "$existingJson" | jq -r ".spec.pluginConfig.forward_services[] | select(.name == \"$service\")")
      if [ -n "$exists" ]; then 
         echo "Service '${service}' already exists. Skipping..."
      kubectl patch wasmplugin uipath-routing-policy -n istio-system --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/pluginConfig/forward_services/-", "value": {"name": "'$service'", "paths": [""]}}]'
      echo "Service '${service}' forwarding rule added."
    doneRemove servicesservices=("aifabric" "actions" "bupproxyservice" "apps" "du" "testmanager" "roboticsops" "processes" "dataservice")
    existingJson=$(kubectl get wasmplugin uipath-routing-policy -n istio-system -o json)
    for service in "${services[@]}"
      exists=$(echo "$existingJson" | jq -r ".spec.pluginConfig.forward_services[] | select(.name == \"$service\")")
      if [ -n "$exists" ]; then 
         echo "Service '${service}' already exists. Skipping..."
      kubectl patch wasmplugin uipath-routing-policy -n istio-system --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/pluginConfig/forward_services/-", "value": {"name": "'$service'", "paths": [""]}}]'
      echo "Service '${service}' forwarding rule added."
    doneRemove services

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