Automation Suite
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Guía de instalación de Automation Suite en Linux
Última actualización 19 de abr. de 2024

Tiempos de actualización in situ


Los tiempos de actualización in situ con Error: cannot execute upgrade plan on agent nodes: context canceled. Sin embargo, todos los nodos se actualizaron, pero los registros principales indican un tiempo de espera de la actualización.

Por ejemplo:

  1. El registro de actualización para el primer nodo muestra una actualización fallida:
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T12:51:12+0000]: Running upgrade on all nodes...
    Error: cannot execute upgrade plan on agent nodes: context canceled
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:12+0000]: Node details:
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:12+0000]: NAME      STATUS   ROLES                       AGE     VERSION
    agent0    Ready    <none>                      6h44m   v1.26.5+rke2r1
    server0   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   7h18m   v1.26.5+rke2r1
    server1   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   7h2m    v1.26.5+rke2r1
    server2   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   6h53m   v1.26.5+rke2r1
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:12+0000]: Refer the log files in /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/_upgrade/UiPath_Installer/Modules/../upgrade-logs/upgrade-2023.10.0-rc.12
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:16+0000]: Rke upgrade information is available at system-upgrade namespace. Use kubectl command to get the logs and events.
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:16+0000]: Logs also present in the corresponding node at /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/_autoupgrade
    ^[[0;31m[ERROR][2023-10-11T13:51:16+0000]:^[[0m Upgrade failed. Please fix the errors and try again.[INFO] [2023-10-11T12:51:12+0000]: Running upgrade on all nodes...
    Error: cannot execute upgrade plan on agent nodes: context canceled
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:12+0000]: Node details:
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:12+0000]: NAME      STATUS   ROLES                       AGE     VERSION
    agent0    Ready    <none>                      6h44m   v1.26.5+rke2r1
    server0   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   7h18m   v1.26.5+rke2r1
    server1   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   7h2m    v1.26.5+rke2r1
    server2   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   6h53m   v1.26.5+rke2r1
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:12+0000]: Refer the log files in /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/_upgrade/UiPath_Installer/Modules/../upgrade-logs/upgrade-2023.10.0-rc.12
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:16+0000]: Rke upgrade information is available at system-upgrade namespace. Use kubectl command to get the logs and events.
    [INFO] [2023-10-11T13:51:16+0000]: Logs also present in the corresponding node at /opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/_autoupgrade
    ^[[0;31m[ERROR][2023-10-11T13:51:16+0000]:^[[0m Upgrade failed. Please fix the errors and try again.
  2. El registro de actualización para el nodo de agente muestra una actualización correcta:
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:53+0000]: Infra installed successfully
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:53+0000]: Validate rke2 images update in the upgrade hook
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:53+0000]: checking all rke2 pods are up and running in the current node
    pod/kube-proxy-agent0 condition met
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:54+0000]: Uncordoning node in the upgrade hook
    Checking if node  is ready to run kubectl command.
    Node is ready to accept kubectl command
    Enable IP Forwarding...
    Either file /etc/sysctl.conf not present or file is not writable. Enabling ip forward using /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward...
    Uncordon agent0 ...
    label "nodejanitor/skip" not found.
    node/agent0 not labeled
    node/agent0 already uncordoned
    node/agent0 annotated
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:54+0000]: Upgrade successfully completed.[INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:53+0000]: Infra installed successfully
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:53+0000]: Validate rke2 images update in the upgrade hook
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:53+0000]: checking all rke2 pods are up and running in the current node
    pod/kube-proxy-agent0 condition met
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:54+0000]: Uncordoning node in the upgrade hook
    Checking if node  is ready to run kubectl command.
    Node is ready to accept kubectl command
    Enable IP Forwarding...
    Either file /etc/sysctl.conf not present or file is not writable. Enabling ip forward using /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward...
    Uncordon agent0 ...
    label "nodejanitor/skip" not found.
    node/agent0 not labeled
    node/agent0 already uncordoned
    node/agent0 annotated
    [INFO] [2023-10-12T12:42:54+0000]: Upgrade successfully completed.


Volver a ejecutar la actualización corrige el problema.

  • Descripción
  • Solución

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