Productivity Activities
Last updated Sep 13, 2024

Get File List



Retrieves a list of files from the specified Google Drive location.

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Connection - The connection for the Google Workspace account to use in the activity.
  • In location - The location on Google Drive where to search for files and folders. If left blank, the activity searches anywhere in Google Drive. Use the Plus docs image button menu to Use variable (IResource type) or Url or ID input (String) modes.
    • If you select Use variable, you can use the output variable from other activities, such as Create Folder.
Additional options


  • Limit to first - Select the number of files or folders to return. This field supports Int32 variables and Int32 values. By default, 200 is selected. If left blank, the activity returns all the files and folders in the specified location.
  • Starred only - Specifies whether to consider only starred files and folders. By default, False is selected.
  • Additional filters - Click this field to open the Filter builder and add additional filters for the query.


  • Retrieved files - Reference to the retrieved files for use in other activities.


See also
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Example

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