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Automation Suite Installation Guide

Last updated Dec 19, 2024

Step 1.1: Creating the VM

Creating a Resource Group

You need to have a resource group under your Azure subscription for running Automation Suite. If you want to use an existing one, you can skip this step and specify the resource group in the later steps.

  1. Go to the Azure portal.
  2. If you create a new one, then select Resource Group from the home page and click Create.

Creating a Virtual Network Under the Same Resource Group

  1. Go to the Azure portal.
  2. Search for Virtual Network from the home page and click Create.

All the machines that we provision should be part of this virtual network

Creating a Network Security Group

  1. Go to the Azure portal.
  2. Create a Network security group under the target resource group.

    All the machines that we provision should make use of this common network security group.

  3. Search for Network Security Group from the home page and click Create.

The Network Security Group should be under the Resource Group.

Creating a Virtual Machine

  1. Go to the Azure portal.
  2. Type virtual machines in the search field.
  3. Under Services, select Virtual machines.
  4. In the Virtual machines page, select Create. The Create a virtual machine page opens.

Basics Tab

  1. In the Basics tab, under Project details, make sure the correct subscription is selected and then choose to Create new resource group (or select an existing from the list). Type for the name.
  2. Under Instance details, set your VM name for the Virtual machine name, choose your Region, and choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS 8.2 or above for your Image. Leave the other defaults.
  3. Please see the hardware requirements for machine size based on the products installed.
    • For example, a single-node evaluation deployment VM for the basic selection of products can be Standard_D16s_v3, and for the complete selection, Standard_D32s_v3. Please choose the appropriate size from the drop-down list. You can find those machines in the D-Series v3 option in the drop-downs.
      Note: If you search for Standard_D32s_v3 to find the machine size, no results are returned. You need to search for D32s_v3 instead.
    • For a multi-node HA-ready production deployment - for the basic selection of products you can select 3 x Standard_D16s_v3, and for the complete selection, 3 x Standard_D32s_v3 or 6 x Standard_D16s_v3. Please choose the appropriate size from the drop-down list.
    • If you want GPU support, then you need to select NC type VMs, Standard_NC12 or Standard_NC12s_v2. The rest of the steps are same for these VMs.
  4. Under Administrator account, select Password authentication type, and fill in the rest of the fields.
  5. Inbound port rules. Select HTTPS (443) and SSH (22) ports.

  6. From here, you can go to Next: Disks >.

Adding Secondary Disk Drives

You can configure the VM directly during the creation step under the Disks tab.

  1. Make sure you have the following disks and that they meet the requirements:

    Disk label


    Cluster disk

    256 GiB SSD and Min IOPS: 1100

    etcd disk

    16 GiB SSD and Min IOPS: 240

    Data disk

    Basic installation: 512 GiB SSD and Min IOPS: 1100

    Complete installation: 2 TiB SSD and Min IOPS: 1100

    UiPath® bundle disk

    512 GiB SSD and Min IOPS: 1100


    Data and etcd disks should be separate physical disks. This physically isolates the data and etcd disks from other cluster workload and activity while also enhancing the performance and stability of the cluster.

    The UiPath® bundle disk is only required for offline installations.

  2. Click Create and attach a new disk.


Important: Each machine needs to be added to the virtual network. For both single-node evaluation deployments or a multi-node HA-ready production deployments, you need to create the virtual network. Each Azure VM resides in a Virtual Network (private network) and the public IP is the way by which we are exposing it to external connections (internet).

Follow the steps below to create a new Virtual Network (or select the existing one) and Public IP address:

  1. You can select the Virtual Network created at the previous step or click Create New under the Virtual Network drop-down to provide a name and Save. Do not select other checkboxes.

    Important: Make sure that any additional nodes that you configure are added to the same Virtual Network selected here.
  2. Click Create New under Public IP drop-down.

  3. Please choose the Standard SKU from Public IP:

  4. Press Review and Create and then Create.
  5. If you create the machine, wait until you see the following screen to indicate a complete deployment:

  6. Click "Go to Resource" and proceed to the next step.

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