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Process Mining

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
上次更新日期 2024年12月20日

UiPath Process Mining 中的“购买到付款”流程


采购到付款 是指从买方的角度来看货物的采购、接收、付款和核算的流程。 该流程从采购请求开始,以发票付款结束,包括其间的所有确认和检查步骤。 它是组织中的核心流程之一,通常由多个部门执行。 “ 采购到付款 ”流程中最重要的工件是采购订单、收货和发票。

备注: Purchase-to-Pay is also known as Procure-to-Pay.

Steps in the Purchase-to-Pay process

采购到付款 涵盖采购生命周期中的以下主要流程。

  • Buying;
  • Delivery;
  • Payment.

请注意, 交付 流程和(部分) 付款 流程通常并行完成。

有关典型的“ 购买到付款” 流程步骤的概述,请参见下图。

Below is a description of the main steps in the Purchase-to-Pay process.

Process step



该流程从公司的一位采购员开始,该采购员想要购买一些商品。 采购员使用采购申请请求采购。 参与采购是为了达成最佳交易。 这可能意味着谈判新合同或适应现有合同。

采购部门会将请购单转换为采购订单,并确保在需要时填写缺失的信息。 采购部门批准采购订单 (PO),然后将其发送给供应商。


The warehouse department (if available) waits for the goods to be received. When goods arrive, the inventory is checked and updated. The goods are received by the initial buyer, who accepts the goods.


The finance department awaits the invoice to be received. When the invoice arrives, it is administrated. The invoice is paid by accounts payable. Accounting administrates the payment.

iProcess Insights

The above process describes an ideal scenario in which the buyer gets the goods of good quality in time with the best possible price. However, in many cases there will be differences and deviations to this.

A significant portion of the operating costs within a company is spent in managing the Purchase-to-Pay process. The greater the inefficiencies in the process, the greater the risk of a negative impact on the business’s cash flow. Managing a consistent Purchase-to-Pay process provides a reliable and healthy company.

“采购到付款”活动会影响整个组织的运营,例如库存管理和供应链管理。 优化“购买到付款”流程可以消除效率低下的问题,并可以为整个组织带来好处。

使用 UiPath Process Mining ,您可以更深入地了解“采购到付款”流程的实际执行情况,并获得详细信息,以分析订单状态、货物交付和发票。

在 AppOne 中监控购买到付款流程

借助 UiPath Process Mining,您可以深入了解“购买到付款”流程的实际执行方式。 例如,采购请求成为实际的采购订单需要多长时间,处理采购订单需要多长时间,最重要的是,您在多长时间内及时付款。 对于流程中的所有步骤, AppOne 提供有关吞吐量时间的见解。

With AppOne you can easily monitor your Purchase-to-Pay process to check the progress and quality of the process on a regular basis. If deviations are detected, you can take action to improve or change the process or parts of the process. Default KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and Tags are defined for the Purchase-to-Pay process, which enable you to keep an overview of the process.

例如,使用 KPI,您可以衡量已处理的采购订单数量或在特定期间支付的总金额。 此外,使用 AppOne ,您可以轻松地比较不同时间段。

标签是对于“采购到付款”流程很重要的属性,可帮助您监控性能。 标签表示效率低下、返工以及违反策略或 SLA 的情况。


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