- 发行说明
- 入门指南
- 安装
- 配置
- 集成
- 身份验证
- Working with Apps and Discovery Accelerators
- AppOne 菜单和仪表板
- AppOne 设置
- TemplateOne 1.0.0 菜单和仪表板
- TemplateOne 1.0.0 设置
- TemplateOne menus and dashboards
- TemplateOne 2021.4.0 设置
- Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator 菜单和仪表板
- 购买到付款 Discovery Accelerator 设置
- Order to cash Discovery Accelerator 菜单和仪表板
- “订单到现金” Discovery Accelerator 设置
- Basic Connector for AppOne
- SAP Connectors
- 适用于 AppOne 的 SAP 订单到现金连接器
- 适用于 AppOne 的 SAP 采购到付款连接器
- SAP Connector for Purchase to Pay Discovery Accelerator
- SAP Connector for Order-to-Cash Discovery Accelerator
- Superadmin
- 仪表板和图表
- 表格和表格项目
- 应用程序完整性
- How to ....
- 使用 SQL 连接器
- Introduction to SQL connectors
- Setting up a SQL connector
- CData Sync extractions
- Running a SQL connector
- Editing transformations
- 释放 SQL 连接器
- Scheduling data extraction
- Structure of transformations
- Using SQL connectors for released apps
- Generating a cache with scripts
- Setting up a local test environment
- Separate development and production environments
- 实用资源
Process Mining
UiPath Process Mining 包含多个用于开发流程改进应用程序的组件。
有关 UiPath Process Mining系统架构的概述,请参见下图。
以下是 UiPath Process Mining元素的说明。
Process Mining 提供了即用型应用程序和发现加速器,用于深入了解流程、执行根本原因分析以及持续监控。
使用 AppOne, Purchase-to-Pay Discovery Accelerator 和 Order-to-Cash Discovery Accelerator 用户可以立即开始分析流程,而无需从头开始创建新应用程序。
AppOne 是通用流程的默认仪表板模板。 UiPath Process Mining 中的新 Process Mining 应用程序和发现加速器使用 AppOne 创建,然后根据特定需求进行配置。
应用程序和发现加速器的功能可以使用您的组织在其自己的品牌标识下的特定功能进行扩展。 如果完全需要其他应用程序,则可以使用 UiPath Process Mining 的完整功能来创建全新的应用程序。
Git 用于在 UiPath Process Mining 平台上存储仪表板和协作开发。 对于单服务器部署,可以使用内置 Git 服务器,无需任何其他设置。 对于多服务器部署,可以使用组织内的(现有)Git 服务器或基于云的 Git 服务器(例如,来自 UiPath Process Mining 或 GitHub)。
TRACY is a technique that defines the layout of process graphs. TRACY lets process graphs look more like how you would draw a process yourself. When drawing a process, you normally begin with the start activity and finish with the end activity of the process. In between, you try to position all other activities in their executed order. TRACY takes the overall flow of the process into account and displays this as the main flow in your process graph. With TRACY all the activities of the process are positioned and ordered in a way that makes sense. This helps users to more easily understand their processes.
When changing data, TRACY minimizes changes to the process graph. When users add process filters to display happy paths or to filter out data, TRACY keeps the layout of the process graph as stable as possible. When analyzing a process, the process graph now always looks about the same, no matter which dashboard is used, or which filters apply. This makes analyzing the process easier.
TRACY smoothly animates the transitions between filter states. This helps users to understand what happens when filtering.
The in-memory database stores all data for fast access by the process mining algorithms. In this way, the data can be accessed very quickly without using the input databases.
UiPath Process Mining 支持可以选择分隔符和引号的文本文件,例如 .txt、.csv、.tsv 文件。ASCII 文本文件支持采用 Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) 编码,并且支持带和不带 BOM 的 UTF-8 文件。
Also, Excel files (.XLSX and .XLS) can be imported. The sheet or range within the file can be specified. For sheets, an autodetect is performed for the actual data range, of the auto-detect fails the range needs to be specified in Excel and then used. Unicode within Excel is fully supported.
All databases that can be accessed via a 64-bit ODBC driver can be used as a data source. Below is a list of commonly used databases.
- Oracle
- MariaDB
- PostgreSQL
- Firebird
- 访问
UiPath Process Mining 包含的功能支持使用可用作数据源的外部工具(例如 R 脚本和 Python)处理数据。 应用程序开发者可以定义需要将哪些属性导出到外部流程。