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Actividades de Integration Service
Última actualización 23 de abr. de 2024

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Retrieve a sheet in Smartsheet.

Compatibilidad de proyectos

Windows | Multiplataforma


  • ID de conexión : la conexión establecida en Integration Service. Accede al menú desplegable para elegir, añadir o gestionar conexiones.

  • Sheet - The ID of the sheet to be retrieved . Click the docs image icon to browse your Smartsheet files. This field supports String type input.
Administrar propiedades

Utiliza el asistente Administrar propiedades para configurar o utilizar cualquiera de los campos estándar o personalizados del objeto. Puedes seleccionar campos para añadirlos al lienzo de actividad. Los campos estándar o personalizados añadidos están disponibles en el panel Propiedades (en Studio Desktop) o en Mostrar opciones adicionales (en Studio Web).

Opciones adicionales
  • Exclude - Optional elements to exclude from the response. Select elements from the available drop-down list:
    • Filtered out rows - Excludes filtered out rows from response payload if a sheet filter is applied; includes total number of filtered rows.
    • Link in from cell details - Excludes the following attributes from the cell.linkInFromCell object: columnId, rowId, status.
    • Links out to cell details - Excludes the following attributes from the cell.linksOutToCells object: columnId, rowId, status.
    • Non existent cells - Excludes cells that have never contained any data.
  • Include - Optional elements to include in the response. Select elements from the available drop-down list:
    • Attachments - Includes the metadata for sheet-level and row-level attachments. To include discussion attachments, both attachments and discussions must be present in the include list.
    • Column type - Includes columnType attribute in the row's cells indicating the type of the column the cell resides in.
    • Cross sheet references
    • Discussions - Includes sheet-level and row-level discussions. To include discussion attachments, both attachments and discussions must be present in the include list.
    • Filters - Includes filteredOut attribute indicating if the row should be displayed or hidden according to the sheet's filters.
    • Filter definitions - Includes type of filter, operators used, and criteria.
    • Format - Includes column, row, cell, and summary fields formatting.
    • Gantt config - Includes Gantt chart details.
    • Object value - When used in combination with a level query parameter, includes the email addresses for multi-contact data.
    • Owner info - Includes the workspace and the owner's email address and user ID.
    • Row permalink - Includes permalink attribute that represents a direct link to the row in the Smartsheet application.
    • Source - adds the Source object indicating which report, sheet Sight (aka dashboard), or template the sheet was created from, if any.
    • Writer info - Includes createdBy and modifiedBy attributes on the row or summary fields, indicating the row or summary field's creator, and last modifier.
  • Rows modified since - Filter to return rows that have been modified since the date/time provided. Use the calendar widget to select a date. This field supports DateTimeOffset type input.
  • Sheets - Automatically generated output variable.
  • Descripción
  • Compatibilidad de proyectos
  • Configuración

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