Automation Suite
Automation Suite unter Linux – Installationsanleitung
Letzte Aktualisierung 24. Apr. 2024

So löschen Sie Bilder aus dem alten Installationsprogramm nach dem Upgrade

Wenn Sie nach einem Upgrade Probleme mit Sicherheitslücken im Bild oder dem Speicherverbrauch haben, können Sie die Bilder des alten Installationsprogramms löschen.

Gehen Sie wie folgt vor, um diesen optionalen Vorgang nach dem Upgrade durchzuführen:

  1. Aktualisieren Sie IMG, TAG, USER, PASS, registry und latest_image_json entsprechend der Clusterkonfiguration im folgenden Skript und führen Sie es dann aus:
    ### Please change below variables as required
    IMG=<E.g. dataservice/dataservice-designer>
    TAG=<E.g. v20231116-tag>
    USER=<E.g. "admin">
    PASS=<E.g. "password">
    registry=<E.g. "">
    latest_image_json=<E.g. "/opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/UiPath_Installer/versions/docker-images.json">
    [[ -f "${latest_image_json}" ]] || {
    	echo "File "$latest_image_json" doesn't exist"
    	exit 1
    cat "${latest_image_json}" | tr -d '",' | grep -w "${IMG}:${TAG}" >> /dev/null && {
    	echo "Image ${IMG}:${TAG} is being used in cluster. Will skip the deletion."
    	exit 0
    echo "Deleting image ${IMG}:${TAG}"
    cred="-u ${USER}:${PASS}"
    for i in `curl -k -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' $cred "https://$registry/v2/$IMG/manifests/$TAG" | jq -r '.layers | .[] | .digest'`; do
    	curl -k  -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"  $cred -X DELETE "https://$registry/v2/$IMG/manifests/$i"
    for i in `curl -k -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' $cred "https://$registry/v2/$IMG/manifests/$TAG" | jq -r '.config.digest'`; do
    	curl -k  -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"  $cred -X DELETE "https://$registry/v2/$IMG/manifests/$i"
    ### Please change below variables as required
    IMG=<E.g. dataservice/dataservice-designer>
    TAG=<E.g. v20231116-tag>
    USER=<E.g. "admin">
    PASS=<E.g. "password">
    registry=<E.g. "">
    latest_image_json=<E.g. "/opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/UiPath_Installer/versions/docker-images.json">
    [[ -f "${latest_image_json}" ]] || {
    	echo "File "$latest_image_json" doesn't exist"
    	exit 1
    cat "${latest_image_json}" | tr -d '",' | grep -w "${IMG}:${TAG}" >> /dev/null && {
    	echo "Image ${IMG}:${TAG} is being used in cluster. Will skip the deletion."
    	exit 0
    echo "Deleting image ${IMG}:${TAG}"
    cred="-u ${USER}:${PASS}"
    for i in `curl -k -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' $cred "https://$registry/v2/$IMG/manifests/$TAG" | jq -r '.layers | .[] | .digest'`; do
    	curl -k  -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"  $cred -X DELETE "https://$registry/v2/$IMG/manifests/$i"
    for i in `curl -k -H 'Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json' $cred "https://$registry/v2/$IMG/manifests/$TAG" | jq -r '.config.digest'`; do
    	curl -k  -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json"  $cred -X DELETE "https://$registry/v2/$IMG/manifests/$i"
  2. Starten Sie den Registrierungs-Pod für die Ausführung der Speicherbereinigung neu oder führen Sie in den Registrierungs-Pod aus und führen Sie die Speicherbereinigung mit dem folgenden Befehl aus:

    registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.ymlregistry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml

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