- Visão geral
- Requisitos
- Instalação
- Perguntas e respostas: modelos de implantação
- Configuração das máquinas
- Configuração do balanceador de carga
- Configuração do DNS
- Como configurar o Microsoft SQL Server
- Configuração dos certificados
- Instalação online de produção pronta para alta disponibilidade de vários nós
- Instalação offline de produção pronta para alta disponibilidade de vários nós
- Baixando os pacotes de instalação
- Parâmetros do
- Como habilitar o High Availability Add-on do Redis para o cluster
- Arquivo de configuração do Document Understanding
- Adicionando um nó de agente dedicado com suporte a GPU
- Conexão do aplicativo Task Mining
- Adição de um nó de agente dedicado ao Task Mining
- Pós-instalação
- Administração de cluster
- Gerenciando produtos
- Gerenciamento do cluster no ArgoCD
- Configuração do servidor NFS externo
- Automatizado: habilitando o backup no cluster
- Automatizado: desabilitando o backup no cluster
- Automatizado, online: restaurando o cluster
- Automatizado, offline: restaurando o cluster
- Manual: habilitando o backup no cluster
- Manual: desabilitando o backup no cluster
- Manual, online: restaurando o cluster
- Manual, offline: restaurando o cluster
- Configuração adicional
- Migrating objectstore from persistent volume to raw disks
- Monitoramento e alertas
- Migração e atualização
- Opções de migração
- Etapa 1: mover os dados da organização do Identity, de independente para o Automation Suite
- Etapa 2: restauração do banco de dados de produtos independente
- Etapa 3: backup do banco de dados da plataforma no Automation Suite
- Etapa 4: mesclando organizações no Automation Suite
- Etapa 5: atualização das strings de conexão do produto migradas
- Etapa 6: migração do Insights independente
- Etapa 7: exclusão do tenant padrão
- B) Migração de um único tenant
- Configuração específica do produto
- Melhores práticas e manutenção
- Solução de problemas
- Como solucionar problemas dos serviços durante a instalação
- Como desinstalar o cluster
- Como limpar os artefatos offline para melhorar o espaço em disco
- Como limpar os dados do Redis
- Como habilitar o registro em log do Istio
- Como limpar logs manualmente
- Como limpar logs antigos armazenados no bucket do sf-logs
- Como desabilitar os logs de streaming para o AI Center
- Como depurar instalações do Automation Suite com falha
- Como excluir imagens do instalador antigo após a atualização
- Como limpar automaticamente instantâneos do Longhorn
- Como desabilitar o descarregamento de soma de verificação do TX
- Como lidar com cifras fracas no TLS 1.2
- Não é possível executar uma instalação offline no SO RHEL 8.4
- Erro ao baixar o pacote
- A instalação offline falha devido a um binário ausente
- Problema de certificado na instalação offline
- First installation fails during Longhorn setup
- Erro de validação da string de conexão ao SQL
- Verificação de pré-requisito para o módulo iscsid do selinux falha
- Azure disk not marked as SSD
- Falha após a atualização do certificado
- Automation Suite not working after OS upgrade
- O Automation Suite requer que Backlog_wait_time seja definido como 1
- Não é possível montar o volume devido a não estar pronto para cargas de trabalho
- O RKE2 falha durante a instalação e atualização
- Falha ao carregar ou baixar dados no objectstore
- PVC resize does not heal Ceph
- Falha no redimensionamento do PVC do Objectstore
- Pod do Rook Ceph ou Looker travado no estado Init
- Erro de anexo de volume StatefulSet
- Falha ao criar volumes persistentes
- Patch de reclamação de armazenamento
- Falha de backup devido ao erro TooManySnapshots
- Todas as réplicas do Longhorn estão com falha
- Configurando um intervalo de tempo limite para os portais de gerenciamento
- Atualizar as conexões de diretório subjacentes
- Não é possível fazer login após a migração
- kinit: não é possível encontrar o KDC para o realm <AD Domain> ao obter credenciais iniciais
- kinit: o Keytab não contém chaves adequadas para *** ao obter credenciais iniciais
- A operação do GSSAPI falhou com erro: um código de status inválido foi fornecido (as credenciais do cliente foram revogadas).
- Alarme recebido para tarefa Kerberos-tgt-update com falha
- Provedor SSPI: servidor não encontrado no banco de dados Kerberos
- Falha do login para o usuário <ADDOMAIN><aduser> Motivo: a conta está desabilitada.
- ArgoCD login failed
- Falha ao obter a imagem do sandbox
- Os pods não são exibidos na UI do ArgoCD
- Falha de teste do Redis
- O servidor RKE2 falha ao iniciar
- Segredo não encontrado no namespace da UiPath
- Após a instalação inicial, o aplicativo ArgoCD entrou no estado Em andamento
- Pods de MongoDB em CrashLoopBackOff ou provisionamento de PVC pendente após exclusão
- Inconsistência inesperada; execute o fsck manualmente
- MongoDB degradado ou aplicativos de negócios após a restauração do cluster
- Operador de autocura ausente e repositório Sf-k8-utils ausente
- Serviços não íntegros após restauração ou reversão do cluster
- Pod RabbitMQ preso em CrashLoopBackOff
- Prometheus no estado CrashloopBackoff com erro de falta de memória (OOM)
- Métricas Ceph-rook ausentes nos painéis de monitoramento
- Os pods não podem se comunicar com o FQDN em um ambiente de proxy
- O Document Understanding não está no menu de navegação esquerdo do Automation Suite
- Status de Falha ao criar uma sessão de rotulagem de dados
- Status de Falha ao tentar implantar uma habilidade de ML
- Trabalho de migração falha no ArgoCD
- Reconhecimento de escrita com o Extrator de formulários inteligente não está funcionando
- Usando a ferramenta de diagnóstico do Automation Suite
- Usando o pacote de suporte do Automation Suite
- Exploração de logs
MongoDB degradado ou aplicativos de negócios após a restauração do cluster
Importante :
A tradução automática foi aplicada parcialmente neste conteúdo.
A localização de um conteúdo recém-publicado pode levar de 1 a 2 semanas para ficar disponível.

Guia de instalação do Automation Suite
Última atualização 19 de dez de 2024
MongoDB degradado ou aplicativos de negócios após a restauração do cluster
Ocasionalmente, após a restauração/reversão do cluster para a versão 2022.4.x ou 2021.10.x, um problema faz com que os pods do MongoDB ou de aplicativos de negócios (Apps) fiquem presos no estado inicial. Isso acontece porque falta o volume necessário para anexar o PVC a um pod.
Verifique se o problema está realmente relacionado ao problema de anexo de volume do MongoDB:
# fetch all mongodb pods kubectl -n mongodb get pods #describe pods stuck in init state #kubectl -n mongodb describe pods mongodb-replica-set-<replica index number> kubectl -n mongodb describe pods mongodb-replica-set-0
# fetch all mongodb pods kubectl -n mongodb get pods #describe pods stuck in init state #kubectl -n mongodb describe pods mongodb-replica-set-<replica index number> kubectl -n mongodb describe pods mongodb-replica-set-0Se o problema estiver relacionado ao anexo do volume MongoDB, os seguintes eventos serão exibidos:
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ---- ---- Warning FailedAttachVolume 3m9s (x65 over 133m) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-66897693-e52d-4b89-aac6-ca0cc5ae9e07" : rpc error: code = Aborted desc = volume pvc-66897693-e52d-4b89-aac6-ca0cc5ae9e07 is not ready for workloads Warning FailedMount 103s (x50 over 112m) kubelet (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[logs-volume], unattached volumes=[hooks mongodb-replica-set-keyfile tls-secret data-volume healthstatus tls-ca kube-api-access-45qcl agent-scripts logs-volume automation-config]: timed out waiting for the condition
Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ---- ---- Warning FailedAttachVolume 3m9s (x65 over 133m) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-66897693-e52d-4b89-aac6-ca0cc5ae9e07" : rpc error: code = Aborted desc = volume pvc-66897693-e52d-4b89-aac6-ca0cc5ae9e07 is not ready for workloads Warning FailedMount 103s (x50 over 112m) kubelet (combined from similar events): Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[logs-volume], unattached volumes=[hooks mongodb-replica-set-keyfile tls-secret data-volume healthstatus tls-ca kube-api-access-45qcl agent-scripts logs-volume automation-config]: timed out waiting for the condition -
Corrija os pods problemáticos do MongoDB executando o seguinte script:
#!/bin/bash set -eu FAILED_PVC_LIST="" STORAGE_CLASS_SINGLE_REPLICA="longhorn-backup-single-replica" STORAGE_CLASS="longhorn-backup" LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH="restoredata" mkdir -p ${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH} export LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH="${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}" function delete_pvc_resources(){ local pv_name=$1 local volumeattachment_name=$2 echo "deleting pv & volumes forcefully" delete_pv_forcefully "${pv_name}" sleep 2 delete_longhornvolume_forcefully "${pv_name}" sleep 2 if [ -n "${volumeattachment_name}" ]; then echo "deleting volumeattachments forcefully" delete_volumeattachment_forcefully "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 fi } function delete_longhornvolume_forcefully() { local pv_name=$1 if ! kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Volume ${pv_name} not found, skip deletion." return fi kubectl -n longhorn-system delete "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & local success=0 local try=0 local maxtry=10 while (( try < maxtry )); do local result="" # update finaluzer field to null result=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -) || true echo "${result}" result=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}")|| true echo "${result}" if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then success=1 break; fi kubectl -n longhorn-system delete "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & echo "Waiting to delete volume ${pv_name} ${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 10 try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to delete volume ${pv_name}." fi } function delete_pv_forcefully() { local pv_name=$1 kubectl delete pv "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & local success=0 local try=0 local maxtry=10 while (( try < maxtry )); do # update finaluzer field to null result=$(kubectl get pv "${pv_name}" -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -) || true echo "${result}" result=$(kubectl get pv "${pv_name}")|| true echo "${result}" if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then success=1 break; fi kubectl delete pv "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & echo "Waiting to delete pv ${pv_name} ${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 10 try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to delete pv ${pv_name}." fi } function validate_pv_backup_available(){ local pv_name=$1 local validate_pv_backup_available_resp=0 local backup_resp="" local resp_status_code="" local resp_message="" local try=0 local maxtry=3 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do backup_resp=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/backupvolumes/${pv_name}?") || true echo "Backup Response: ${backup_resp}" if { [ -n "${backup_resp}" ] && [ "${backup_resp}" != " " ]; }; then resp_status_code=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".status") resp_message=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".message") if [[ -n "${resp_status_code}" && "${resp_status_code}" != " " && "${resp_status_code}" != "null" && (( resp_status_code -gt 200 )) ]] ; then validate_pv_backup_available_resp=0 else resp_message=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".messages.error") if { [ -z "${resp_message}" ] || [ "${resp_message}" = "null" ]; }; then echo "PVC Backup is available for ${pv_name}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 validate_pv_backup_available_resp=1 break; fi fi fi try=$((try+1)) sleep 10 done export IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE="${validate_pv_backup_available_resp}" } function store_pvc_resources(){ local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 if [[ -n "${volumeattachment_name}" && "${volumeattachment_name}" != " " ]]; then result=$(kubectl get volumeattachments "${volumeattachment_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${volumeattachment_name}".json) || true echo "${result}" fi kubectl get pv "${pv_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-pv.json kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-volume.json kubectl get pvc "${pvc_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pvc_name}"-pvc.json } function wait_pvc_bound() { local namespace=$1 local pvc_name=$2 try=0 maxtry=30 while (( try < maxtry )); do local status="" status=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".status | select( has(\"phase\")).phase") if [[ "${status}" == "Bound" ]]; then echo "PVC ${pvc_name} Bouned successfully." break; fi echo "waiting for PVC to bound...${try}/${maxtry}"; sleep 30 try=$((try+1)) done } function create_volume() { local pv_name=$1 local backup_path=$2 local response create_volume_status="succeed" echo "Creating Volume with PV: ${pv_name} and BackupPath: ${backup_path}" local accessmode local replicacount accessmode=$(< "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}-volume.json" jq -r ".spec.accessMode") replicacount=$(< "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}-volume.json" jq -r ".spec.numberOfReplicas") # create volume from backup pv response=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/volumes" -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-raw "{\"name\":\"${pv_name}\", \"accessMode\":\"${accessmode}\", \"fromBackup\": \"${backup_path}\", \"numberOfReplicas\": ${replicacount}}") sleep 5 if [[ -n "${response}" && "${response}" != "null" && "${response}" != " " && -n $(echo "${response}"|jq -r ".id") ]]; then # wait for volume to be detached , max wait 4hr local try=0 local maxtry=480 local success=0 while (( try < maxtry ));do status=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o json |jq -r ".status.state") || true echo "volume ${pv_name} status: ${status}" if [[ "${status}" == "detached" ]]; then # update label kubectl -n longhorn-system label"${pv_name}" success=1 echo "Volume ready to use" break fi echo "waiting for volume to be ready to use${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 30 restore_status_url="${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/volumes/${pv_name}?action=snapshotList" try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then create_volume_status="failed" echo "${pv_name} Volume is not ready to use with status ${status}" fi else create_volume_status="failed" kubectl create -f "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-volume.json || true echo "${pv_name} Volume creation failed ${response} " fi echo "${create_volume_status}" } function restore_with_backupvolume() { local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 local backup_path=$5 create_volume_status="succeed" store_pvc_resources "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 delete_pvc_resources "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 create_volume "${pv_name}" "${backup_path}" sleep 10 kubectl create -f "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-pv.json if [[ -n "${create_volume_status}" && "${create_volume_status}" != "succeed" ]]; then echo "Backup volume restore failed for pvc ${pvc_name} in namespace ${namespace}" restore_pvc_status="failed" else local pvc_uid="" pvc_uid=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".metadata.uid") # update pv with pvc uid kubectl patch pv "${pv_name}" --type json -p "[{\"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/spec/claimRef/uid\", \"value\": \"${pvc_uid}\"}]" wait_pvc_bound "${namespace}" "${pvc_name}" echo "${result}" fi echo ${restore_pvc_status} } function restore_pvc(){ local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 local backup_path=$5 restore_pvc_status="succeed" restore_with_backupvolume "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" "${backup_path}" echo ${restore_pvc_status} # attach_volume "${pv_name}" } function get_backup_list_by_pvname(){ local pv_name=$1 local get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp="" local backup_list_response="" local try=0 local maxtry=3 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do backup_list_response=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/backupvolumes/${pv_name}?action=backupList" -X 'POST' -H 'Content-Length: 0' -H 'Accept: application/json') if [[ -n "${backup_list_response}" && "${backup_list_response}" != " " && -n $( echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq ".data" ) && -n $( echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq ".data[]" ) ]]; then echo "Backup List Response: ${backup_list_response}" # pick first backup data with url non empty # shellcheck disable=SC2034 get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp=$(echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq -c '[.data[]|select(.url | . != null and . != "")][0]') break; fi try=$((try+1)) sleep 10 done export PV_BACKUP_PATH="${get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp}" } function get_pvc_resources() { get_pvc_resources_resp="" local PVC_NAME=$1 local PVC_NAMESPACE=$2 # PV have one to one mapping with PVC PV_NAME=$(kubectl -n "${PVC_NAMESPACE}" get pvc "${PVC_NAME}" -o json|jq -r ".spec.volumeName") VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_LIST=$(kubectl get volumeattachments -n "${PVC_NAMESPACE}" -o=json|jq -c ".items[]|\ {name:, pvClaimName:.spec.source| select( has (\"persistentVolumeName\")).persistentVolumeName}") VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME="" for VOLUME_ATTACHMENT in ${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_LIST}; do PV_CLAIM_NAME=$(echo "${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT}"|jq -r ".pvClaimName") if [[ "${PV_NAME}" = "${PV_CLAIM_NAME}" ]]; then VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME=$(echo "${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT}"|jq -r ".name") break; fi done BACKUP_PATH="" validate_pv_backup_available "${PV_NAME}" local is_backup_available=${IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE:- 0} unset IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE if [ "${is_backup_available}" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Backup is available for PVC ${PVC_NAME}" get_backup_list_by_pvname "${PV_NAME}" BACKUP_PATH=$(echo "${PV_BACKUP_PATH}"| jq -r ".url") unset PV_BACKUP_PATH fi get_pvc_resources_resp="{\"pvc_name\": \"${PVC_NAME}\", \"pv_name\": \"${PV_NAME}\", \"volumeattachment_name\": \"${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME}\", \"backup_path\": \"${BACKUP_PATH}\"}" echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}" } function scale_ownerreferences() { local ownerReferences=$1 local namespace=$2 local replicas=$3 # no operation required if [[ -z "${ownerReferences}" || "${ownerReferences}" == "null" ]]; then return fi ownerReferences=$(echo "${ownerReferences}"| jq -c ".[]") for ownerReference in ${ownerReferences}; do echo "Owner: ${ownerReference}" local resourceKind local resourceName resourceKind=$(echo "${ownerReference}"| jq -r ".kind") resourceName=$(echo "${ownerReference}"| jq -r ".name") if kubectl -n "${namespace}" get "${resourceKind}" "${resourceName}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # scale replicas kubectl -n "${namespace}" patch "${resourceKind}" "${resourceName}" --type json -p "[{\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/spec/members\", \"value\": ${replicas} }]" fi done } function scale_down_statefulset() { local statefulset_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local ownerReferences=$3 echo "Start Scale Down statefulset ${statefulset_name} under namespace ${namespace}..." # validate and scale down ownerreference scale_ownerreferences "${ownerReferences}" "${namespace}" 0 local try=0 local maxtry=30 success=0 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do result=$(kubectl scale statefulset "${statefulset_name}" --replicas=0 -n "${namespace}") || true echo "${result}" scaledown=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}"|grep 0/0) || true if { [ -n "${scaledown}" ] && [ "${scaledown}" != " " ]; }; then echo "Statefulset scaled down successfully." success=1 break else try=$((try+1)) echo "waiting for the statefulset ${statefulset_name} to scale down...${try}/${maxtry}";sleep 30 fi done if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Statefulset ${statefulset_name} scaled down failed" fi } function scale_up_statefulset() { local statefulset_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local replica=$3 local ownerReferences=$4 # Scale up statefulsets using PVCs echo "Start Scale Up statefulset ${statefulset_name}..." # validate and scale up ownerreference scale_ownerreferences "${ownerReferences}" "${namespace}" "${replica}" echo "Waiting to scale up statefulset..." local try=1 local maxtry=15 local success=0 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do kubectl scale statefulset "${statefulset_name}" --replicas="${replica}" -n "${namespace}" kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" scaleup=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}"|grep "${replica}"/"${replica}") || true if ! { [ -n "${scaleup}" ] && [ "${scaleup}" != " " ]; }; then try=$((try+1)) echo "waiting for the statefulset ${statefulset_name} to scale up...${try}/${maxtry}"; sleep 30 else echo "Statefulset scaled up successfully." success=1 break fi done if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Statefulset scaled up failed ${statefulset_name}." fi } function restore_pvc_attached_to_statefulsets() { local namespace namespace="${1}" local statefulset_list # list of all statefulset using PVC statefulset_list=$(kubectl get statefulset -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -r ".items[] | select(.spec.volumeClaimTemplates)") for statefulset_name in ${statefulset_list}; do local replica local ownerReferences local pvc_restore_failed local try=0 local maxtry=5 local status="notready" pvc_restore_failed="" restore_pvc_status="" # check if statefulset is reday while [[ "${status}" == "notready" ]] && (( try < maxtry )); do echo "fetch statefulset ${statefulset_name} metadata... ${try}/${maxtry}" try=$(( try + 1 )) replica=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".spec.replicas") if [[ "${replica}" != 0 ]]; then status="ready" else echo "statefulset ${statefulset_name} replica is not ready. Wait and retry"; sleep 30 fi done if [[ "${status}" != "ready" ]]; then echo "Failed to restore pvc for Statefulset ${statefulset_name} in namespace ${namespace}. Please retrigger volume restore step." fi # Fetch ownerReferences and claim name ownerReferences=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".metadata.ownerReferences") claimTemplatesName=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".spec | select( has (\"volumeClaimTemplates\") ).volumeClaimTemplates[] " | xargs) echo "Scaling down Statefulset ${statefulset_name} with ${replica} under namespace ${namespace}" scale_down_statefulset "${statefulset_name}" "${namespace}" "${ownerReferences}" for name in ${claimTemplatesName}; do local pvc_prefix pvc_prefix="${name}-${statefulset_name}" for((i=0;i<"${replica}";i++)); do local pvc_name pvc_name="${pvc_prefix}-${i}" pvc_exist=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}") || true if [[ -z "${pvc_exist}" || "${pvc_exist}" == " " ]]; then echo "PVC not available for the statefulset ${statefulset_name}, skipping restore." continue; fi local pvc_storageclass pvc_storageclass=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".spec.storageClassName") if [[ ! ( "${pvc_storageclass}" == "${STORAGE_CLASS}" || "${pvc_storageclass}" == "${STORAGE_CLASS_SINGLE_REPLICA}" ) ]]; then echo "backup not available for pvc ${pvc_name}, storageclass: ${pvc_storageclass} " continue; fi # get pv, volumeattachments for pvc get_pvc_resources_resp="" get_pvc_resources "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" local pv_name local volumeattachment_name local backup_path pv_name=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".pv_name") volumeattachment_name=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".volumeattachment_name") backup_path=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".backup_path") if [[ -z "${backup_path}" || "${backup_path}" == " " || "${backup_path}" == "null" ]]; then pvc_restore_failed="error" FAILED_PVC_LIST="${FAILED_PVC_LIST},${pv_name}" continue; fi restore_pvc_status="succeed" restore_pvc "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" "${backup_path}" if [[ -n "${restore_pvc_status}" && "${restore_pvc_status}" != "succeed" ]]; then pvc_restore_failed="error" FAILED_PVC_LIST="${FAILED_PVC_LIST},${pv_name}" continue; fi done done sleep 10 scale_up_statefulset "${statefulset_name}" "${namespace}" "${replica}" "${ownerReferences}" sleep 5 if [[ -n "${pvc_restore_failed}" && "${pvc_restore_failed}" == "error" ]]; then echo "Failed to restore pvc for Statefulset ${statefulset_name} in namespace ${namespace}." fi done } LONGHORN_URL=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get svc longhorn-backend -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"):9500 restore_pvc_attached_to_statefulsets "mongodb"
#!/bin/bash set -eu FAILED_PVC_LIST="" STORAGE_CLASS_SINGLE_REPLICA="longhorn-backup-single-replica" STORAGE_CLASS="longhorn-backup" LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH="restoredata" mkdir -p ${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH} export LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH="${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}" function delete_pvc_resources(){ local pv_name=$1 local volumeattachment_name=$2 echo "deleting pv & volumes forcefully" delete_pv_forcefully "${pv_name}" sleep 2 delete_longhornvolume_forcefully "${pv_name}" sleep 2 if [ -n "${volumeattachment_name}" ]; then echo "deleting volumeattachments forcefully" delete_volumeattachment_forcefully "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 fi } function delete_longhornvolume_forcefully() { local pv_name=$1 if ! kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "Volume ${pv_name} not found, skip deletion." return fi kubectl -n longhorn-system delete "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & local success=0 local try=0 local maxtry=10 while (( try < maxtry )); do local result="" # update finaluzer field to null result=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -) || true echo "${result}" result=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}")|| true echo "${result}" if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then success=1 break; fi kubectl -n longhorn-system delete "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & echo "Waiting to delete volume ${pv_name} ${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 10 try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to delete volume ${pv_name}." fi } function delete_pv_forcefully() { local pv_name=$1 kubectl delete pv "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & local success=0 local try=0 local maxtry=10 while (( try < maxtry )); do # update finaluzer field to null result=$(kubectl get pv "${pv_name}" -o=json | jq '.metadata.finalizers = null' | kubectl apply -f -) || true echo "${result}" result=$(kubectl get pv "${pv_name}")|| true echo "${result}" if [[ -z "${result}" ]]; then success=1 break; fi kubectl delete pv "${pv_name}" --grace-period=0 --force & echo "Waiting to delete pv ${pv_name} ${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 10 try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Failed to delete pv ${pv_name}." fi } function validate_pv_backup_available(){ local pv_name=$1 local validate_pv_backup_available_resp=0 local backup_resp="" local resp_status_code="" local resp_message="" local try=0 local maxtry=3 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do backup_resp=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/backupvolumes/${pv_name}?") || true echo "Backup Response: ${backup_resp}" if { [ -n "${backup_resp}" ] && [ "${backup_resp}" != " " ]; }; then resp_status_code=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".status") resp_message=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".message") if [[ -n "${resp_status_code}" && "${resp_status_code}" != " " && "${resp_status_code}" != "null" && (( resp_status_code -gt 200 )) ]] ; then validate_pv_backup_available_resp=0 else resp_message=$(echo "${backup_resp}"| jq -c ".messages.error") if { [ -z "${resp_message}" ] || [ "${resp_message}" = "null" ]; }; then echo "PVC Backup is available for ${pv_name}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 validate_pv_backup_available_resp=1 break; fi fi fi try=$((try+1)) sleep 10 done export IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE="${validate_pv_backup_available_resp}" } function store_pvc_resources(){ local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 if [[ -n "${volumeattachment_name}" && "${volumeattachment_name}" != " " ]]; then result=$(kubectl get volumeattachments "${volumeattachment_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${volumeattachment_name}".json) || true echo "${result}" fi kubectl get pv "${pv_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-pv.json kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-volume.json kubectl get pvc "${pvc_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o json > "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pvc_name}"-pvc.json } function wait_pvc_bound() { local namespace=$1 local pvc_name=$2 try=0 maxtry=30 while (( try < maxtry )); do local status="" status=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".status | select( has(\"phase\")).phase") if [[ "${status}" == "Bound" ]]; then echo "PVC ${pvc_name} Bouned successfully." break; fi echo "waiting for PVC to bound...${try}/${maxtry}"; sleep 30 try=$((try+1)) done } function create_volume() { local pv_name=$1 local backup_path=$2 local response create_volume_status="succeed" echo "Creating Volume with PV: ${pv_name} and BackupPath: ${backup_path}" local accessmode local replicacount accessmode=$(< "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}-volume.json" jq -r ".spec.accessMode") replicacount=$(< "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}-volume.json" jq -r ".spec.numberOfReplicas") # create volume from backup pv response=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/volumes" -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --data-raw "{\"name\":\"${pv_name}\", \"accessMode\":\"${accessmode}\", \"fromBackup\": \"${backup_path}\", \"numberOfReplicas\": ${replicacount}}") sleep 5 if [[ -n "${response}" && "${response}" != "null" && "${response}" != " " && -n $(echo "${response}"|jq -r ".id") ]]; then # wait for volume to be detached , max wait 4hr local try=0 local maxtry=480 local success=0 while (( try < maxtry ));do status=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get "${pv_name}" -o json |jq -r ".status.state") || true echo "volume ${pv_name} status: ${status}" if [[ "${status}" == "detached" ]]; then # update label kubectl -n longhorn-system label"${pv_name}" success=1 echo "Volume ready to use" break fi echo "waiting for volume to be ready to use${try}/${maxtry}..."; sleep 30 restore_status_url="${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/volumes/${pv_name}?action=snapshotList" try=$(( try + 1 )) done if [ "${success}" -eq 0 ]; then create_volume_status="failed" echo "${pv_name} Volume is not ready to use with status ${status}" fi else create_volume_status="failed" kubectl create -f "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-volume.json || true echo "${pv_name} Volume creation failed ${response} " fi echo "${create_volume_status}" } function restore_with_backupvolume() { local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 local backup_path=$5 create_volume_status="succeed" store_pvc_resources "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 delete_pvc_resources "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" sleep 5 create_volume "${pv_name}" "${backup_path}" sleep 10 kubectl create -f "${LOCAL_RESTORE_PATH}/${pv_name}"-pv.json if [[ -n "${create_volume_status}" && "${create_volume_status}" != "succeed" ]]; then echo "Backup volume restore failed for pvc ${pvc_name} in namespace ${namespace}" restore_pvc_status="failed" else local pvc_uid="" pvc_uid=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".metadata.uid") # update pv with pvc uid kubectl patch pv "${pv_name}" --type json -p "[{\"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/spec/claimRef/uid\", \"value\": \"${pvc_uid}\"}]" wait_pvc_bound "${namespace}" "${pvc_name}" echo "${result}" fi echo ${restore_pvc_status} } function restore_pvc(){ local pvc_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local pv_name=$3 local volumeattachment_name=$4 local backup_path=$5 restore_pvc_status="succeed" restore_with_backupvolume "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" "${backup_path}" echo ${restore_pvc_status} # attach_volume "${pv_name}" } function get_backup_list_by_pvname(){ local pv_name=$1 local get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp="" local backup_list_response="" local try=0 local maxtry=3 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do backup_list_response=$(curl --noproxy "*" "${LONGHORN_URL}/v1/backupvolumes/${pv_name}?action=backupList" -X 'POST' -H 'Content-Length: 0' -H 'Accept: application/json') if [[ -n "${backup_list_response}" && "${backup_list_response}" != " " && -n $( echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq ".data" ) && -n $( echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq ".data[]" ) ]]; then echo "Backup List Response: ${backup_list_response}" # pick first backup data with url non empty # shellcheck disable=SC2034 get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp=$(echo "${backup_list_response}"|jq -c '[.data[]|select(.url | . != null and . != "")][0]') break; fi try=$((try+1)) sleep 10 done export PV_BACKUP_PATH="${get_backup_list_by_pvname_resp}" } function get_pvc_resources() { get_pvc_resources_resp="" local PVC_NAME=$1 local PVC_NAMESPACE=$2 # PV have one to one mapping with PVC PV_NAME=$(kubectl -n "${PVC_NAMESPACE}" get pvc "${PVC_NAME}" -o json|jq -r ".spec.volumeName") VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_LIST=$(kubectl get volumeattachments -n "${PVC_NAMESPACE}" -o=json|jq -c ".items[]|\ {name:, pvClaimName:.spec.source| select( has (\"persistentVolumeName\")).persistentVolumeName}") VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME="" for VOLUME_ATTACHMENT in ${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_LIST}; do PV_CLAIM_NAME=$(echo "${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT}"|jq -r ".pvClaimName") if [[ "${PV_NAME}" = "${PV_CLAIM_NAME}" ]]; then VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME=$(echo "${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT}"|jq -r ".name") break; fi done BACKUP_PATH="" validate_pv_backup_available "${PV_NAME}" local is_backup_available=${IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE:- 0} unset IS_BACKUP_AVAILABLE if [ "${is_backup_available}" -eq 1 ]; then echo "Backup is available for PVC ${PVC_NAME}" get_backup_list_by_pvname "${PV_NAME}" BACKUP_PATH=$(echo "${PV_BACKUP_PATH}"| jq -r ".url") unset PV_BACKUP_PATH fi get_pvc_resources_resp="{\"pvc_name\": \"${PVC_NAME}\", \"pv_name\": \"${PV_NAME}\", \"volumeattachment_name\": \"${VOLUME_ATTACHMENT_NAME}\", \"backup_path\": \"${BACKUP_PATH}\"}" echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}" } function scale_ownerreferences() { local ownerReferences=$1 local namespace=$2 local replicas=$3 # no operation required if [[ -z "${ownerReferences}" || "${ownerReferences}" == "null" ]]; then return fi ownerReferences=$(echo "${ownerReferences}"| jq -c ".[]") for ownerReference in ${ownerReferences}; do echo "Owner: ${ownerReference}" local resourceKind local resourceName resourceKind=$(echo "${ownerReference}"| jq -r ".kind") resourceName=$(echo "${ownerReference}"| jq -r ".name") if kubectl -n "${namespace}" get "${resourceKind}" "${resourceName}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # scale replicas kubectl -n "${namespace}" patch "${resourceKind}" "${resourceName}" --type json -p "[{\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\": \"/spec/members\", \"value\": ${replicas} }]" fi done } function scale_down_statefulset() { local statefulset_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local ownerReferences=$3 echo "Start Scale Down statefulset ${statefulset_name} under namespace ${namespace}..." # validate and scale down ownerreference scale_ownerreferences "${ownerReferences}" "${namespace}" 0 local try=0 local maxtry=30 success=0 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do result=$(kubectl scale statefulset "${statefulset_name}" --replicas=0 -n "${namespace}") || true echo "${result}" scaledown=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}"|grep 0/0) || true if { [ -n "${scaledown}" ] && [ "${scaledown}" != " " ]; }; then echo "Statefulset scaled down successfully." success=1 break else try=$((try+1)) echo "waiting for the statefulset ${statefulset_name} to scale down...${try}/${maxtry}";sleep 30 fi done if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Statefulset ${statefulset_name} scaled down failed" fi } function scale_up_statefulset() { local statefulset_name=$1 local namespace=$2 local replica=$3 local ownerReferences=$4 # Scale up statefulsets using PVCs echo "Start Scale Up statefulset ${statefulset_name}..." # validate and scale up ownerreference scale_ownerreferences "${ownerReferences}" "${namespace}" "${replica}" echo "Waiting to scale up statefulset..." local try=1 local maxtry=15 local success=0 while (( try != maxtry )) ; do kubectl scale statefulset "${statefulset_name}" --replicas="${replica}" -n "${namespace}" kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" scaleup=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}"|grep "${replica}"/"${replica}") || true if ! { [ -n "${scaleup}" ] && [ "${scaleup}" != " " ]; }; then try=$((try+1)) echo "waiting for the statefulset ${statefulset_name} to scale up...${try}/${maxtry}"; sleep 30 else echo "Statefulset scaled up successfully." success=1 break fi done if [ ${success} -eq 0 ]; then echo "Statefulset scaled up failed ${statefulset_name}." fi } function restore_pvc_attached_to_statefulsets() { local namespace namespace="${1}" local statefulset_list # list of all statefulset using PVC statefulset_list=$(kubectl get statefulset -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -r ".items[] | select(.spec.volumeClaimTemplates)") for statefulset_name in ${statefulset_list}; do local replica local ownerReferences local pvc_restore_failed local try=0 local maxtry=5 local status="notready" pvc_restore_failed="" restore_pvc_status="" # check if statefulset is reday while [[ "${status}" == "notready" ]] && (( try < maxtry )); do echo "fetch statefulset ${statefulset_name} metadata... ${try}/${maxtry}" try=$(( try + 1 )) replica=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".spec.replicas") if [[ "${replica}" != 0 ]]; then status="ready" else echo "statefulset ${statefulset_name} replica is not ready. Wait and retry"; sleep 30 fi done if [[ "${status}" != "ready" ]]; then echo "Failed to restore pvc for Statefulset ${statefulset_name} in namespace ${namespace}. Please retrigger volume restore step." fi # Fetch ownerReferences and claim name ownerReferences=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".metadata.ownerReferences") claimTemplatesName=$(kubectl get statefulset "${statefulset_name}" -n "${namespace}" -o=json | jq -c ".spec | select( has (\"volumeClaimTemplates\") ).volumeClaimTemplates[] " | xargs) echo "Scaling down Statefulset ${statefulset_name} with ${replica} under namespace ${namespace}" scale_down_statefulset "${statefulset_name}" "${namespace}" "${ownerReferences}" for name in ${claimTemplatesName}; do local pvc_prefix pvc_prefix="${name}-${statefulset_name}" for((i=0;i<"${replica}";i++)); do local pvc_name pvc_name="${pvc_prefix}-${i}" pvc_exist=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}") || true if [[ -z "${pvc_exist}" || "${pvc_exist}" == " " ]]; then echo "PVC not available for the statefulset ${statefulset_name}, skipping restore." continue; fi local pvc_storageclass pvc_storageclass=$(kubectl -n "${namespace}" get pvc "${pvc_name}" -o json| jq -r ".spec.storageClassName") if [[ ! ( "${pvc_storageclass}" == "${STORAGE_CLASS}" || "${pvc_storageclass}" == "${STORAGE_CLASS_SINGLE_REPLICA}" ) ]]; then echo "backup not available for pvc ${pvc_name}, storageclass: ${pvc_storageclass} " continue; fi # get pv, volumeattachments for pvc get_pvc_resources_resp="" get_pvc_resources "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" local pv_name local volumeattachment_name local backup_path pv_name=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".pv_name") volumeattachment_name=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".volumeattachment_name") backup_path=$(echo "${get_pvc_resources_resp}"| jq -r ".backup_path") if [[ -z "${backup_path}" || "${backup_path}" == " " || "${backup_path}" == "null" ]]; then pvc_restore_failed="error" FAILED_PVC_LIST="${FAILED_PVC_LIST},${pv_name}" continue; fi restore_pvc_status="succeed" restore_pvc "${pvc_name}" "${namespace}" "${pv_name}" "${volumeattachment_name}" "${backup_path}" if [[ -n "${restore_pvc_status}" && "${restore_pvc_status}" != "succeed" ]]; then pvc_restore_failed="error" FAILED_PVC_LIST="${FAILED_PVC_LIST},${pv_name}" continue; fi done done sleep 10 scale_up_statefulset "${statefulset_name}" "${namespace}" "${replica}" "${ownerReferences}" sleep 5 if [[ -n "${pvc_restore_failed}" && "${pvc_restore_failed}" == "error" ]]; then echo "Failed to restore pvc for Statefulset ${statefulset_name} in namespace ${namespace}." fi done } LONGHORN_URL=$(kubectl -n longhorn-system get svc longhorn-backend -o jsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}"):9500 restore_pvc_attached_to_statefulsets "mongodb"