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Linux 版 Automation Suite 安装指南

上次更新日期 2025年2月3日



.NET Runtime 6.0

运行 UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp 工具需要 .NET Runtime 6.0 或更高版本。 在运行 UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp 之前,您必须下载并安装它。


如果 .NET Runtime 6.0 或更高版本不存在, 请先下载并安装 .NET Runtime for Linux ,然后再使用 UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp。

要在 RHEL 上安装 .NET Runtime 6.0,请运行以下命令:

sudo yum install dotnet-sdk-6.0 -ysudo yum install dotnet-sdk-6.0 -y


UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp 工具至少需要 .NET Runtime 6.0。 如果 .NET Runtime 6.0 及更高版本不存在, 请先下载并安装适用于 Windows 的 .NET Runtime 6.0, 然后再使用 UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp。

Orchestrator bucket creation setting

To ensure that Orchestrator buckets are automatically created with the correct CORS policy, you must run the following command. The command requires the jq utility to be installed on your machine.
cd <AS install directory>
rm -f values.json && rm -f appsettings.json
kubectl -n uipath get cm orchestrator-customconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.values\.json}' | jq '.' > values.json
jq '.AppSettings' values.json > appsettings.json
jq '.["Storage.CreateBucket.OnTenantCreation.Enabled"] = "true"' appsettings.json > temp.json && mv -f temp.json appsettings.json
./bin/uipathctl config orchestrator update-config --app-settings appsettings.jsoncd <AS install directory>
rm -f values.json && rm -f appsettings.json
kubectl -n uipath get cm orchestrator-customconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.values\.json}' | jq '.' > values.json
jq '.AppSettings' values.json > appsettings.json
jq '.["Storage.CreateBucket.OnTenantCreation.Enabled"] = "true"' appsettings.json > temp.json && mv -f temp.json appsettings.json
./bin/uipathctl config orchestrator update-config --app-settings appsettings.json
要安装 jq,请使用以下选项之一:
  • 选项 1:运行以下命令:
    yum install -y epel-release yum install -y jqyum install -y epel-release yum install -y jq
  • Option 2: Run the following commands:
    curl --output /tmp/jq-1.6-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
    yum localinstall /tmp/jq-1.6-2.el7.x86_64.rpmshell
    curl --output /tmp/jq-1.6-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
    yum localinstall /tmp/jq-1.6-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
Warning: Failing to enable the Orchestrator setting that ensures buckets are automatically created with the correct CORS policy causes issues with downloading from storage buckets, which you must address by making manual updates to the CORS policy.
To confirm that the setting has been enabled, run the following command:
kubectl -n uipath get cm orchestrator-customconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.values\.json}' | jqkubectl -n uipath get cm orchestrator-customconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.values\.json}' | jq

If the setting has been enabled, the command should return the following response:

  "AppSettings": {
    "Storage.CreateBucket.OnTenantCreation.Enabled": "true"
  "AppSettings": {
    "Storage.CreateBucket.OnTenantCreation.Enabled": "true"


UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp 工具可帮助您执行操作,例如将所有租户的身份数据从独立移动到 Automation Suite 以及合并组织。

要下载 UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp,请参阅下载安装包

要查看哪个 UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp 版本与您的环境兼容,请参阅兼容性矩阵

用于管理 Microsoft SQL Server 的工具

您必须下载并安装 SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 或类似工具才能管理 Microsoft SQL Server。 此工具可帮助您将 Orchestrator 数据库还原到 Automation Suite SQL Server 实例或其他 SQL Server 实例。

  1. 下载并安装 SQL Server Management Studio

  2. 使用独立 SQL 连接字符串登录独立 SQL Server。

  3. 打开源数据库和目标数据库的端口 1433


在大多数情况下,连接密码都包含在单引号 (') 中。但是,当密码包含特殊字符(例如 `$)时,则需要采用不同的方法。
在这些情况下,密码的格式必须为 \`"<password>\`",并将 <password> 替换为实际密码。此外,您还必须遵守下表中详述的转义规则:

ADDU 中的原始格式

PowerShell 字符串中的转义格式

cn=James $ Smith

"cn=James `$ Smith"

cn=Sally Wilson + Jones

"cn=Sally Wilson \+ Jones"

cn=William O'Brian

"cn=William O'Brian"

cn=William O`Brian

"cn=William O``Brian"

cn=Richard #West

"cn=Richard #West"

cn=Roy Johnson$

"cn=Roy Johnson$"


假设原始密码为 7'8:<=XMe$y[@vC?_4ZeY8c-~y'W!1dU4gnczuf'/p>j<I。遵循特殊字符转义规则,它将变为:Password=\`"7'8:<=XMe`$y[@vC?_4ZeY8c-~y'W!1dU4```gnczuf'/p>```j<I\`"


./UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp.exe migrate -a -m -s ",1433;Initial Catalog=UiPath_20230531;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=username;Password=asiodhyf;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=30;" -d ",1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Platform;Persist Security Info=False;User;Password=\`"7'8:<=XMe`$y[@vC?_4ZeY8c-~y'W!1dU4```gnczuf'/p>```j<I\`""./UiPath.OrganizationMigrationApp.exe migrate -a -m -s ",1433;Initial Catalog=UiPath_20230531;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=username;Password=asiodhyf;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=True;Connection Timeout=30;" -d ",1433;Initial Catalog=AutomationSuite_Platform;Persist Security Info=False;User;Password=\`"7'8:<=XMe`$y[@vC?_4ZeY8c-~y'W!1dU4```gnczuf'/p>```j<I\`""


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