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Guide d'installation d'Automation Suite

Dernière mise à jour 22 janv. 2025

Pods bloqués dans Init:0/X


Les pods de description utilisant le volume LH sont bloqués à l'état Init:0/X (où X est un entier représentant le nombre de conteneurs), et la commande de description kubectl du pod renvoie un événement MapVolume.MapPodDevice échoué pour le volume d'événements.


Pour résoudre ce problème, exécutez la commande suivante :

for podPv in $(kubectl get events -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.reason == "FailedMapVolume" and .involvedObject.kind == "Pod" and (.message | contains("MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume") and contains("Could not mount \"/dev/longhorn"))) | .involvedObject.namespace + "=" + + "=" + (.message | match("(pvc-[0-9a-z-]+)").captures[0].string )') ; do 
  echo "Found 'FailedMapVolume' error: '${podPv}'"
  NS=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
  POD=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
  PV=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f3)
  [[ -z "${NS}" ]] && echo "Could not extract namespace for error: '${podPv}'" && continue
  [[ -z "${POD}" ]] && echo "Could not extract pod name for error: '${podPv}'" && continue
  [[ -z "${PV}" ]] && echo "Could not extract Persistent Volume for error: '${podPv}'" && continue

  controller_data=$(kubectl -n "${NS}" get po "${POD}" -o json | jq -r '[.metadata.ownerReferences[] | select(.controller==true)][0] | .kind + "=" + .name')
  [[ -z "$controller_data" ]] && echo "Could not determine owner for pod: ${POD} in namespace: ${NS}" && continue
  CONTROLLER_KIND=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
  [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller kind for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}' && continue
  CONTROLLER_NAME=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
  [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller name for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}' && continue

  if [[ $CONTROLLER_KIND == "ReplicaSet" ]]
    controller_data=$(kubectl  -n "${NS}" get "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -o json | jq -r '[.metadata.ownerReferences[] | select(.controller==true)][0] | .kind + "=" + .name')
    CONTROLLER_KIND=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
    [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller kind(from rs) for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}'" && continue
    CONTROLLER_NAME=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
    [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller name(from rs) for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}'" && continue

  org_replicas=$(kubectl -n "${NS}" get "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "$CONTROLLER_NAME" -o json | jq -r '.status.replicas')

  echo "Scaling down ${CONTROLLER_KIND}/${CONTROLLER_NAME}"
  kubectl -n "${NS}" patch "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":0}}"
  if kubectl -n "${NS}" get pod  "${POD}" ; then
    kubectl -n "${NS}" wait --for=delete pod "${POD}" --timeout=300s
  if kubectl get volumeattachment | grep -q "${PV}"; then
    volumeattachment_id=$(kubectl get volumeattachment | grep  "${PV}" | awk '{print $1}')
    kubectl delete volumeattachment ${volumeattachment_id}
  [[ -z "$org_replicas" || "${org_replicas}" -eq 0 ]] && org_replicas=1
  kubectl -n "${NS}" patch "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":${org_replicas}}}"
donefor podPv in $(kubectl get events -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.reason == "FailedMapVolume" and .involvedObject.kind == "Pod" and (.message | contains("MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume") and contains("Could not mount \"/dev/longhorn"))) | .involvedObject.namespace + "=" + + "=" + (.message | match("(pvc-[0-9a-z-]+)").captures[0].string )') ; do 
  echo "Found 'FailedMapVolume' error: '${podPv}'"
  NS=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
  POD=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
  PV=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f3)
  [[ -z "${NS}" ]] && echo "Could not extract namespace for error: '${podPv}'" && continue
  [[ -z "${POD}" ]] && echo "Could not extract pod name for error: '${podPv}'" && continue
  [[ -z "${PV}" ]] && echo "Could not extract Persistent Volume for error: '${podPv}'" && continue

  controller_data=$(kubectl -n "${NS}" get po "${POD}" -o json | jq -r '[.metadata.ownerReferences[] | select(.controller==true)][0] | .kind + "=" + .name')
  [[ -z "$controller_data" ]] && echo "Could not determine owner for pod: ${POD} in namespace: ${NS}" && continue
  CONTROLLER_KIND=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
  [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller kind for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}' && continue
  CONTROLLER_NAME=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
  [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller name for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}' && continue

  if [[ $CONTROLLER_KIND == "ReplicaSet" ]]
    controller_data=$(kubectl  -n "${NS}" get "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -o json | jq -r '[.metadata.ownerReferences[] | select(.controller==true)][0] | .kind + "=" + .name')
    CONTROLLER_KIND=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
    [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller kind(from rs) for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}'" && continue
    CONTROLLER_NAME=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
    [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller name(from rs) for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}'" && continue

  org_replicas=$(kubectl -n "${NS}" get "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "$CONTROLLER_NAME" -o json | jq -r '.status.replicas')

  echo "Scaling down ${CONTROLLER_KIND}/${CONTROLLER_NAME}"
  kubectl -n "${NS}" patch "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":0}}"
  if kubectl -n "${NS}" get pod  "${POD}" ; then
    kubectl -n "${NS}" wait --for=delete pod "${POD}" --timeout=300s
  if kubectl get volumeattachment | grep -q "${PV}"; then
    volumeattachment_id=$(kubectl get volumeattachment | grep  "${PV}" | awk '{print $1}')
    kubectl delete volumeattachment ${volumeattachment_id}
  [[ -z "$org_replicas" || "${org_replicas}" -eq 0 ]] && org_replicas=1
  kubectl -n "${NS}" patch "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":${org_replicas}}}"
  • Description
  • Solution

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