Productivity Activities
Last updated Sep 13, 2024

File Updated



Executes an automation workflow when a file is updated in the specified location. An update can consist of: renaming a file, modifying its contents and saving it, modifying its metadata etc. This trigger supports shared Drives.


This activity requires the following scopes:




Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Google Drive connection - The connection for the Google Workspace account to use in the activity.
  • In location - The location of the updated file. This field accepts IResource input. Click the Folder docs image icon to browse available folders.
    • Select the Reload File Data option if you've modified your folders and need to retrieve the latest data.

  • Additional filters - Click this field to open the Filter builder and configure additional criteria to check on the created event. Supports filtering on the following fields: Created by (email), File extension, Name, Google Drive Labels.
Additional options
  • File - The updated file that can be used further in the workflow, stored in an GDriveRemoteItem variable. Automatically generated output variable. You can use it as it is or save it with a different name.
  • Job Data - Contains job info, such as Process name, Process version, Workflow name, Robot name, and mode of execution.


  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Example

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