Automation Suite unter Linux – Installationsanleitung
Last updated 15. Okt. 2024

Pods stecken in Init:0/X


DescriptionPods, die das LH-Volume verwenden, stecken in Init:0/X fest (wobei X ein Integer ist, die die Anzahl der Container darstellt), und der Befehl „kubectl describe“ im Pod gibt „MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed“ für Volumes in Ereignissen zurück.


Führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus, um dieses Problem zu beheben:

for podPv in $(kubectl get events -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.reason == "FailedMapVolume" and .involvedObject.kind == "Pod" and (.message | contains("MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume") and contains("Could not mount \"/dev/longhorn"))) | .involvedObject.namespace + "=" + + "=" + (.message | match("(pvc-[0-9a-z-]+)").captures[0].string )') ; do 
  echo "Found 'FailedMapVolume' error: '${podPv}'"
  NS=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
  POD=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
  PV=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f3)
  [[ -z "${NS}" ]] && echo "Could not extract namespace for error: '${podPv}'" && continue
  [[ -z "${POD}" ]] && echo "Could not extract pod name for error: '${podPv}'" && continue
  [[ -z "${PV}" ]] && echo "Could not extract Persistent Volume for error: '${podPv}'" && continue

  controller_data=$(kubectl -n "${NS}" get po "${POD}" -o json | jq -r '[.metadata.ownerReferences[] | select(.controller==true)][0] | .kind + "=" + .name')
  [[ -z "$controller_data" ]] && echo "Could not determine owner for pod: ${POD} in namespace: ${NS}" && continue
  CONTROLLER_KIND=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
  [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller kind for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}' && continue
  CONTROLLER_NAME=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
  [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller name for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}' && continue

  if [[ $CONTROLLER_KIND == "ReplicaSet" ]]
    controller_data=$(kubectl  -n "${NS}" get "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -o json | jq -r '[.metadata.ownerReferences[] | select(.controller==true)][0] | .kind + "=" + .name')
    CONTROLLER_KIND=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
    [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller kind(from rs) for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}'" && continue
    CONTROLLER_NAME=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
    [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller name(from rs) for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}'" && continue

  org_replicas=$(kubectl -n "${NS}" get "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "$CONTROLLER_NAME" -o json | jq -r '.status.replicas')

  echo "Scaling down ${CONTROLLER_KIND}/${CONTROLLER_NAME}"
  kubectl -n "${NS}" patch "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":0}}"
  if kubectl -n "${NS}" get pod  "${POD}" ; then
    kubectl -n "${NS}" wait --for=delete pod "${POD}" --timeout=300s
  if kubectl get volumeattachment | grep -q "${PV}"; then
    volumeattachment_id=$(kubectl get volumeattachment | grep  "${PV}" | awk '{print $1}')
    kubectl delete volumeattachment ${volumeattachment_id}
  [[ -z "$org_replicas" || "${org_replicas}" -eq 0 ]] && org_replicas=1
  kubectl -n "${NS}" patch "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":${org_replicas}}}"
donefor podPv in $(kubectl get events -A -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select(.reason == "FailedMapVolume" and .involvedObject.kind == "Pod" and (.message | contains("MapVolume.MapPodDevice failed for volume") and contains("Could not mount \"/dev/longhorn"))) | .involvedObject.namespace + "=" + + "=" + (.message | match("(pvc-[0-9a-z-]+)").captures[0].string )') ; do 
  echo "Found 'FailedMapVolume' error: '${podPv}'"
  NS=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
  POD=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
  PV=$(echo "${podPv}" | cut -d'=' -f3)
  [[ -z "${NS}" ]] && echo "Could not extract namespace for error: '${podPv}'" && continue
  [[ -z "${POD}" ]] && echo "Could not extract pod name for error: '${podPv}'" && continue
  [[ -z "${PV}" ]] && echo "Could not extract Persistent Volume for error: '${podPv}'" && continue

  controller_data=$(kubectl -n "${NS}" get po "${POD}" -o json | jq -r '[.metadata.ownerReferences[] | select(.controller==true)][0] | .kind + "=" + .name')
  [[ -z "$controller_data" ]] && echo "Could not determine owner for pod: ${POD} in namespace: ${NS}" && continue
  CONTROLLER_KIND=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
  [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller kind for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}' && continue
  CONTROLLER_NAME=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
  [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller name for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}' && continue

  if [[ $CONTROLLER_KIND == "ReplicaSet" ]]
    controller_data=$(kubectl  -n "${NS}" get "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -o json | jq -r '[.metadata.ownerReferences[] | select(.controller==true)][0] | .kind + "=" + .name')
    CONTROLLER_KIND=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f1)
    [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_KIND}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller kind(from rs) for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}'" && continue
    CONTROLLER_NAME=$(echo "${controller_data}" | cut -d'=' -f2)
    [[ -z "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ]] && echo "Could not extract controller name(from rs) for pod: '${POD}' in namespace: '${NS}'" && continue

  org_replicas=$(kubectl -n "${NS}" get "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "$CONTROLLER_NAME" -o json | jq -r '.status.replicas')

  echo "Scaling down ${CONTROLLER_KIND}/${CONTROLLER_NAME}"
  kubectl -n "${NS}" patch "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":0}}"
  if kubectl -n "${NS}" get pod  "${POD}" ; then
    kubectl -n "${NS}" wait --for=delete pod "${POD}" --timeout=300s
  if kubectl get volumeattachment | grep -q "${PV}"; then
    volumeattachment_id=$(kubectl get volumeattachment | grep  "${PV}" | awk '{print $1}')
    kubectl delete volumeattachment ${volumeattachment_id}
  [[ -z "$org_replicas" || "${org_replicas}" -eq 0 ]] && org_replicas=1
  kubectl -n "${NS}" patch "$CONTROLLER_KIND" "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" -p "{\"spec\":{\"replicas\":${org_replicas}}}"
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