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Automation Suite Installation Guide

Last updated Nov 21, 2024

AWS deployment parameters

This page documents the AWS parameters you need to configure when deploying Automation Suite to AWS.


The Template-hosting S3 Region parameter must match exactly the AWS region in which you try to deploy. If the region does not match, the deployment does not succeed.

Keep the default settings for the parameters labeled Quick Start S3 bucket name, Quick Start S3 bucket Region, and Quick Start S3 key prefix. If these input parameters are altered, the deployment does not succeed.

Table 1. Availability Zone Configuration

Parameter label (name)


Default value


Availability Zones

  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable

Requires input

Choose up to three Availability Zones to use for the VPC subnets.

Number of Availability Zones

  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Choose the number of Availability Zones to use in the VPC.

For a new VPC, this must match the number you set using the Availability Zones parameter.

For an existing VPC, you can set two or three Availability Zones.

Deploy Bastion host

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Deploy a Bastion host inside the public subnet.

Table 2. Network Configuration

Parameter label (name)


Default value



  • Existing VPC

VPC CIDR block, in the format x.x.0.0/16.


  • Existing VPC

Requires Input

ID of the existing VPC.

Public Subnets IDs

  • Existing VPC

Blank string

List of public subnet IDs where the internet-facing Load Balancer and the Bastion host will be deployed

Private Subnets IDs

  • Existing VPC

Requires Input

List of private subnet IDs.

Table 3. Automation Suite Instance Configuration

Parameter label (name)


Default value


Instance key pair

  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Requires input

Existing key pair to connect to virtual machine (VM) instances.

Instance AMI id

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Blank string

AMI ID to use for the creation of the EC2 instances of the cluster.

When the AMI ID is not specified, the default version deployed is RHEL 8.3 for non GPU VM and RHEL 8.2 for GPU VM.

GPU instance AMI id

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Blank string

AMI ID to use for the creation of the GPU-enabled EC2 instance.


  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Blank string

ARN of a pre-deployed IAM Role with sufficient permissions for the deployment.

IAM Role name

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Blank string

Name of a pre-deployed IAM Role with sufficient permissions for the deployment

Table 4. Automation Suite Deployment Configuration

Parameter label (name)


Default value


Deployment Type

  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Single Node

Install Automation Suite in single-node evaluation mode or multi-node HA-ready production mode.

Enable cluster backup

  • New VPC – backup is enabled by default but not exposed as a parameter
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Enable the cluster backup.

Load Balancer

  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Select either an Application Load Balancer (ALB) or a Network Load Balancer (NLB). If you select a Network Load Balancer, then you must configure the TLS certificates manually post deployment.

Perform Installation

  • Existing VPC


Perform the Automation Suite installation.

Automation Suite Version

  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC
e.g. 21.10.0

Automation Suite version to install.

Automation Suite Product Selection

  • New VPC

Default platform

Choose Default platform to install Orchestrator, Action Center, Test Manager, Insights, Automation Hub, Automation Ops.

Choose Entire platform to additionally install Apps, AI Center, Task Mining, Document Understanding.

Installer download URL

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Blank string

Custom URL for installer download. Leave empty to use the UiPath version.

Add GPU enabled VMs
  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC
falseChoose true to add a GPU-enabled VM to the deployment.

Extra configuration keys

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Blank string

Extra configuration keys to add to the cluster configuration.

Validity of the self signed certificate
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Validity, in days, of the self-signed certificate that the deployment uses to encrypt traffic inside the VPC.

Table 5. Automation Suite Services

Parameter label (name)


Default value


Service install flags


  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Choose if a specific service is installed in the cluster.

Table 6. DNS or SSL Configuration

Parameter label (name)


Default value


Hosting FQDN

  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Requires input

Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for Automation Suite. This must be either a subdomain or root domain of the of ID of Route 53 hosted zone parameter.

ID of Route 53 hosted zone

  • New VPC
  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Requires input

ID of the Route 53-hosted zone.

ARN of the ACM hosted certificate to use

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Blank string

ARN of the certificate present in the ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager) to use with the ALB.

Use Internal Load Balancer

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Choose if you want to use an internal load balancer.

Table 7. RDS Configuration

Parameter label (name)


Default value


Engine of SQL Server deployed on RDS

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Choose the RDS Microsoft SQL engine.

Version of SQL Server deployed on RDS

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC


Choose the RDS Microsoft SQL version.

KMS Key Id used to encrypt RDS storage

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable
  • Existing VPC

Blank string

KMS Key ID to use for the encryption of the RDS storage.

Table 8. Quick Start S3 bucket configuration

Parameter label (name)TemplateDefault valueDescription
Template folder
  • New VPC

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable

  • Existing VPC


You must not change the value.

Template-hosting S3 Region

  • New VPC

  • New VPC, in-depth configurable

  • Existing VPC


Must match the region where you deploy the resources in AWS. For example, if you want to deploy in us-east-1, select us-east-1.

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