Automation Suite
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Automation Suite Installation Guide
Last updated Apr 19, 2024

Step 3: Post-deployment Steps

This page walks you through the steps you need to take once the deployment is complete.

Note: When using Azure Bastion, keep in mind that copy-pasting commands split over multiple lines (using \) may not work as expected. To ensure new lines are interpreted correctly, use the console's clipboard widget.

Validating the Installation

To check if Automation Suite was installed successfully, you must go to the storage account. The installation is complete if you find an auto-generated file called successFullInstall in the container.

Updating Certificates


The installation process generates self-signed certificates on your behalf. However, the Azure deployment template also gives you the option to provide a CA-issued server certificate at installation time instead of using an auto-generated self-signed certificate.

Self-signed certificates will expire in 90 days, and you must replace them with certificates signed by a trusted CA as soon as installation completes. If you do not update the certificates, the installation will stop working after 90 days.

For instructions, see Managing certificates.

Accessing Deployment Outputs

Once the installation is complete, you need to access the Deployment Outputs in the Outputs tab.

To do that, go to your Resource Group, and then to Deployments → mainTemplate (or something like Microsoft.Template-DateTime) → Outputs.

Deployment Outputs




A link to the documentation.


The Load Balancer URL. Can be used for direct access.

If custom domains were enabled this is the domain that you would use for the CNAME binding.


The Azure Portal URL for the Key Vault created by the deployment. It contains all the secrets (credentials) used in the deployment.


The URL for accessing ArgoCD. This is available within the VNet. External access to this URL must be set up as described in: Step 4: Configuring the DNS.


The password used to log in to the ArgoCD portal.

HostAdminUsername and HostAdminPassword

The credentials used for Host Administration.

All credentials used in the deployment are stored as secrets inside a Key Vault provisioned during the deployment. To access the secrets, filter the resources inside the Resource Group, search for Vault, and then click Secrets.

If you see the The operation “List” is not enabled in the key vault’s access policy warning under the Secrets tab, take the following steps:
  1. Go to Access policies → Add access policy → Configure the template → Secret Management → Select Principal.
  2. Select your user, then click Save.
  3. Navigate back to Secrets. The warning should be gone, and the secrets should be visible.

Accessing cluster VMs

The VMs are provisioned inside a private VNet. You can access them through Azure Bastion by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the resource group where you have deployed Automation Suite.
  2. Because agents, GPU agents, and server VMs are inside Scale Sets, you have to go to the Scale Set that contains your desired instance.

  3. Go to the Instances section in the Settings tab.

  4. Click the name of the VM you want to connect.

  5. Click the Connect button, and then choose Bastion from the drop-down menu.

  6. Enter the credentials provided in the deployment (Admin Username and Admin Password parameters, which you can find in the credentials keyvault, under Secrets) and click Connect.

DNS requirements

As mentioned in Step 1: Preparing your Azure Deployment, the Automation Suite Azure deployment creates a Load Balancer with a public IP and a DNS label associated. This DNS label is Microsoft-owned.

The deployment also provisions a Private DNS zone inside the cluster VNet and adds several records that are used during the installation and configuration process.

If you choose to connect from an external machine, you will not be able to use the private DNS zone to resolve the DNS for various services, so you need to add these records to your host file.

See Step 4: Configuring the DNS for more details.

You should now be able to connect to various services running on your cluster.

Accessing Automation Suite General Interface

The general-use Automation Suite user interface serves as a portal for both organization administrators and organization users. It is a common organization-level resource from where everyone can access all Automation Suite areas: administration pages, platform-level pages, service-specific pages, and user-specific pages.

See Interface tour for more details.

To access Automation Suite, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://${Loadbalancer_dns}, where <loadbalancer_dns> is the DNS label for the load balancer and is found under outputs.
  2. Switch to the Default organization.
  3. The username is orgadmin.
  4. Retrieve the password by going to Keyvault, then Secrets, and then Host Admin Password.

Accessing host administration

The host portal is where system administrators configure the Automation Suite instance. The settings configured from this portal are inherited by all your organizations, and some can be overwritten at the organization level.

To access host administration, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://${Loadbalancer_dns}, where <loadbalancer_dns> is the DNS label for the load balancer and is found under Outputs.
  2. Switch to the Host organization.
  3. Enter the username you previously specified as a value for the UiPath Admin Username parameter.
  4. Enter the password you previously specified as a value for the UiPath Admin Password parameter. Retrieve the password by going to Keyvault,Secrets, and then Host Admin Password.

Accessing ArgoCD

You can use the ArgoCD console to manage installed products.

To access ArgoCD, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://alm.${Loadbalancer_dns}, where <loadbalancer_dns> is the DNS label for the load balancer and is found under Outputs. Note that you must configure external access to this URL as described in Step 4: Configuring the DNS.
  2. The username is admin.
  3. To access the password, go to the Outputs tab or the credential Keyvault.

Accessing Rancher

Automation Suite uses Rancher to provide cluster management tools out of the box. This helps you manage the cluster and access monitoring and troubleshooting.

See Rancher documentation for more details.

See Using the monitoring stack for more on how to use Rancher monitoring in Automation Suite.

To access the Rancher console, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://monitoring.${Loadbalancer_dns}, where <loadbalancerdns> is the DNS label of the load balancer and can be found among the Outputs of your deployment.
  2. The username is admin.
  3. To access the password, run the following command:
    kubectl get secrets/rancher-admin-password -n cattle-system \ -o "jsonpath={.data['password']}" | echo $(base64 -d)kubectl get secrets/rancher-admin-password -n cattle-system \ -o "jsonpath={.data['password']}" | echo $(base64 -d)

Scaling your cluster

Compute resources provisioned from the deployment consist of Azure Scale Sets, which allow for easy scaling.

You can manually add additional resources to a specific Scale Set, including adding server nodes, agent nodes, or specialized agent nodes (such as GPU nodes).

You can perform a manual scale by identifying the specific Scale Set and add resources directly.

To do so, take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Azure Portal and filter on the specific Scale Set:

  2. Select the appropriate Scale Set and click Scaling.

  3. Modify the Instance count field either by using slider or the input field next to it, and then click Save.
    Note: For Server Scale Sets, the instance count needs to be an odd number.
  4. The scaling operation should start in the background, and new resources become available upon completion.

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