Automation Suite
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Guia de instalação do Automation Suite
Last updated 24 de jul de 2024

Etapa 1: remover chaves antigas de cache do Identity

To remove the old Identity cache keys, take the following steps:

  1. To retrieve the Redis password, run the following command:
    kubectl --kubeconfig <directory of SF cluster yaml file> get secrets/redb-redis-cluster-db -n uipath --template '{{ .data.password }}' | echo $(base64 -d)kubectl --kubeconfig <directory of SF cluster yaml file> get secrets/redb-redis-cluster-db -n uipath --template '{{ .data.password }}' | echo $(base64 -d)
  2. To retrieve the Redis port, run the following command:
    kubectl --kubeconfig <directory of SF cluster yaml file> get secrets/redb-redis-cluster-db -n uipath --template '{{ .data.port }}' | echo $(base64 -d)kubectl --kubeconfig <directory of SF cluster yaml file> get secrets/redb-redis-cluster-db -n uipath --template '{{ .data.port }}' | echo $(base64 -d)
  3. To access the Redis node, run the following commnad:
    kubectl  --kubeconfig <directory of SF cluster yaml file>  exec -i -t -n redis-system redis-cluster-0 -c redis-enterprise-node "--" sh -c "clear; (bash || ash || sh)"kubectl  --kubeconfig <directory of SF cluster yaml file>  exec -i -t -n redis-system redis-cluster-0 -c redis-enterprise-node "--" sh -c "clear; (bash || ash || sh)" 
  4. To delete the old keys, use the retrieved password and port and run the following command:
    redis-cli -p <Port number> -a <Password> --scan --pattern is:* | xargs redis-cli -p <Port number> -a <Password> delredis-cli -p <Port number> -a <Password> --scan --pattern is:* | xargs redis-cli -p <Port number> -a <Password> del 
  5. To end the session, run the exit command.

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