Automation Suite Admin Guide
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

Interface Tour

On this page, you can get familiar with the user interfaces for Automation Suite.

We also go over which parts of the user interface are common to all users, which ones depend on the particular mix of services you have installed in your Automation Suite instance, which ones depend on the services that are active in your organization, and which ones depend on the roles of the particular user.

About the Automation Suite Portals

Automation Suite comprises several portals meant to be used by administrators or by users in general:

  • Automation Suite - this is the main user interface and is an organization-level portal for both organization administrators and organization users
  • Automation Suite host portal - host-level portal for system administrators
  • Orchestrator host portal - host-level portal for system administrators responsible for configuring and maintaining the Orchestrator host.

Continue reading to learn more about each portal.

Main Interface

The general-use Automation Suite user interface serves as a portal for both your organization administrators and organization users. It is a common organization-level resource from where everyone can access all of your Automation Suite areas: administration pages, platform-level pages, service-specific pages, and also user-specific pages.

Although the portal is available to all, each user sees only the options for which they have the appropriate roles assigned, so the interface can look slightly different from one user to the next.

The left rail: You access the various areas from the navigation bar on the left edge of the page, called the left rail. The selected item opens in the main page area of Automation Suite.

Dynamic interface: The interface is dynamic and comprises two types of features:

  • common features, which are available for everyone
  • service-specific features, which may or may not be available, depending on your organization's purchased services, active services in your organization and in your tenant, and the permissions for your user account.

Common Features

The following features are available to everyone:

Note: The Admin page is only available to users who have the organization administrator role.

Service-specific Features

The availability of the following features varies, depending on:

  • the services that are available for your organization
  • the services that are active for your tenant (services can be available in one tenant, but not in another)
  • your permissions (you cannot see or access services for which you do not have permissions).

For example, you won't see AI Center on the left rail or the Document Understanding section in the Home page if your organization doesn't own these services.

For more information about accessing service-specific features, see Managing access.

Administration Interfaces

Host Portal

The host portal is for system administrators to configure the Automation Suite instance.

The settings that you configure from this portal are inherited by all your organizations and some can be overwritten at the organization level.

For more information about how to use this portal, see the documentation under the Host Administration category of this guide.

Organization Portal

At the organization level, administrative options are available to organization administrators from the Admin pages of the Automation Suite portal (main interface).

Orchestrator Host Portal

The UiPath Orchestrator host portal is available from within the Automation Suite host portal (see above). It allows system administrators to configure Orchestrator at the host level.

These settings are inherited by all your Orchestrator instances across the organization and some can be overwritten at the organization level.

For more information about how to use this portal, see the UiPath Orchestrator documentation.

Accessing Each Portal

From the Login page for Automation Suite, you can access:

  • the host portal, if you are a system administrator (left image)

    If the Organization name field is shown, type host to access the host portal.
  • Automation Suite for any organization to which you have access (right image).

The organization on the login page is set to the last organization you accessed, so you don't need to type it in every time you log in.

Switching Organizations

Logging in to a different organization

If you want to log in to a different organization, on the Login page, click Change next to the current organization name and then change the name to the name of the organization to which you want to connect, as shown in the above image.

Note: The Organization name field is case-sensitive, so make sure you type the exact name.

You may use the same username and password as for the previous organization if you have been added as a user to both organizations, or you may need to use another set of credentials for the user account you own which was added to the other organization.

Logging in to the host portal

Note: Only system administrators can access the host portal.
To log in to the host portal, on the Login page, set the organization name to the value host and then provide your system administrator credentials.

Accessing the Orchestrator Host Portal

Note: Only system administrators can access the Orchestrator host portal.

The Orchestrator host portal is accessed from the Automation Suite host portal, by clicking Go to Orchestrator in the top right:

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