Workflow Activities
Last updated Oct 22, 2024

Time Trigger


The Time Trigger activity allows you to schedule a recurrent time to start a job. In Studio Web, when you publish a project this activity, it automatically creates the appropriate trigger in Orchestrator in your personal folder.

Project Compatibility

Windows | Cross-Platform


  • Trigger every - The numerical value for the trigger execution. This relates to how often the trigger starts according to the frequency.
  • Frequency - The type of frequency on which the trigger executes. The available options are:
    • Minute(s) - Specifies the frequency in minutes when the trigger executes.
    • Hour(s) - Specifies the frequency in hours when the trigger executes.
      • Starts at minute - Specifies the minute of the hour at which the trigger executes.
    • Day(s) - Specifies the frequency in days at which the trigger execute.
      • At what time - Specifies the time of the day when to repeat the trigger.
    • Week
      • On the following day(s) of the week - Allows you to select the day or days of the week to repeat the trigger.
      • At what time - Specifies the time of the day when to repeat the trigger.
    • Month(s)
      • On - Allows you to choose between using the day of the month or the day of the week for the interval to repeat the trigger.
        • Days of the month - Specifies the day or days of the month to repeat the trigger. The following options are available for selection: "Last day of the month", "Last weekday of the month", or A specific day of the month.
          Note: If you choose "Last day of the month" or "Last weekday of the month", you cannot combine them with another selection.
          • On the following day(s) of the month - Specifies the day or days of the month to repeat the trigger.
          • At what time - Specifies the time of the day when to repeat the trigger on the selected date.
        • Days of the week - Specifies the day or days of the week to repeat the trigger.
          • On the following day(s) of the week - Specifies the day or days of the week on which to repeat the trigger.
          • At what time - Specifies the time of the day when to repeat the trigger on the selected day.
  • Advanced (Cron expression)
    • Cron Expression - Allows you to configure an advanced cron expression for the trigger frequency. This field is only available when Advanced (Cron expression) is selected as the frequency.
      • The cron expression format is {Seconds} {Minutes} {Hours} {Day of month} {Month} {Day of week} {Year}
        For example: the cron expression 5 6,18 ? * * means "Trigger at 5 minutes past hour 6 and 18 on every day-of-week".

Cron expression fields:

FieldMandatoryAllowed ValuesAllowed Special Characters
secondsYes0 - 59

, - * /

minutesYes0 - 59, - * /
hoursYes0 - 23, - * /
day of the monthYes1 - 31, - * / ? L W
monthYes1 - 12 or JAN - DEC, - * /
day of the weekYes1 - 7 or SUN - SAT, - * / ? L #
yearNoblank or 1970 - 2099, - * /

Special characters used in cron expressions:

*Used to indicate all values for the given field.* * * ? * * would trigger every second, whereas 0 * * ? * * would trigger every minute, more specifically at second 0 of each minute.
?Used to indicate that no value is specified. May be used only in the day of the month or day of the week fields. 0 0 0 15 * ? * would trigger at midnight on the 15th day of each month, whereas 0 0 0 ? * 2 * would trigger at midnight each Monday.
-Used to indicate a range of values.0 0 9-17 ? * 2-6 would trigger every hour from 9:00am until 5:00pm on Monday through Friday.
,Used to indicate additional values.0 0 9-17 ? * 2-6 would trigger every hour from 9:00am until 5:00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
/Used to indicate increments of the given field(s).0 0 2/3 ? * 2/7 would trigger every three hours, starting from 2 a.m. on Mondays, beginning at midnight.
LUsed to indicate Last. May be used only in the day of the month or day of the week fields. For day of the week, it can be used after another value, for example 6L to indicate the last Friday. 59 59 23 L * ? would trigger at 11:59:59pm on the last day of each month, whereas 59 59 23 ? * 2L would trigger at the same time but only on the last Monday of each month.
WUsed to indicate the nearest weekday to the given value. May only be used with the day of the month field. 0 0 0 15W * ? would trigger at midnight of the nearest weekday to the 15th, every month. If the 15th is a Saturday, it would trigger on Friday the 14th, whereas if the 15th is Sunday, it will trigger on Monday the 16th.
#Used to indicate a desired monthly occurrence of the given value, for example the first Friday, or fourth Thursday. May only be used with the day of the week field. 0 0 17 ? * 6#1 would trigger at 5:00pm on the first Friday of every month.

This can be used only once in the expression.

Properties panel

  • Timezone - Select the timezone of your time trigger. If the property is not set, tenant timezone is used.
  • Job Data - Contains job info such as process name, job key, workflow name, user name, user email, and timestamp.
  • Project Compatibility
  • Configuration
  • Properties panel

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