Workflow Activities
Last updated Oct 22, 2024

Modify Text


Updates a text value using modifications including find and replace, trim, and combining (concatenating) with another text value.

Project compatibility

Windows | Windows - Legacy


  • Text to modify - Enter the text to modify.

    • In StudioX, click Plus on the right side of the field, and then indicate the text using one of the options from the menu:

      • Data from the Project Notebook, a parent Excel file or email account. For example, select an Excel file and then select a cell, or indicate a field from a selected email in Outlook.
      • Ask when run - Prompt for the text when the project is executed.
      • Paste from clipboard - Paste a value that you previously copied to the clipboard in the project.
      • Text - Enter the text in the Text Builder.
      • Use Saved Value - Select a value that you previously saved for later use in the project.
      • Open in Advanced Editor - Enter a VB expression.
    • Add modification - Select the modification to perform. You can add as many modifications as you need in the order in which you want them to be performed. A new activity is added to enable you to configure each modification:
    • Find and replace - Adds a Find and replace text activity inside Modify Text.

      • Search for / Replace with - Enter the text to search for and the text to replace it with. In StudioX, the same options are available as for Text to modify.
      • Match case - Select this option if you want to only find and replace words that match the capitalization of the text to search for.
    • Combine text - Adds a Combine text activity inside Modify Text.

      • New text to add - Enter the text to combine with the text being modified. In StudioX, the same options are available as for Text to modify.
      • Add new text to - Select whether to add the text to the left or to the right of the text to modify.
    • Trim - Adds a Trim text activity inside Modify Text.

      • Select Trim left to remove leading white spaces and/or Trim right to remove trailing white spaces from the text to modify.
    • Text to Upper/Lowercase - Adds a Text to Upper/Lowercase activity inside Modify Text.

      • Change text to - Select how to change the text to modify (all Uppercase or all Lowercase).
    • To test the modifications added so far, click Test, then enter a text and click Test to test the current modifications.
  • Save result as - Save the modified text.

    • In StudioX, click Plus on the right side of the field, and then use one of the options from the menu to indicate where to save the result:

      • Save to a cell in the Project Notebook or a parent Excel file.
      • Copy to clipboard - Save the text to the clipboard, and then paste it in another activity in the project.
      • Save for Later Use - Save the text for later use in your project as input for another activity.
      • Open in Advanced Editor - Enter a VB expression.

In the Properties Panel

  • Display Name - The name displayed for the activity in the Designer panel.
  • Text to modify - The text value to be modified.
  • Private - If selected, the values of variables and arguments are no longer logged at Verbose level.
  • Save result as - Store the resulting string value.
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration
  • In the Properties Panel

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