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Workflow Activities

Last updated Mar 11, 2025

App events how-to guides

This page includes guides and resources that can help you learn how to create automations using the activities in this package.


Step-by-step guides on how to create automations from scratch. Each tutorial includes a project that you can download and open in UiPath Studio.

Tracking Progress in Apps in Real Time Using Interim Process ResultBuilds a process in Studio that involves sending intermediate data to UiPath Apps using the Send Interim Result activity. The app displays a progress bar (using Slider control) in real-time as the tables are populated with data.
Building a real-time calculatorHelps you implement a real-time communication between UiPath Apps and attended automations.

Studio Web templates

Preconfigured projects that automate common scenarios. You can use a template as is or you can use it as a starting point for a new project to avoid starting from scratch. Templates are also a good way to learn how to automate.

You can find the following templates with activities from this package in Studio Web:

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